Nefrin Nameh (2)

"Molhed" recites poetry by "Babak"

See [Part 1]



Couldn't have said it any better!

by pedrampasha on

Excellent! I just LOVE this!

One can not be both Iranian and Muslim, choose which side you are on...

I choose IRAN! Zendeh Bad Iran va Irani, Zendeh Bad Iran Azad! Nefrin bar Harchi Akhoondeh, che ba Amameh che bi Amameh!


We lost our country because

by Look who is talking (not verified) on

We lost our country because of islam and islamists and ayatollahs. Ride Sally! Ride!

50,000 youth executed. Mustang Sally!

500,000 lost in war. Allah! Allah!

$3 trillion wasted and robbed for palestine and lebanon and iraq and and personal use. Ride Sally! Ride! Allah! Allah!

4 million immigrants. Funny!

Jobless addicted youth. We will! We Will! ROCK YOU!

50,000 tomans for sigheh of 17-year old girl. Bismillah! Mama Mia!

Prostitution rampant, even by the tehran chief of police. Mustang Sally! Ride Sally! Ride!

All because of islam, islamists, from Omar to khomeini to antarinejad. All very funny!

Reminder: #1 was 7 tomans, now it is 970 tomans. Take a chance on me! Take a chance! Take a chance! Take chance on me!

Pencil was 1 rial, now 200 tomans. Bismillah!

Match box was 1 rial, now 100 tomans. Ride Sally! Ride!

Bring it on baby!



by Anonymous ... (not verified) on

Why are Islamists so thin skinned anyway, it is hypocritical. For 1400 years Islamists have been insulting; intimidating; stoning; murdering and otherwise making lives of non Moslems miserable. But they cannot handle one poem or a few cartoons that criticizes them. Well this is just the beginning. In the past they could stop criticism because they had the upper hand through control of governments. Now with the protection of the west and power of the internet there will be plenty more to come.

If they don't like it then better stop the behavior that brings the criticisms. When they go around beating women because of their hair or calling people najis because they are not Moslems, they are inviting criticism. When they give fatwahs demanding murder of people who disagree with them, they are inviting criticism. When they carry out the fatwahs they are inviting prosecution! The world has had it with this garbage and won't tolerate it anymore. People including Iranians have also had it with this.


Mr. Big Mind

by Davoud (not verified) on

Well, well, well, Mr. Big Mind. Nice to have you here with us. You look so smart and handsome with that hat, so please illuminate us with your goddly speech and suggestions, and tell us what to do and how to get rid of these monsters.


Small minds

by Abarmard on

Get influenced by pure emotions...

1979 happened, we have the experience, this is what we get out of it? 

What have we learned? 


Nice but...

by AnonymousFeshang (not verified) on

still way too nice for the crimes that these monster evil devils and their religion and their ungodly god committed against iran. We lost our country and nobody knows when this disaster ever ends.

We lost our country because of islam and islamists and ayatollahs.

50,000 youth executed.
500,000 lost in war.
$3 trillion wasted and robbed for palestine and lebanon and iraq and and personal use.
4 million immigrants.
Jobless addicted youth.
50,000 tomans for sigheh of 17-year old girl.
Prostitution rampant, even by the tehran chief of police.

All because of islam, islamists, from Omar to khomeini to antarinejad.

Reminder: #1 was 7 tomans, now it is 970 tomans.

Pencil was 1 rial, now 200 tomans.

Match box was 1 rial, now 100 tomans.


Allah allah allah! La elaha

by Look who is talking (not verified) on

Allah allah allah!
La elaha el allah!
Allah Allah!
Allah Allah!
Allah! Allah! Aallah!
La elaha el allah!

Endless crane! Allah!
legalized prostitution named sigheh! Allah allah!
looting of iranian wealth for palestine, lebanon, and personal bank accounts in persian gulf states...
because of lack of job for youth...
Allah allah allah!
La elaha el allah!
Allah Allah!

Bring it on!


Not Illegal

by Shamse Vazir (not verified) on

What is illegal about this video? is run in the USA and according to the first amendment there is total freedom of speech. Yes, it's anti-Islam but it is not illegal. Just the same way that holocaust denial is not illegal.

Why is this any worse than that?


See who is talking...

by Anonymous me (not verified) on

Commenter said:

Your precious Koorosh and Dariush have been dead for MILLENNIA! get over yourselves and have a dose of reality.

So why are you still mourning for those Shia Imams who have been dead for MILLENNIA? Get over it, and get a dose of reality, those thugs have been dead for 1400 years. They could not do a jack for humanity when they were alive, let alone now that they have been dead for 1400 years. Get over it, stop praising them, mourning for their murder, and celebrating their dead birthdays, and visiting their shrine and asking them for healing that they could not deliver when they were alive. When they were alive, they were only good at killing people and calling it "shojaat" and fighting "koffar", in exact same way that their descendants, seyyed khomeini and seyed khalkhali murdered tens of thousands of iranian youth, referring to them as mofsedo-fel-arz and moharreb-ba-khoda.


You wanna know why islam bashing?

by Anonymous me (not verified) on

Becuase of endless murders...
because of rape of our country in front of our eyes...
because of hangings by cranes...
becuase of nothing but lies that all ayatollahs told and tell us...
because of legalized prostitution named sigheh...
because of looting of iranian wealth for palestine, lebanon, and personal bank accounts in persian gulf states...
because of lack of job for youth...
becuase of rampent opitum...
because of rampent corruption...
because of daily oppression...
because of endless lies and deceits...
becuase of destroying our country and forcing us to immigrate...
because of forcing dress code or else you can be kidnapped, imprisoned, raped, or murdered...
because of discrimination of women who were kings and queens before islam came and half-human-worth after islam...

And all this has been going on for 30 long years...

And all was done in the name of islam and allah... ask any ayatollah in shia iran... they are the ones who define shia islam and they will tell you that is the true islam... that is what expert ayatollahs say, not me and you...

Had islam stayed within its own boundaries and would not have turned our 1st world country into a 3rd world country after 1400 years of domination, nobody would be insulting and bashing it today... the fault belong to islam... whether islamists like it or not... not iran or iranians...

Ayatollahs have had the firmest grip on iran for the past 30 years; if their religion or their god had any grace whatsoever, they had plenty of time to show a shred of that grace to iranian people. Japan was re-made in 20 years after WWII, but iran is still struggling with culture of domination and oppression by islamists. That is the fact, that is the truth. All blame is on islam and islamists, nothing else, nothing more.


excellent poem!!!

by ali1 (not verified) on

I want to thank you for this great video and speaks nothing but the painful truth about what has happened to our beautiful vatan.
the mullahs and their goons will soon be in the dustbin of history....NO REGIME has been able to oppress its people forever- these morons are starting to even p**s off their british masters and are trying to wake up a sleeping giant in the US.
they've gotten too cocky for their own good, and soon they'll all be either hanging from the chenar trees on pahlavi avenue or swimming in the persian gulf!
javid iran


Must be joking islamist...

by Anonymous wow (not verified) on

Islamist said:

islam is part and parcel of iranian culture. PERIOD!

Yes but an ugly part. Why is it that all these islamists insist on sticking an ugly blood sucking 1400 year old leech to iran all the time? I tell you why, because even they know that islam standing on its own is a shame for iran for 30 years and a disgrace to humanity in 1400 years. So they want to play it clever and stick that blood sucking leech to iran, maybe some iranian beauty and grace would infuse into the ugly face of islam. But iran is above that and does not flow in the same river with the culture of oppression and murder that islam is.

If islam was anything but trash, it could stand tall on its own rather than sticking to iran to hide its ugly face behind the beautiful iranian culutre.

Islamist said:

Your precious Koorosh and Dariush have been dead for MILLENNIA! get over yourselves and have a dose of reality.

So do your precious mohammad, ali, and the other 13 frauds. They have all been dead for MILLENNIA as well! LOL!

Except that the beauty of koorosh and Dariush shine through the MILLENIA the same way that the ugliness of islam has been shining over iran through the MILLENIA in the last 30 years (or 1400 years - take your pick).

Islamist said:

islam is not the root of iran's problems. the root of iran's problems can be found in the culture of its people, not who they pray to in their time of need.

Okay so, hanging "Mofsed-o-fel-arz" by crane is what then? Raping young girls in prisons before shooting them because they were "moharreb allah" is what then? Naming wealth of iran "bei-ol-mal-moslemin" and sending it to lebanon and palestine is what then? And what is that legalized prostitution named "sigheh"? How about "nekah" with 9-year of girl? Why do all these ugly disgrace trands have islamic/arabic names? Why are all moslim countries sick of the same disease that did not exist in iran before islam raped the country 1400 years ago?

If iranian culture is the problem, leave that problematic culture alone to take its own route. Let that ugly islam be for arabs and their admirers. We iranians do not need islam and any of its fraudulent benefits or its Jannat.

True iranians want to be iranian, PERIOD. Iran has so much grace that does not need any blood sucking leech even when islamists try so hard to stick it to iran maybe to save islam's ugly face.


Yes I know, my dear

by Davoud (not verified) on

Yes I know what's going on in Iran. I used to live there. I hate when I see the Palestinians have priority to the Iranians. I also hate the filthy mullahs and the basijis and the pasdars. But I know that these asses don't represent either the Iranian people nor the Islam. In my point of view they are a bunch of criminals who have many powerful supporters in Europe and elsewhere in the world.



by ‫قاسم (not verified) on

‫قضیة کارد رسیده زیره گلو رو شنیدی؟ این الان قضیة ماست، شما از هر نظر توجه کنی میبینی که این کفتارا ریختن سر مردم و دارن پاره پورمون میکنند. اون خمینی جلاد اومد به امید رسیدن به یک اجتماع مدنی دموکراتیک (تیتر روزنامه ها رو که رو کلیپ است و بخوان)، در عوضش چیکار کرد؟ اون خرخالی رو انداخت به جون اجتماع که نخبههامنو که وطن پرست بودند و ماندند رو اعدام کرد. اینقدر دیوانه بود این مرتیکه که خود اخوندام رو سیاه شدند... حالا نوبت این محمود عوام فریبه. مساحبشو با لاری کینگ رو دیدی؟ مرتیکه سز هر سؤال، خودش یک سؤال میکرد... هم و غمش فلستینیا بودن، پنداری اگر اونا مشکلشون حل بود محمود حرفی دیگری برا گفتن نداشت...این هم و غم نیست، این دو دوزه بازی بیشرم وقتی کینگ ازش پرسید داستان حقوق بشر تو ایران چی میشه، محمود گفت منظورت چیه... اگار در ایران این اعدامها و زور حساب نیستن.... نخیر این کفتارها خوب میدون دارن چکار میکنن و این کلیپ کمشونه... فقط یک مشکل داره...اونم اینکه از خرخالی بی وقفه به محمود پرید.

‫پاینده باد ایران، موقعهاش رسیده، مردم به پا خیزید.


Ooje SetamKari

by Iva (not verified) on

Lanat be sareh har chi emamo oolagh hast,

I am not sure why a few are upset when someone sends a Lanat be murders of Iranians, destroyers of Iran ... islamic clerics have one goal in mind .. destroy Iran as it was known .. I have to say, they have done a good job in last 30 years ... Shame on us whom allow this to happen.


iranian are not muslim?

by Anonymous Iranian (not verified) on

comments like that exemplify how utterly clueless some people are. To say that would be equal to saying the Vatican is not catholic, or Israel is not Jewish. islam is part and parcel of iranian culture. PERIOD! Your precious Koorosh and Dariush have been dead for MILLENNIA! get over yourselves and have a dose of reality. islam is not the root of iran's problems. the root of iran's problems can be found in the culture of its people, not who they pray to in their time of need.


"Muslim bashing is not the

by Look who is talking (not verified) on

"Muslim bashing is not the same as Iranian bashing. Wanna know why? Because Iranians are not Muslims, were not muslims, and will never be!"

Yep that's right! "Islamic" Republic Of Iran doesn't exist! 9In fact Muslims don't live in Iran they live in planet Gagagoo!

Clip your heels couple of times and you are in Kansas!

Conclusion, Muslim bashing is OK.


Disgusting Poem!!

by Davoud (not verified) on

What a disgusting, tasteless, shameless poem! Let alone that it's also racist. I'm not in love with the Iranian president or their leader (I'm telling this in advance because I don't want to be accused of being a basiji or hezbolahi) but this so-called poem has gone too far. I'm neither an Arab lover but I know that there are many scientists and good people live in the Arab countries, some of them more civilized and friendlier than Iranians. I don't understand the racism here. We have problem with the mullahs, I understand it, but what it has do with the Arabs, or Islam? I'm surprised that the editors of allow such video clips to be published in their website.

Maryam Hojjat

Speak my heart!

by Maryam Hojjat on

This poem spoke my heart.  Thanks to the poet and tha lady who read it ellquently.


antarinejad speech in UN & lary king

by gold fish (not verified) on


شما چه انتظاری دارید

امیر کبیر با لیف صابون منتظر سدر و تخم مرغ و دلاک (not verified)

اگر رئیس جمهور ایران مردی قد بلند، خنده رو، فهمیده و محبوب بود که آنوقت میآمد و حق ایرانیان را از انگلیس و فواحش بلعین دیگر میگرفت! هدف انگلیس آن بود که ابلهی را بر سر کار بگذارند که کارها را خرابتر کند.

حالا شما مطمئن باشید وضع ایران بسیار خرابتر خواهد شد چون با رکود شدید اقتصاد بین الملل، اکنون موقع کشیدن شیره ایرانیان رسیده است و فقیر کردن بساز و بفروشها. زنهار که آن سرمایه گذاری ها در شمال خوابی پلید بود و اکنون به حقیقت نزدیک میشود.

یک بار به اتابک اعظم اخطار کردم که برود و سفارت انگلیس را ببندد و اموال آن را مصادره کند. گوش نکرد و عاقبت آن را ملاحظه میکنید.


ای داد

قاسم (not verified)

‫دارم نمایش لاری و محمود رو نگاه میکنم و افسوس میخورم که گیره کیا افتادیم. این مرتیکه دلش میخواد بره لوس انجلس و سانفرانسیسکو. اگر اومد لطفاً همونجا به یک بوزینه آبش کنید که تا جون داره ببرتش لوس انجلس.


This is for that "Anonymous

by hameh (not verified) on

This is for that "Anonymous Irani":

Muslim bashing is not the same as Iranian bashing. Wanna know why? Because Iranians are not Muslims, were not muslims, and will never be! They're just Arabized like the rest of non-Arab muslim countries. They were forced to accept this new faith from the deserts of Arabia by the beduin tribes comming at them with swords.. the same thing happened in Byzantium, but they were lucky to have other Christian nations help them out of their troubles. We were not so fortunate as to have other Zoroastrians assist us in ridding ourselves from the culturally and socially inferior nomads. I recommend you look into some arab history (and I insist Arab) then consider yourself a muslim if you dare. At the time of invasion, there were only a handful of literate people in Arabia, also there was no Koran devised yet (Usman came decades later). So spare us and yourselves the farse of spreading the good word of Allah. It is a fact that the occupation of other lands by these people was for one reason only; gold & women.... Anyway, if you're a Seyed, then one of the afformentioned women is probably your great great great granny! If not, don't consider yourself a Muslim unless you're from Najd or Hatharamut, or Jedda or...


Exact opposit...

by Anonymous Irani (not verified) on

Muslim bashing is same as Iranian bashings how ever you cut it.

Muslim bashing is iranian patriotism at its best, unless you view iran and iranians as sacrificial lambs for islam, the religion of oppression, murder, hanging by cranes, deceit, rapes in prisons, prostitution named sigheh, forcing hejab, arresting and rape of young girls, and looting of the wealth of the coutry for arabs and arab causes.

Muslims have been bashing and degenerating iran into a failed 3rd world country for 1400 years, only to show their ugly face in the last 30 years. It is time for revenge!

Viva iran, down with any ideology and religion which wants to dominate iran.


فقط یک کلام



 در زیر پای بوته  هرزی  شقایق له شده

اما برای ماندن  سرخش  تقلا   می‌کند



Bravo but...

by Anonymous me (not verified) on

Thus is way way way too kind with the evil who destroyed MY country in the name of his murderous religion and his brutal god. There is no phrase that can describe the true nature of the monsters who destroyed Iran. This is of course not shared by fanatic moslims who view iran as a slave to islam and a bait for their ideology. Bravo!


To Zion

by Ali1234 (not verified) on

Don't shed crocodile tears over "freedom of expression" now! Youtube itself does not allow such hate mongering and racism on its side. That's why it has the tagging option.

If a similar clip about Judaism and even about the fascist state of Israel and its ongoing crimes against humanity, was posted on this website, you would be accusing the editor and all the readers of "antisemitism" and promoting another "holocaust". So, please give me freaking break about "freedom of expression"!!


Islamist Censorship and Thought Police At It Again

by Zion on

Surprise, surpise! (As if)
'I will tag this clip on youtube for hate propaganda and racism.'

Have you no shame? Why is it you fear freedom so much? Is thsi not already proof of degeneracy?


What a hateful and

by Ali1234 (not verified) on

What a hateful and disgusting poem. This woman sounds like a psycho who needs professional help.

If it wasn't for the "maktabeh manfooreh shahadat" she would be reciting her poem in Arabic and in the praise of Saddam and his sons! Shame on her and everyone who enjoys this sick poem.

I have never been a supporter of the I.R but this kind of hate mongering and racism that I see every day on is seriously making me reconsider whose side I want to be on. Now I now for a fact that I will chose Khomeini ANY DAY over these NAZIs claiming to be the "opposition".

I will tag this clip on youtube for hate propaganda and racism. It is a shame that has become a forum for all the illegal and disgusting materials that no other website will publish.


Just watch who is happy with

by Look who is talking (not verified) on

Just watch who is happy with these kind of Muslim bashings. Muslim bashing is same as Iranian bashings how ever you cut it.

Choose between muslim bashing or fighting the muslim bashing. Like mobarak the monkey, show us the enemy's and friend's place.

Bring it on!