Papar & Rayhaneh

(Great) comedians



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from Da-Profeet to Rayhaneh

by Da Profeet! (not verified) on

dear Rayhaneh,

1 - I apologize if hurt anybody's feeling.
2- you are right in that that I am an old man and I need help. Well, I’m the Profit! (Meaning, I am a mad man who thinks his mental hallucinations are form something! He can’t see the source, so he calls it God!) So I need help form my disciples (believers) to come around me and let me lead them to whatever they think would calm them! (that’s what old men do, they cannot fuck, cannot have a job, can’t stay late, so they become preachers, like all fucking priests and mollas and Popes and so on!)
3- my beef with you was that you were insulting another girl for her appearance, and you were with her boy friend or something! So, you used your SEX, to belittle another girl for her being ugly!
4- I wish, younger people be more creative and show something more articulate than just being fucked w/ another’s ugly girl’s boy friend. Excuse my language!
5- by the way, Da-Profeet means: a sarcastic name for all the fucking people who claimed to be a profit from some fucking mental hallucinations called creator, god, and so one, and more, to make fun of all believers to any kind of stupid belief system, to manipulate poor stupid naive people. If need more let me know!


Just checking on Topoli and Mopoli

by Shemshad (not verified) on

How is the cow? Incidentally, got milk????


Stupid girls they are...

by Sheida (not verified) on

The only thing I see here is two snobby girls, who cares if you are half russian half persian? a sterotype about russians is that they are very loose and they let others fuck them easily. You proved the sterotype. Sad...

The video was vulgar and inappropriate and I feel sad for you and your parents who let this video get broadcast. The video was not even funny( This comes from a person who has a very wide taste in funny stuff). The video was simply fucking half persian half russian retarded coming from two retarded half russian half persian mugs.

I don't give a rat if you claim that you don't read the comments anymore. The criticizing comments are marred all over your retarded lives from the moment you got this type of sad personality to the moment your fat asses hit the ground.

I would like to apologize to myself for being rude but I had to be when I see people like these TWO RETARDED HALF RUSSIAN HALF PERSIAN MUGS... seems the russian side has really overcome the persian side...


I like topoli and pashmaloo

by Too baad (not verified) on

perfect combination if you ask me. . .especially if they have daddy complex. . .they make amazing lovers. . .looking to please a father figure. . .ah in the end they end up rejecting the persian side and getting married to a Mark or a tender poet named Jonathon, but not before they've had some crazy unhealthy mad sex emphasized relationship with an Irooni bad boy whose scar they carry. MMMMMMM the one's I've scarred and the ones who've scarred me back. . . it's the unstability that makes up the great sex. . . once you go persian there is no other version. . .nobody else is simultaneously full of pride and arrogance and hate and shame for their ethnicity . . . You haven't lived until you've had a persian girl tremble naked next to you simply whispering the words "kheili badi" as her body over powers her will. Ultimately it's that same duality that screws them in the head too much :) as fun as a road side ied I say :)
Ghorboonetooon beram :)


I'm done

by Rayhaneh (not verified) on

Hey everyone...and others who claim they 'know' me *shakes head/rolls eyes*

I just wanted to let you all know that I am done with this page. And you should be too...I have school and work to attend to and I can't be bothered anymore with this type of ignorance. So if you really have nothing better to do then go ahead..make some comments but we won't be reading them anymore so you are really just having a conversation with yourselves.

Bye, wish you all a life.

R. & P.



by Papar & Rayhaneh (not verified) on

Sorry we're not going to put the video up anywhere...its over and done with so just leave it but thanks for all who watched and got a few laughs.

"back in the day guy"

Please shut it,we don't need to explain our lives to you.

Once again, here's another reason for me to hate my other half


Jahanshah, Please, Please Don't remove this video. PUT IT BACK

by "I am the real Anonymous you sucker" (not verified) on

A lot of other people want to see it. At least post a link to another location where it can be found.


I see you two sisters haven't changed with time. . .

by Back in the day (not verified) on

I see you still claim to be half "russian" because you consider having a parent from shomal (caspian) as being Russian. Whatever Rayhaneh. . .same Kaka you used to pull back in school. If it makes you feel more exotic to say you are half russian rather than to say you parent comes from Rasht, then go ahead. Here's the thing though. . .you're getting all worked up at all of these people (I guess now me included) getting on your case because you are uncomfortable with who you are. . . so what if you're topol, or pashmaloo. . .the fact is you're topol and there is nothing wrong with that, and the fact that your eyebrows don't really look like that or the rest of your body hair has been yanked out is fine too. Guess what I'm saying is first be comfortable with who you are (that way if you are making fun of who you are a in a clip and someone throws you some lines it won't cause your blood pressue to reach dangerous stroke levels!)

Peace and a box of chocolate girl.


look who is talking about class

by Rayhaneh (not verified) on


First off don't go running your mouth on who is retarded you hear me? If you want to run your it in my face you coward. Ps, I hate the name Azita reminds me of chadors.

Like I said before to you apes...Neither my beautiful sister nor I said ONCE in our song that we are talking about a persian girl. We are talking persian yes...(one point for you) but we never say that our ficitonal character is persian. Funny how you say the word pashmalo and everyone thinks about persian girls like Azita.

Secondly, you need to learn how to use proper grammer...instead of spending so much time on the internet I suggest you go to an english school and brush up on your dissing skills.

You call me unclassy? Iranians have this really odd perspective of themselves as a classy culture. NO MY DEAR..I don't think I am classy or above anyone else. I am me! A normal girl I don't think I am better than anyone (other than you) and I don't hate on others while they have a bit of fun.

My suggestion to you is to wax your face and maybe go skiing and hit into a tree Sonny style. OK? You got that? Now put away your dictionary and go to bed.

Nightnight chador face.



by Rayhaneh (not verified) on


well at least we now know who exactly lives in a glass house...

hair removal products eh? Four days eh? You know way too much about this shit.

Ps, we wrote the song especially for you.

Peace out.


Give and take

by Rayhaneh (not verified) on think you can say shit and it will slide?

I am not even going to comment on the personal stabs you took on us just because they are not as important as the personal comments I am going to stab at you.

Thank you for mirroring our video in your message. Our song was rude..stupid..and silly just like your retarded message. The difference between us though is that we knew this very well before we made the video, whereas you actually take what you say seriously like you have spared some deep wise thoughts to us. Our parents have seen the video and they laughed their asses off just as we intended to do. This is because they have something called..ready for it?....sense of humour.

You on the other hand have something called...too much time on your hands. We never went on video and said..'hi we are papar and rayhan and we are models' so you calling us topol is not really mind blowing to me. No i am not stick thin asshole I have curves like breasts and hips that I am soooooooo very proud of because they compliment my 4.0 GPA honours Unversity brain asshole. Beat that...

So just because we tried to bring some humour into the lives of our friends doesn't mean that this is your turn to try to make two innocent girls go suicidal...People like your fucking ugly ass make me sick. You got that asshole? SICK.

I hope you have kids and they kill themselves because of shit like this. That's what you deserve.

Fucking pillow bitter.



by Rayhaneh (not verified) on

Mittra the beginning of your message was pretty cool! Thanks for sticking up...but dude...BJ's? I don't love that...why are you even thinking about that.

Don't really appreciate it...but you make up for it.



American Jackass

by Rayhaneh (not verified) on

You ugly lonely iranian man.

First of all, you're not funny...not the least bit. And you are telling us to lose weight? You're an idiot...I wish I could meet you in person and I would want you to say that to my face instead of hiding behind the internet JACKASS. I am happy with who I am and what I look like and if I look obese to you then that is fine I dont give a shit your opinion means nothing...nothing at are worthless and make no impact on anything..


you accent is very noticable through your grade 3 level spelling.



Bahman you ASS

by Rayhaneh (not verified) on


you think its funny to make fun of someone eh? I want you to post a video of yourself please...a picture..a sound recording...anything. I want you to subject yourself to what we had to be subjected to.

You are calling my sister a cow? Who the fuck do you think you are? I want to see your face...I want to meet you. I want to laugh in your face because I know exactly what you look like and how you are before even seeing you. Please...prove me wrong! I'm begging you!!!! DO IT. I will bow down to you if your comments don't pertain to yourself.

You're an asshole and a coward because I know that you will never do it.

Make fun of my sister????? I will knock your ugly head right off of your twiggy body you unworthy piece of mammal flesh. You don't even deserve to live in a free country. I really hope you live in Iran.


You are an absolute idiot

by Rayhaneh (not verified) on

get a pimp or get a life eh?

You are not worth the effort in writing this message but I shall do it anyways for the goodness of spirits.

Perhaps Mr. Da Profeet (what a fucking ridiculous name by the way) the fact that you would even exercise those two options blows my mind away. Two girls one wearing a tee shirt and another wearing a sweater singing a fucking stupid song for fun have the dilemma of choosing to be a whore or finding a life. Thank you very much but I love my life...I can see that you don't really know what to do with yours. So here is my suggestions for you old man...

...why don't you get a job, girlfriend, pet, friend, anything that allows you to interact with people instead of spreading your negativity on the net.

and most importantly....GET SOME HELP.


...a few things

by Rayhaneh (not verified) on

Hey I understand what you mean. I get it.

We made this video for our friends not for everyone to view it and share their two cents about life and religion, ok? Also, don't you dare point fingers at us..not once in our song did we say that we are talking about an Iranian girl! So just proves more about your mentality.

Also I find it so bitter sweet that you try to show us, 'the Britney Spears generation,' the light by exemplifying Whitney Huston. Perhaps its best for you to go and read up on your popular culture!

...thank you for not making stupid comments like 'your ugly'...i appreciate that much from you.



Hey bahareh, We took our

by Rayhaneh (not verified) on

Hey bahareh,

We took our videos off because of all the hate we have received from these apes. We don't deserve to be faced with racist and cruel comments. I hope you understand my dear.

Spread love not hate.



by Rayhaneh (not verified) on

Are you trying to say that all Russian girls are sluts? So we have a bad attitude because we are part russian? because we made a silly video? Do you know me to not be able to stand my attitude? Who the hell do you think you are? Hiding behind initals eh? You think we put ourselves on this site? NO, someone else embedded our youtube video you idiot! Go and get yourself a life instead of finding things to comment on the internet. Like seriously, I pity you! You fucking racist.



by PAPAR AND RAYHANEH (not verified) on

So Papar gave you guys a piece of her mind and I feel like I should give you all a piece of my mind too.

For all of you who called us names like "ugly, fat, stupid, sluts, etc" I just want to stress to you all that firstly, we didn't go on youtube telling everyone that we are supermodels and I would certainly like to see pictures of ALL of you who made comments like that. I bet on what I own and will ever own in my life that not even ONE of you sad sad idiots would have the guts to do what we did.

my sister and I made that song up like 5 years ago and it has been funny to us ever since. We thought...why not post it up and see if we can get a laugh from some of our local friends. Unfortunately, the video was picked up and spread to sites like these (which I have never heard about and don't understand the use of) so that lonely, sad, depressed fuckups can make horrible and cruel remarks??? No way! You think you guys know us? You lonely idiots even bring quotes from the Bible!!!! What the fuck?

It's a stupid song, and yes it has bad language..THAT IS WHY WE SAID THAT IN THE BEGINNING!!! Don't act like you have never sworn in your life! It is a joke and that is it! You guys are acting like its some type of traditional poetry!

Then you guys take it further to insult our nationality? Call us sluts because we are part Russian? How dare you! Don't talk about shit that you know nothing about. You act like all persian girls are these timid virgins...ha! If so you need to come out of your cave and/or get laid. Furthermore, we did not make this video to insult iranian women...honestly you guys...its a funny song thats all it is...there are no secret messages in there! Take it for what it is worth....not very much!

Last words: I am so disturbed by all of your unnecessary comments. Especially those of our image and nationality. It doesn't get to me because I know that this is the essential culture of Iranian people. You put down, compare, and hurt others to artifically inflate your own ego's. And, it is for these reasons that I couldn't care less what ANY of you idiots could say about us. Yes, I am educated (BA), yes, I am a complete goofball and super nerdy, NO, I am not a model (nor do I EVER want to be) and Yes, I am bi-racial and I could not be prouder.

I, from the bottom of my heart, PITY all of you who decided to take out their own insecurities out on us because we aren't full persian or because we made a potty mouth song.

I will certainly pray to Allah and my Russian God for all of you.


where's the original?

by bahareh (not verified) on

girls i LOVED the original video. i guess JJ got feedback and removed it. it was so funny. please let me know if it's posted elsewhere.


Everyone's a critic

by Anonymous.- (not verified) on

This is called making an obscene mess, not creating something. Then again if this is your kind of creativity, please enjoy it and keep playing over and over!


Nothing wrong with the song but. . .

by Everyone's a critic (not verified) on

Here's the thing my dears (and I mean that in its most heartfelt way) You have decided to create something. Once one has opted to create, one should have the courage to take the shots that might be fired at the creator's direction (fair or unfair).

The truth is people who don't create don't have to face criticism, but then again they never get the amazing feeling that comes with creation. Since you seem to be fond of simpler langugage: "it's the price you pay for the life you choose"

If it was my choice I would chose to create and let the critics have their shots (good or bad). Ultimately it's up to you two, but remember even the best comics can recount being booed off stage at the Laugh Factory.

It is often said that "cursing is a crutch for conversational cripples"

As creative as you two have proven to be, I am sure you can come up with better words of expression in your response than "fuck" and "shit" These words are kinda like condiments in a conversation, too much tends to overpower the flavor of truth in any logical conversation.

Oh and in case you think I am of your grandfather's generation because of my opinions... I was wakling around with tattoos and noserings 22 years ago (not many Iroonis were back then. . . so I'm not of your generation, but I'm not the out of touch or moved here after high school generation either :). Take care, keep creating. . .you win some. . . you lose some.



by Papar & Rayhaneh (not verified) on



so lame

by A.A (not verified) on

For all the people who think why this two girl acting the way they do, well,i was watching one of their video, and one of the girl in this video wrote that their mother is russian and father is persian,ha no wonder they act so spoild with bad attitude like they are better or something, cannot stand that attiute and i have seen that before, they think they are funny, for many people here in this site they arenot.


I still don't understand all the lyrics!

by fredy2 (not verified) on



More emphasis on soap news and culture is required

by Anonymous Joe (not verified) on

I don't think mainstream media is making people as dumb as they should, more time should be given to this very important matter of making Americans more air heads than they are. Of course most Americans are not air heads, but mainstream media is trying their very best to make them dumber, just look at the quality of their programs.

If children like this are our future (a line from a song by Whitney Houston), may God bless our future. I understand they (these two in the video) are young and were having fun, but resorting to negatively making fun of any certain people (in this case Iranians), for the sake of having fun is truly sad. Woopee the Britney Spears culture and mentality. Forget class, let's just stick to the abc's of..., I forgot, never mind, woopee the Britney Spears school of airheadness. Sad (but they are young and hopefully someday they will realize that their video wasn't cool at all, quite to the contrary).



by Shabnam (not verified) on

What are you thinking?


get a pimp! get a life! or a

by Da Profeet! (not verified) on

get a pimp! get a life! or a half life, it would be better than this you'r having!


What the hell is wrong with you people??

by mmmsssttttt (not verified) on

I have to agree with the rest and say that this clip for the most part is chert, it's meant to be silly, but who are you people commenting and saying they are fat and ugly-what is wrong with you guys?! You think they have no class because they are trying to have fun, and here most of you are on this site talking major trash-like thats classy? It's because of people like you that young kids are having self-image issues. If you don't like the clip-say bi mani bood, but don't start calling people ugly and fat and useless.



by Cheezaki on
