Our Priorities: Anal Sex and Orgasms

Our Priorities: Anal Sex and Orgasms
by Anonymous Observer

Recently, I posted an article about a report on sexual habits, which had the title of  Experimentation, orgasms, and the rise of anal sex.  It was posted in the News section of the site.  Now, as we all know, News items don’t have as many readers as blog or article entries.  To add to the dynamic, this post wasn’t even featured.  Nonetheless, since it was posted nine days ago, it has had an astonishing 1776 hits.  In comparison, on the same day, this news item was posted about the fate of Iranian refugees who have fled the country after the post election crackdown.  That post, as of today has had 169 hits.  I assume that we can all agree on which post really deserves more attention (hint: NOT the anal sex one).

So, the question is: where are our priorities?  Anal sex is more important that our fellow countrymen and women? Don’t get me wrong, I am al for a diversity of articles and reading material, but this site is ultimately a site about Iran and its affairs.  And in the current situation, with sanctions, threats of war and refugees, should a post about anal sex get that many more hits than one about refugees—or more hits than other articles, blogs and news items about Iran?  Is this an indication of where our priorities are? 


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by Rea on

Is this about sex ? Or about Iran ? Or about Iranian sex ? 

Clarify your position, figuratively speaking. ;o) 


Come on silent IC readership, don't be just peeping toms

by Aryana-Vaeja on

Say something. 3,764 hits on this blog as of this post, surely others besides us can chime in on the discussion here and at least offer a view. Someone kindly lubricate the discussion further, please, so others may contribute as well :) 


May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Yasna XXX 9


Well, we need to know if we are short changed

by divaneh on

Joking aside, it's not just about attention to sex. We do not get many articles of the sort and on addition to the fact that sex attracts attention, it is also the difference that exacerbates it in this instance. I am trying to say that if most articles were in general about sex and then an article about Iran appeared, there would be a good chance that it received a large audience.

Another interesting fact:

Have you noticed that despite 3502 hits so far (impressive) only 7 people (including this one) with exception of the author have commented on the blog?


Sex Sells

by deev on

As proven by every marketing research firm in the world sex sell yet refugee stories are upsetting so it's no surprise at all, readers of this site before being Iranian are merely humans, cultured or not sex appeals to all humans!

Anonymous Observer

Yolanda & OI

by Anonymous Observer on

Yolanda: I think it's a real picture.  Pretty funny, isn't it?

OI: I noticed it.  Pretty interesting.  Proves the point of the blog! 



by yolanda on

OMG! The blog photo is very suggestive! Is that a real photo?

Wow! I guess human-beings are very voyeuristic!


Wow AO, you have a point. 1200 hits on this blog too already!!!

by Onlyiran on

and when did you post it?  A few hours ago?!!! And the blog is not even featured.




by Aryana-Vaeja on

We're totally on the same page about all this. Thanks for the heads up too :)


May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Yasna XXX 9

Anonymous Observer


by Anonymous Observer on

understood.  :-)



by Rea on

PS. I've been had once with talk about orgasms.

No way this time. ;o) 

Anonymous Observer

Dear Rea

by Anonymous Observer on

Thanks for the compliment.  That was actually a news post.  I actually found it interesting when I posted it, for the same reason that Wahid finds the subject  interesting.  

Hits do count, I think.  It just shows that the post attracts enough interest.   And as far as this blog, I just wanted to do a comparison, and see what people's opinion was about the high hit count on one and the low hit count on the other.


Anonymous Observer

Bavafa-y- Gerami

by Anonymous Observer on

Many times I see a well written article or a subject with a profound relevance to our mother land and Iranians, but short or absent of controversial type tone and you see little or no responses. Yet, you see much more traffic on those blogs that has little to no substance yet controversial .

True.  I don't know why some of these articles get featured.  Fred puts out two blogs a day.  Some are OK, but I don't know why he gets a spot on the front page all the time.   Same thing with other blogs.  I see many good pieces by people like Wahid which don't get the attention they deserve.  I don't know.  Perhaps readers are more personality driven than content driven.

Thanks for the comment.   

Anonymous Observer

Wahid Jaan

by Anonymous Observer on

Given that the majority of our people back home are leading quiet or not so quiet lives of desperation due to existing realities, I wouldn't judge this too harshly. Sometimes people just don't want to think about the abrasive arguments of politics and religion anymore and just want to...Sex or discussions about it is the natural outlet or the first place they are going to turn.

Very good point.  As far as your other point, I think I have made up MY mind. I believe it's a positive thing, although in a different way.  I think that old religious taboos (Abrahamic ones mainly) about sex are being shed, and people are actually experiencing what is really an inseparable part of human existence.  More sex between consenting adults can only lead to more harmony.

Thanks for the comments both on this and on the news piece.  As I have always said, you're a learned man, and I always learn a lot from you. 


Frankly, hits mean nothing

by Rea on

Read your blog about orgasms, simply because it was AO, I like your writing. Learnt nothing, didn't comment.

Read the blog about the Iranian refugees. Learnt a lot, even if I didn't comment.

But what am I supposed to learn here ?



AO Jaan: Great blog and a great point, which I often wonder abou

by Bavafa on

Many times I see a well written article or a subject with a profound relevance to our mother land and Iranians, but short or absent of controversial type tone and you see little or no responses. Yet, you see much more traffic on those blogs that has little to no substance yet controversial .

I believe there are users/writers (Fred, Q, Dirty Angel,... to name a few) that use this to gather attention to their blogs.

If you look at Fred's blog and its trend… every time he starts losing the audience, he comes up with some controversial buzz words just to bring them back but there is no change in substance, still same repetitive crap.



Don't be surprised

by Aryana-Vaeja on

In the social domain (whether in the real world or the virtual world of cyberspace) sex is higher on the list of the vast majority of people's priorities than much of anything else, especially politics. And as you know more of the internet is devoted to porn than anything else. I haven't made up my mind yet whether this phenomenon is to be judged negatively or positively. Most people seem to judge it negatively. However since I see the human sexual urge as the material, emotional manifestation of the hidden human spiritual urge to reunite to source, that people's sexual priorities are more pronounced and higher than ever should say that more people are desperately seeking to reunite to the reed bed (neyestan) more than ever too.

Given that the majority of our people back home are leading quiet or not so quiet lives of desperation due to existing realities, I wouldn't judge this too harshly. Sometimes people just don't want to think about the abrasive arguments of politics and religion anymore and just want to...Sex or discussions about it is the natural outlet or the first place they are going to turn.

BTW like that news post I seem to be the only person responding to this blog as well.


May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Yasna XXX 9