Nazanin Afshin Jam

Wall of Shame, UN, New York

CNN interview about today's Wall of Shame rally by Stop Child Executions in Iran Campaign. Time: 12-2pm Date: September 23rd, 2008. Location: UN Headquarter New York Dag Hammarskjold Plaza (47th St. & 2nd Ave.):


more from SCE Campaign
Kaveh Nouraee

This is for Mehdi

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Just so you know there are no hard feelings, I'm posting this link for you.



MargBarIsrael: Wow more name-calling

by Mehdi on

I had never been called a dalghak before. I should start writing these up for my resume. By the way, marg bar your country too :)


Mehdi, Are you a Dalghak?

by MargBarIRI on

You complain about name calling? You are the funiest Hezbollahi on this site. Funnier than Jeleho:))))))))))))


no more hatred and hate talk. love is what is needed now

by nassiri is the answer (not verified) on


jamshid: more slogans and name-calling

by Mehdi on

Do a few more paragraphs of slogan throwing and name-calling. You must feel very small for not being able to simply answer intelligently the questions of a "hezbollahi" or "IRI supporter" or other slew of names you have attached to me obsessively. If I am all that, shouldn't it be easy for you to prove me wrong? Are you saying you are less than all those names you just called me?


Jamshid, HUMANS feel empathy for other humans

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

I don't know what "Palestinians" you are talking about but Iraqis themselves fought against Iran by the hundreds of thousands.

It doesn't mean we have to like what is happening to them, like cruel little kids who enjory animals being tortured. That is what your frequent disgust with Palestinians brings to mind.

We feel for Iraqis and Palestinians because their nation is being occupied and their children being killed by foreign soldiers. I don't think you will get it.


Re: Mehdi

by jamshid on

Don't pretend YOU are trying to protect Iran. Far from it, you are only protecting the IRI.

And don't shed any tear for Palestinians, the same Palestinians who sent volutneers to Saddam in order to fight and kill Iranians during the war. This despite them being the reciepients of khomeini's aid.

Instead, you should only be preoccupied with the misery that your own people are enduring in Iran.

You are so entangled in a web of "oghde", probably due to prolonged exposure to mollah zadegi/propaganda since childhood, that you simply can't set the right priorities in your mind for the benefit of your own people. 

Either this, or you are only one of those privileged aghazadehs who are exploiting the rest, and are trying to protect their ATM machine at any cost.


IRANdokht: What did I misrepresent?

by Mehdi on

What did I misrepresent? Who or what is the political prisoners in Iran? Would it make you happy to say a few scattered individuals who are not even vaguely supported by the masses? Is that better representation of facts that has been distorted by SCE to make it look like there is nothing but prisons in Iran? Are you happy?


Donations and humanitarianism

by eroonman on

I would absolutely donate money to the kind of protest I suggested, and no I did not go to the rally, precisely because the plan had the limited effects I explained. I think we can safely say that the intention was good, but the result (no coverage on ANY TV except Asieh jan's limited show) did not even impact the smash hit slam dunk that Ahmadinejad enjoyed on the Larry King show (see my blog on it). I am not trying to belittle what Ms. Aj has done, nor that her intentions are anything but the best, however I am trying to suggest smarter more cunning ways to point out the many obvious flaws that Iran and it's current strategy has. Not only was this rally weak and a failure in many ways (yes, I am sure it was fun for the participants who feel more energized and are more committed to the cause than ever) but it's not about fun and commitment, it's about change and effectiveness. This was not effective and nothing has changed. If you can't get in front of the cameras when your target is speaking at the UN, and you are on the obvious side of right vs wrong, good vs evil, something is wrong with you.



by IRANdokht on

Where did you hear that all political prisoners are MKO?  Who said anything about justifying bombing of Iran?  If you only read half the information that people are trying to give you, you wouldn't sound like a bad broken record. You are full of misinformation and for some reason you insist on staying that way.

For your information, political prisoners in Iran are not only MKO probably not many of them left anyway. There are Journalists, women activists, students, lawyers, doctors, Bahai's and even people who converted from Islam to other religions (yes even that is considered political there).

Do you think they deserve to be executed or even jailed? 


Kaveh Nouraee

My Dear Unverifiable Punctuation Mark :)

by Kaveh Nouraee on

The people who advocate military aggression are a small (albeit quite vocal) fringe of what you would classify as conservative. There are elements of people like this in every country, in every society on the planet.

I agree that their concern is not for the interests of the US or Iran or for anyone else in general. These people tend to huff and puff to gain exposure for their position. Thankfully, the numbers of cooler heads with rational minds far outweigh the numbers of these outspoken people.

The fact is that the US is physically and strategically incapable of lauching any attack on Iran. Israel won't launch an attack either, because they know they will be vaporized within 15 minutes by every other country if they started something. I'm talking about an offensive move. If the IRI were stupid enough to attack Israel first, then all bets are off. But they already know this. The IRI won't launch an attack either. That's why all there has been is talk, talk, and more talk.

It makes golf look exciting.

Yes, Iran has announced their willingness to discuss various issues. However, it cannot be denied that the IRI has prerequisites in place every single time. The IRI places these conditions knowing that the US will not accept them, and therefore it's back to square one. The IRI does not want to discuss anything with the US. They simply want the US to kiss its rump first so that they can say they brought the Great Satan to its knees in an act of complete capitulation. It's stubborn pride, and overinflated ego.

It is an example of Irani-baazi at its best.

Perhaps we are hearing a great deal more about human rights as it pertains to Iran because of how both countries were once allies. Iranian immigrants are known to be among the most educated and successful of all immigrants to the US. I would be the last to suggest that CNN is doing this out of the goodness of its heart. They are doing this out of a desire to get ratings. Ratings get advertisers to pay more to buy time on CNN, which keeps the lights on and keeps Larry King's payroll checks from bouncing.

Thanks for taking the time to write.



David ET

by Mehdi on

Do I need to repeat what I have said by now maybe 15 times?

Seems that now your mission is not SCE anymore and you are interested "political prisoners" which is normally MKO in Iran. 

IRI supporters are not scared, Iran lovers are. But what would you know about that?

SCE is a campaign of falsehood and misrepresentation and must stop its criminal activity and stop fooling people. A handful of criminals who may or may not have been executed according to bush-approved laws is not a reason to be a traitor to your country and hand it over to Israel. Why do you do it? Even if every falsehood you have posted on your site and here was true and even if these kids were not the unfortunate rejects of society, what SCE is doing is not justified (demonizing the regime and Iranians so that bombing of Iran can be justified). You are not helping Iranian kids. please stop if you are truly sincere in this.


Zion: If these are just cheap shots

by Mehdi on

You should be able to to debunk them easily. And we know you, if you could, you'd have no qualms defending the land thieves. So what's wrong? Sick today?

David ET

What if

by David ET on

Like I said before I am very glad that IR supporters are so worried and are attacking  SCE and Nazanin , obviously they feel threatened.

And here is a question for you:

If an Iranian who is not a murderer, not a rapist, not a Bahai, not a woman who has to worry about Hijab, not a homosexual, not a Jew, Not Israeli, not on any foreign payroll, etc..etc..and simply an honest person with his/her own views who does not believe in regime of Velayate Faghih and Ayatollah Khamenei or Islamic Republic.

What would happen to him/her if s/he openly writes and speaks her/views aginst Ayatollah Khamenei?

Will s/he be jailed? tortured or executed?


and don't tell me nothing will happen to him/her. There are many political prisoners in Iran and many who were executed or tortured..

You see , YOUR regime and your logics have no legs to stand on and this has nothing to do with Israel or US but bunch of thugs ruling Iran.

Child Executions is only one of many human rights flaws of Islamic Regime



My dear Kaveh Nouraee, The

by . (not verified) on

My dear Kaveh Nouraee,

The neocons are the biggest threat who are doing everything they can for a war to start between Iran & America, and their concern is not for the interests of America, and nor Iran, and they can act as much as they want. They just changed their tactics after the public's outrage of all the lies, all the way from the liberal positions to the conservative. Now, they know they have to build it up and prepare the public's mind slower.

Iran since the 90s announced their willingness to discuss all issues, and many times. On this whole nuclear charade and scarecrow, they even temporarily stopped enrichment about 4 years ago per the promises of talks to resume and nuclear energy support, they realized it was a lie. And here we are.

My concern is not for any government, but to question the motives of those who are trying everything they can to start another catastrophic human rights tragedy to occur, namely war with its deaths, and the ruining of many millions of lives. Human rights also includes questioning the instigators of wars, it's just in a much much LARGER scale.

Over 200 countries, and CNN all of a sudden cares for human rights in Iran only, this is out of the goodness of their heart of course.

Stop the the tensions, the the threat of an attack any day or any month, and then the environment will help to address and discuss human rights. Maintaining the status quo and false propaganda that Iran (supposedly) is an "imminent threat" and "they can't wait to attack and kill us" is not helping the "hamvatans" at all.




by Zion on

'...this is and not'

hmmm. I don't know... . ;-)

Anonymous Observer, Indeed my friend. Isn't it curious how similar these kinds of cheap shots are to what was thrown at Pailin. I expect we will see the same kind of slurs in future to many others as well. What does that say about these types of people?


Anonymous Observer: See comment about Land Thieves

by Mehdi on

And their demand for bombing of Iran. Those bloodsuckers are number one threat, not just to Iran, but to all of middle East. Armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons and run by rulers who are clearly psychotic, it is very dangerous to let them go unnoticed. It is a shame that Nazanin also is helping them - be it out of ignorance or air-head-ness or intentional (she doesn't seem that intelligent to be doing it intentionally).


Kaveh: One Q: Who is DEMANDING the bombing of Iran? Land Theives

by Mehdi on

Not everything is related to bloodsuckers of Tel Aviv. Don't flatter yourself. They are just cockroaches who are dying on their own (could it be due to a very guilty conscience?). But don't lie. Israel is number one terrorist in Middle East and a serious threat to Iran - far more than your agenda of "human rights for murderers/rapists/homosexuals." 

Please don't make a decision for "everyone." I know in AIPAC you are very used to making decisions for every nation but realize that this is and not 

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

You are just incapable of engaging in reasonable dialogue.

Everything to you is Zionist this, Israel that. People like that are beyond reasoning.

You are a sad, miserable, pathetic little person who is trying to project your misery upon others.

Well, look around. Nobody is interested in joining you as you wallow and languish in the quicksand that is your life.

So, just go away, little person. You are insignificant.

Anonymous Observer


by Anonymous Observer on

Why are you so fired up about "Zionists" "grabbing land"?  Have they "grabbed" your land?  Are you a Palestinian? 


Jamshid: if you want to know what she did

by Mehdi on

Just tune in to ANY Zionist radio/Internet site/TV, etc. She has done a fantastic job, according to the land grabbing thieves. Make any true Iranian proud!


Kaveh: Then condemn Nazanin for supporting Israel land thieves

by Mehdi on

As you can see by a simple googling her work is admired and broadcast far and wide by all Zionist criminal networks. So stand up and condemn Nazanin and her traitor attitude, along with her supporters the bloodsuckers in Tel Aviv, Let's me hear you condemn the Tel Aviv bloodsuckers along with anybody else you feel is an avowed enemy of Iran.

Anonymous Observer

Thank You Zion

by Anonymous Observer on

Once again you managed to inject a bit of common sense into this otherwise chaotic discussion.  It is an absolute shame to see a desparate IRI supporter like "Jaleho" (who apparently does not support the IRI enough to move her collection of carbon based molecules to Iran) repeatedly call a human rights advocate by the offensive term "sex toy" (I don't know that comment was not deleted), but shower praise on Mr. Ahmadinejad for his interview with Larry King on another thread.  That is why Iran is where it is today.  Just multiply "Jaleho" by several millions!!!


IRI supporters

by jamshid on

It is amazing to see how IRI supporters and apologists have banded together to smear Nazanin's campaign for children's and human rights in Iran.

Nazanin must have done a heck of a job, considering how alarmed and threatened IRI supporters seem to have become.

To IRI supporters: Your smear campaign fools noone. In fact, it only increases the respect for Nazanin among this site's readership.

But I do understand your motivation to protect your ATM machine, the IRI.


Thanks zion - you made my point

by Mehdi on

Israel supporters are drooling over this "brave woman." Or should we call her a traitor to her own people?While fully supporting the murderin land stealing regime, they are VERY loud about "human rights." They are so VERY concerned about the murderers/rapists in iran. God forbid they get executed - especially so young! It bring tears to any Zionist heart!!!!!! I can't stand it anymore!

Kaveh Nouraee

. (not verified)

by Kaveh Nouraee on

I agree that human rights abuses in other countries need to be addressed.

I disagree that this is any neocon agenda. The IRI represents a greater threat that cannot be ignored. Being Iranian in the US, it should be of utmost importance.

I wouldn't have had Glenn Beck interviewing her. Asieh Namdar was an excellent choice.

What angers me is that anyone who has an issue with this subject can only seem to resort to the same tired old cliches and nonsense as their response.


Amalek whining

by Zion on

Well what do we have here. A discussion about human rights and speaking out against systematic child murder by a fascist regime and a great woman who is opposing such barbarity, and what do we get? The usual crap about Zionists and Israel by the insignificant little fascist apologists. What a bunch of low life losers. lol.
You do realize what a great compliment this is for Israel and Zionism. Right? You just can't be that dumb not to realize this!
Keep it up. I personally enjoy seeing it over and over again. Gives a healthy sense of pride, which is nice.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Show me what slogans I have thrown around.

If ANYONE attacks Iran I will speak up and condemn them, you miserable little man.

And as far as anyone can tell, it is not Israel or the US or anyone else who is killing Iranian children.

All of the harm that has been brought to Iran has been brought on by these miserable, uneducated, degenerate criminals who call themselves Iranian, yet clearly demonstrate that they do not hold Iran and Iranians as their priority.

So why don't you go to the UN and apply to become Antarinejad's koonleez.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Show me what slogans I have thrown around.

If ANYONE attacks Iran I will speak up and condemn them, you miserable little man.

And as far as anyone can tell, it is not Israel or the US or anyone else who is killing Iranian children.

All of the harm that has been brought to Iran has been brought on by these miserable, uneducated, degenerate criminals who call themselves Iranian, yet clearly demonstrate that they do not hold Iran and Iranians as their priority.

So why don't you go to the UN and apply to become Antarinejad's koonleez.


Kaveh: very simple really

by Mehdi on

All you have to do is publicly state that if Israel leaders bombed all Iranian kids and justified it as a necessary act in order to save the "children of Israel," you would condemn Israel.

It is VERY simple, isn't it? I have asked you three times now and you are refusing to answer. Instead you throw slogans and get busy with your favorite activity of demonizing Iran and its people. So how about it? Will you be brave enough to make a statement? If you can't make such a simple statement, then don't bother distracting people. It is very clear why you are here - to support the bloodsucker of Tel Aviv at the cost of killing all Iranians, kids or adults.