عید رضوان مبارک Baha'is Celebrate the Festival of Rezvan


 عید رضوان مبارک   Baha'is Celebrate the Festival of Rezvan
by alborz

From April 21 to May 2, Baha'is observe the Festival of Rezvan. This most holy day commemorates the anniversary of Bahá'u'lláh's declaration in 1863 that He was the Promised One of all earlier religions.  April 21, 1863 marks the beginning of the Baha'i Faith.

Bahá'u'lláh was first banished from His native land in 1852, the beginning of 40 years of exile,  and persecution. He was sent first to neighboring Baghdad.  Fearing that Bahá'u'lláh's acclaim would re-ignite popular enthusiasm for the Babi movement in Persia, the Shah's government successfully convinced the Ottoman authorities to send him farther into exile.

In April 1863, before leaving Baghdad, Bahá'u'lláh and His companions camped in a garden on the banks of the Tigris River. From 21 April to 2 May, Bahá'u'lláh shared with those Bábis in His company that He was the Promised One foretold by the Báb and in all the world's scriptures.

The garden became known as the Garden of Rezvan (Paradise). The anniversary of the twelve days spent there are celebrated in the Bahá'í world as the most joyous of holidays, known as the Rezvan Festival.

On 3 May 1863, Bahá'u'lláh rode out of Baghdad, on His way to Constantinople (now Istanbul), accompanied by His family and selected companions. He had become an immensely popular and cherished figure. Eyewitnesses described the departure in moving terms, noting the tears of many scholars, government officials and onlookers and the honor paid to Him by the authorities.

Baha'is celebrate the Rezvan Festival through devotions and social gatherings.

Annually, at this time, Baha'is also elect members of local and national administrative bodies, called Spiritual Assemblies. Baha'u'llah taught that in an age of universal education, there was no longer a need for a special class of clergy. Instead, he provided a framework for administering the affairs of the Faith through a sytem of elected councils at the local, national and international levels.

Baha'i elections occur through secret ballot and plurality vote, without candidacies, nominations or campaigning.

In 1868, Bahá'u'lláh and His family arrived in the harsh penal colony of the Ottoman Empire, Acre.  This was the final stage in His long exile and where he was to spend the rest of His life, in Acre and its environs. 

On 29 May 1892, Bahá'u'lláh passed away. His remains were laid to rest in a garden room adjoining a restored mansion, which is known as Bahji. For Bahá'ís, this spot is the most holy place on earth.

!عید رضوان مبارک



more from alborz


by Souri on

Nur had left his website link here, why don't you go there to join him? What are you waiting for?

Run run, don't stay one minute more in this darkness here! Go there and save yourself (you will do us a favor)


I miss you, Nur ! Without you we are in Darkness !

by Erooni (not verified) on

Tahirih you are sick. You need psychological help. The impact of punches of NUR are seen on your brain.


Thirih jan,

by Real Irani (not verified) on

doste aziz dast bardar man javab e Erooniro dadam be title in blog negah kon Alborz khodesh Ridvan ro Rezvan spell kardeh ajaba!!! Appology accepted don't bother!
In Erooni khodesh hiche nadareh begeh bichareh ba neveshtehayeh anti Bahai slogan e NUR hal mikardeh hala ke NUR rafteh kami kesel shodeh be in ashkhas mesleh Erooni migan anti Bahai no brainer payeh mambar neshin.


Real Irani and Erooni are the same person " Nur"!!!!

by Tahirih on

Nur, be careful , your very obvious!!   I flaged you.

I am watching you:))))




by Real Irani (not verified) on

send him an e mail and beg him to come back or go to hell to visit him your choice.

Happy Rezvan to all my baha'i friends.


Missing my friend NUR

by Erooni (not verified) on

I am missing my friend NUR.

Mona 19

سوری خانوم...

Mona 19

شما لطف دارید, در اولین فرصت در محفل گرم مشأعره شرکت می‌‌کنم.

روزتان به خیر و خوشی‌، مونا :)


Happy Ridvan

by Alexx on


به شما هم تبریک، طاهره و سوری عزیز...


و همگی‌ دوستان این سایت.



Happy Ridvan beloved friends

by nemah (not verified) on

Just wishing the best of both worlds to come.
Happy Ridvan


Dear Alborz happy Ridvan to you ...

by Tahirih on

and all the bahais all over the world.




Mona jan

by Souri on

Thank you for this beautiful input and Happy Rezvan to you.

We miss you badly in that moshaereh blog, you know?

You are the Queen of poetry, why you deprive us from your great contribution? 

Please come to see us, we are waiting for you.


Mona 19

عید رضوان بر عاشقان مبارک باد.

Mona 19

همه را بیازمودم ز تو خوشترم نیامد              
چو فروشدم به دریا چو تو گوهرم نیامد
سر خنبها گشادم ز هزار خم چشیدم              
چو شراب سرکش تو به لب و سرم نیامد 

عید رضوان، سلطان اعیاد دیانت بهائی، را با بیانات حضرت بها الله به همه شما عزیزان تبریک میگویم.

"... مژده به جان دهید که جانان تاج ظهور بر سر نهاده و ابوابهای گلزار قدم را گشوده. چشمها را بشارت دهید که وقت مشاهده آمد و گوشها را مژده دهید که هنگام استماع آمد. دوستان بوستان شوق را خبر دهید که یار بر سر بازار آمد و هدهدان سبا را آگه کنید که نگار اذن بار داده.

ای عاشقان روی جانان، غم فراق را به سرور وصال تبدیل نمایید و سم هجران را به شهد لقا بیامیزید.اگر چه تا حال عاشقان از پی معشوق دوان بودند و حبیبان از پی محبوب روان، در این ایام فضل سبحانی از غمام رحمانی چنان احاطه نموده که معشوق طلب عشاق می نماید و محبوب جویای احباب گشته. این فضل را غنیمت شمرید و این نعمت را کم نشمرید..."

مونا :)


Happy Ridvan

by Souri on

To all Bahai friends. Thanks dear Alborz for the historic info.


Happy Ridvan to all Iranian Bahai friends

by Anonymous.dust (not verified) on

Happy Ridvan to all the Baha i friends