Zoroastrian revival (1)

Parsee Zoroastrians who migrated from Persia to India over a thousand years ago

"Zarathushti Culture - A Revival" shows the renewed efforts of Parsees to revive and safekeep their culture in India. It was made by the Zarathusti Cultural Foundation. The interesting clips are shown with an asterisk, and the best ones are marked by two asterisks.

[part 1][part 2][part 3*][part 4][part 5][part 6*][part 7*][part 8][part 9][part 10][part 11][part 12**][part 13*][part 14*][part 15][part 16][part 17 (missing?)][part 18*]


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By "Party" she means "Being from Paart"

by Paarty Guy (not verified) on

Lots of hamvatans misinterpret it with "Celebration"

Keep up the good job My beloved Paarty Girl


I like Party girl's name

by Parthian on

I was also wondering how she has time to live up to her name with all her dedication to this site. Having said that, party on, and be excellent.



by Yash (not verified) on

If anyone takes faith in God seriously, they will never base it on nationalistic or ethinic reasons. I am muslim because I feel that it is the true religion sent by God to a man which happens to be an arab. Muhammad could have been an african, british, or an Iranian. What difference does it make. The most important thing is that we praise the creator the best we know how. At the same time we love our country because it is our mother land. Most recent converts to Zorastism is based on either their hatred against the true word of God (Islam) or it is based on "vatanparasti". so, if you are worshiping your country rather than your God, then that is your choice. and if you hate Islam and the word of Your God, that is also your choice. I'm not against Zoratoism, but we really don't know anything about it. I love Iran and I love Islam, and I will die for either one. Just like I love my Mother and Father. But I must say, I love Islam 1000 times more than I love Iran. I love Muhammad two time as much as I love Iran. and I Worship God which is beyond Love.


Charge JJ big time!

by Hessam (not verified) on

Party Girl,

You have dedicated a big portion of your time for Iranian.com and I think JJ owes you big time. He is just going around and have fun and you are dong all the work for him. Take a break girl and see what happens to Iranian.com....mikhasam ye sooseh koochooloo oomadeh basham...Bebakshid agha JJ...


Zoroasterian and Iranian!!!!!

by J.Bond (not verified) on

تا همین دیروز ها هر بلایی ایرانی ها سر زرتشتی ها اوردن.دور نریم همین دوران صفویه که مانکجی برای نجات زرتشتی ها به ایران امد و جریانهایی که به دنبال داشت... حالا امروز یکدفعه همه زرتشتی شدند.یا با گلوبند اهورا مزدا میرن یا اگر برنامه پخش میشه یک تصویر اهورا مزدا پشت گوینده نصب شده.از ممالک اسلامی انتظار بیشتر نداشته باشید


Returning to our Persian/ Iranian roots...

by Anoyed (not verified) on

If Iranians want a religion, why not going back to Zoroastrian which is truly a Persian / Iranian religion with a Persian / Iranian profit Zoroast.

Why we let this repression, under a barbaric Arab religion Islam, to go on. Is !400 years not enough?


Excellent job Party Girl .

by samsam1111 on

As a  notable reference, it,s worth mentioning that Parsees were only one of the groups of Iranic tribes who thru 3 centuries post Arab-conquest gradualy mass migrated outta Eran proper via 3 passages, 1- Caucuses to Georgia & beyond (the remainder of Alans) , eastern Caspian beyond Aral lake / Marjana & the last group via south passage to Islands of Persian gulf & beyond to Bombai/India .  Thanks for your time consuming presentation . one of those rare 20 minutes well spent on the site.

Cheers & Keep well !