Nazanin Afshin Jam

Wall of Shame, UN, New York

CNN interview about today's Wall of Shame rally by Stop Child Executions in Iran Campaign. Time: 12-2pm Date: September 23rd, 2008. Location: UN Headquarter New York Dag Hammarskjold Plaza (47th St. & 2nd Ave.):


more from SCE Campaign

Thank you

by Shamse Vazir (not verified) on

Thank you my gheramee Iranians for proving me wrong. We as a people thrive on arguments. No more wars just more arguing :-). I wonder where anonymous500 is? I hope that in time he/she will find out that we are accepting of debate. As my old teacher in Alborz school Mr. Begdeli said: Be porsiid va be amoozeed ay bacheeha! Keep up the good work!

An Iranian running out of a person to argue with will put a mirror in front of him/her self and argue with it! That is the stuff of life and as long as we don't kill each other because of disagreement we will become stronger for it!

Ashem Vohu


True Patriots

by Shamse Vazir (not verified) on

At a point one has to draw the lines and pick his/her friends. This is my choice. Farhad Kashani; Jamshid; Kaveh, are true Iranian patriots. How does being against child executions make one Iran haters? Iran is not the same as the IRI. The IRI is a parasite born out of stupidity of the 60s and 70s. MKO is another manifestation of the same stupidity.

The Israel argument is a red herring that is always used by Islamists to distract from IRI's actions. Israel is not executing Iranian children it is the IRI.


To Farhad Kashani

by Ali1234 (not verified) on

Another problem with the people who call themselves "opposition" is that they always take position and act according to myths and self-invented concepts that have no factual or rational basis. One day they boycott the elections claiming that the U.N will call for a referendum in Iran if the participation is low!!!! The other day they call for a "special kind" of economic sanction that only weakens the "regime".

And btw; what gave the U.S and Europe the moral authority to impose sanctions on Iran because of human right abuses?
Was it the million people they killed in Iraq in the past few years or the centuries of colonialism and massacre of other countries?!!


to jamshid

by Azad99 (not verified) on

I am always impressed by the fact that the same Iranians who hate Palestinians for supposedly joining Saddam in the Iran-Iraq war, have absolutely no problem with Israelis despite them constantly and vigorously pushing for war and sanctions against Iran and making all kinds of direct military threats against our country.

It seems like the "Iranian patriotism" is only good when it comes to Arabs and Muslim bashing. Otherwise Americans and Israelis can threaten to bomb us, impose sanctions on us, finance separatist and terrorist groups (like Jondollah) inside our borders, stop us from developing technologies..etc and they can even count on our proud Iranian "nationalists" in L.A to support them!!


Re: Mehdi

by jamshid on

You are misguided. If I were you, I would focus on the domestic sanctions that the IRI has in place against the rest of the people in Iran. Political, economical and social scanctions that have ruined our country for the past 30 years.

THAT is the real sanction you should worry about. But I don't expect you'd be able to.


Child executions and other terrible things

by Shamse Vazir (not verified) on

One big problem in Iran is the us of Sharia law. It is a primitive savage approach to justice which condones child execution and is not amendable. Laws need to be adjusted as the world evolves and humanity advances. Any law that is supposedly from God risks becoming outdated. Maybe 1400 years ago in the deserts of Arabia it was acceptable to murder children as they used to do with their new born daughters. It is not acceptable now; particularly in the civilized world. We need to live by laws which constantly revised to reflect the progress of humanity. The IRI will soon be a part of history and remembered as a nightmare.

All who championed this disastrous revolution must take responsibility. They are responsible for the death of their own children whether it be by war or by execution. They messed up really bad.

Worse are those who even now defend the evil theocracy they will reside in a hall of shame in Iranian history.

David ET

Who is against Child Executions??

by David ET on

I don't know who this computer screen name MEHDI is but I know who these people are, what their full names are and what they stand for. None of them are Israeli's or member of MKO!

 Execution of juvenile offenders is a "blatant violation of international law" and a "flagrant breach of Iran's international obligations and commitments." Iran signed two global conventions banning execution for crimes committed before the age of 18, but "unfortunately, the practice is carried out despite Iran's obligations,"
From the last week interview of Associated Press with Mohammad Mostafaei attorney of more than 25 Iranian juveniles on the executions row :  //

“Iran’s determination to execute juvenile offenders in such large numbers is cruel, barbaric, and earns it a medal of shame...It is time to abolish the death penalty for children in Iran.”  
Hadi Ghaemi, coordinator of the International Campaign for Human Rights

"It is a shame that our country, with all its glorious values, sets the world record in minor execution instead of science, wisdom, and culture, etc.....But Iran's civil society will not let that happen. There is no way forward other than accepting the responsibilities that the international treaties bear for us." Shirin Ebadi

One of the problems with the children rights is that in Iran the childhood age for each matter is different. For example if the same boy who was executed because of murder at the age of 16 wanted to obtain a passport to leave the country, he had to obtain his father's permission. On one hand (Iran's) law states that until the age of 18 a person is not mature enough to leave the country but when it comes to penal laws unfortunately it states that the child is held responsible for his actions and therefore they issue death penalty!"   Shirin Ebadi

Letter by 55 Iranian attorneys and activists demanding stop to child executions

از قوه مقننه و قضاييه ايران انتظار مي‌رود تا با در نظر گرفتن سياست‌هاي پيشرفته جنايي در دنياي امروز و با رعايت تساهل و مدارا، از صدور حكم اعدام افراد زير 18سال در هر شكلي و تحت هر عنواني اعم از حدود و قصاص و تعزيرات، جدا جلوگيري به عمل آورند و به نوجوانان اين مرز و بوم كه در اثر عوامل و شرايط قهري اجتماعي و اقتصادي و بي‌توجهي جامعه مرتكب جرم شده‌اند، فرصت مجددي براي بازسازي شخصيت‌شان و بازگشت به زندگي سالم بدهند و نيز براي پايان بخشيدن به اين معضل كه مرگ و زندگي افراد به صلاح ديد شخصي ديگران واگذار شده، ‌چاره‌اي بيانديشند.

 سيد محمد علي آذين- حسن آقاخاني- نعمت احمدي- زهرا ارزني – ابراهيم اسماعيلي هريسي – سعيد اقبالي – پريا برنا- مهناز پراكند- هوشنگ پوربابايي- گيتي پورفاضل- محسن جبلي طاهري- حوريه چهار لنگ- ليلا حقيقت خواه- آزاده حمسي- محمدعلي دادخواه- مليحه السادات دادخواه- نرگس دستجردي- پريسا دشتي پور- بهاره دولو- امير رئيسيان- نجما رحماني- نسرين ستوده- عبدالفتاح سلطاني- اكرم سلماني- سيد محمد سيف زاده- زينب سيفي- شاعري – مصطفي شعباني- محمد شيوايي- هاجر صباغيان- شادي صدر- سحر طالبي- شيرين عبادي- اسماعيل عرب- محمدرضا عظيمي- ليلا علي كرمي- نسيم غنوي- فريده غيرت- تقي فرزانه- الهام فهيمي- مريم قنبري- لطيف كبودوند- مريم كرباسي- سارا كريمي- بهمن كشاورز- مريم كيان ارثي- فاطمه گلزار- زهره مجدزاده- منيژه محمدي- محمد مصطفايي – فروغ ميرزايي- ليلا نمازي- عارف نوروزي- مرضيه نيك آرا و صالح نيكبخت.

So far, 315 international human rights organizations have adapted a resolution to ban the execution of children and youths. The resolution has called for a complete eradication of execution from penal laws and it has been sponsored and signed by a number of human rights organizations. The resolution demands all members of the general assembly in the United Nations to cease the execution of minors starting 2008.


 and here are some of the more than 18000 people who have signed SCE's petition to stop child executions

Irshad Manji Muslim author activist

  • Mina Ahadi, Head of the International Committee Against Executions
  • Mehrangiz Kar Writer, Human Rights Advocate
  • Mohammad Mostafaei, Attorney for Nazanin Fatehi and Reza Alinejad
  • Nasrin Sotoudeh, Attorney for Sina Paymard and Soghra Najafpour
  • Shadi Sadr, Attorney for Nazanin Fatehi and woman right activist
  • Abdolsamad Khoramshahi, Attorney for Delara Darabi
  • Fatemeh Haghighatjou, Iranian former Member of Parliament, Human Rights advocate
  • Trita Parsi, President of the National Iranian American Council, Author
  • Maz Jobrani, Actor - Comedian
  • Dariush Kadivar, Iranian journalist, Film Historian, Writer
  • Amir-Abbas Fakhravar, Former political prisoner
  • Nazanin Fatehi, Former minor on death row in Iran
  • Ali Alinejad, Brother of Reza Alinejad: a minor on death row
  • Ghazal Darabi, Sister of Delara Darabi: a minor on death row
  • Save the Children Sweden
  • Donna and Graham Greene, Australian Music Artists
  • Tim Bowles, Director of Youth for Human Rights International
  • James C. McIntosh, Founder: The National Youth Orchestra of Canada
  • Tarek Fatah, Canada, Founder of Muslim Canadian Congress / activist
  • Neda Shahidyazdani, USA Human Rights Activist

    On February 27, 2007 more than 34 members of European Parliament signed a resolution to Stop Child Executions in Iran, [9]. Additionally, this is a list of world politicians who have signed the Petition:

    Who is this behind the monitor screen name MEHDI again?








    Farhad Kashani

    Ali1234,  maybe you care

    by Farhad Kashani on


     maybe you care to read my posting again, cause I said, and let me copy and paste here,” but none of us against sanctions that would weaken the Iranian regime. Iranians are NOT against sanctions that weakens the Iranian regime. Iranians are NOT against actions and steps by the International community, specially the U.S, to weaken the regime”. I don’t know about you, but most Iranians distinguish clearly between the unelected, illegal and illegitimate regime of Iran, and between the state and people of Iran. Not only Iranians, but no other nationality, would like to live in tough economic environment or like to be sanctioned economically, and I never agreed with current U.S sanctions either, because it does nothing to weaken the regime, but most Iranians are pro International interference in their struggle for democracy. If you expect economic conditions to improve in Iran where the official policy of its regime towards economy is “Economy is for donkeys” (Eghtesad maal – e-khar ast), then you have to keep waiting a long time.


    Jamshid: That is not what I said

    by Mehdi on

    I never said Iran's issues are because of Palestinian problem. What I am referring to is the fact that Israel's bloody hand is right now as we speak killing my people inside Iran, at MUCH MUCH faster rate that the mullahs could even dream about! So open your ears and listen - I am NOT talking about Israel's land theft. I am talking about the fact that sanctioning Iran is right now killing us and destroying our nation far far faster than anything IRI has ever done or will ever possibly do in the next 300 years. That's the number one evil! Israel is the number one country pushing for war, sanctions and any other way they can to keep Iran primitive and isolated from the rest of the world so that Iranians will never become educated and be able to elect a more democratic government. It is not in Israel's greedy interests to have educated people run Iran despite the lying about being afraid of the mullahs. The only problem Israel has with the mullahs is why they have slowed down being repressive to the people? Why are they educating Iranians? This was not supposed to happen when Israel ordered Shah to be taken out and a backward regime to take its place. You see my point now?

    Now, I may have a few facts wrong here and there and I don't wanna play word games but you get the main point I am trying to make? I am not saying mullahs are good - I am saying they are nowhere near problem number one. See if you can see my point of view.


    Re: Mehdi

    by jamshid on

    Iran was at war with IRAQ, not with the Palestinians. The Palestinians should have remained, at the very least, neutral, specially since they were the receipients of Khomeini's massive aids.

    But despite those aids, they sent volunteers for Saddam to fight against the Iranians. They were motivated by Saddam's promises to share the riches of Khuzestan with them. Those volunteers were in the fields to kill Iranians.

    Ever since their act of betrayal, Palestinians lost my (and many others') support, for good.

    The fact is that unfortunately, those like yourself give a higher priority to their ideology than to Iran, hence your blind support for Palestinians who, in another future war, would not hesitate to kill more Iranians again, if that would benefit their cause.

    Below you'll find Arafat's pictures. To the right, before the Iraq war, to the left, after the Iraq war:


    Kaveh Nouraee

    Shamse Vazir

    by Kaveh Nouraee on

    The reason the flood of debate has dried up is because when you are dealing with a so-called "adversary" who feels the need to charcterize anyone who does not think as he does in the manner they they do while refusing to answer questons regarding their ideology, it's time to move on.

    You also came in to this kind of late.  :)

    I've been reading the most recent posts and it's very clear that it's useless to discuss this or any other matter with some people.

    Even if you are the type of person who wanted to have the last word, you're up against some individuals who refuse to engage in reasonable adult discussions.



    Shamse Vazir: your flawed argument

    by Mehdi on

    You are assuming there is a disease in Iran. But the fact is that there is a disease called MKO and other terrorist groups (like CIA) and another called Israel and others like neo-con blood thirsty psychos, and the list goes on. I would whole-heartedly support sanctions and even war IF we also sanctioned Israel accordingly, and any other part of this problem. For example, with your logic we should line up all MKO members in front of a wall and shoot them all down because it is good for humanity. The same should also be done with  the extremely greedy bloodsuckers and land thieves of Israel. George Bush, Dick Cheney and their ilk should also be shot and then when we do that also in Europe and elsewhere, then we can have that heaven you are promising us. I am all with you!



    Farhad Kashani - another Israel lover, Iran hater

    by Mehdi on

    Explain to me in your infinite wisdom what you would do if sanctions didn't do jack? Are you saying that sanctions are not the first step towards an eventual war? Then why would it be effective at all? Right now, your government has pushed for a blockade on Iran, which is according to international law declaration of war on Iran. Are you going to contact those bloodsuckers in Tel Aviv and protest? So you are saying if sanctions didn't work, then your government Israel will shut the hell up and get lost?


    aaj sr: I have posted my questions probably 20 times now

    by Mehdi on

    NO ANSWER from SCE. But I take your suggestion and repeat it with ever post from now on so that people like yourself can see it right there and denial and ignoring it will be less likely.

    CLEAR questions:

    1) Why is SCE paining the picture that IRI is going around in Iran and randomly hanging kids? Why are they not presenting the correct picture that out of 70 million people, there MAY have been about 3 people each year who MAY have been individuals who have committed serious crimes while under 18 and that these are primarily murderers and rapists but there MAY have been one or two that were mixed in by someone who happened to abuse his authority. Why is SCE falsifying and misrepresenting? So if 2-3 individual were executed whose crimes occurred when they were young, does this justify the worldwide demonizing that Nazanin has helped create and ZioNazi have used it heavily to push their own criminal purposes? Why is SCE so irresponsible?

    2) Why SCE is is not making it clear that these "kids" are murderers/rapists?

    3) What is SCE's strategy? Right now, they are heavily helping the Israel and neo-con calls for bombing of Iran. SCE is demonizing IRI in order to gain support for the idea of sanctioning/bombing Iran. Why are they doing this and how does this help Iranians?

    4)  Who is SCE supporters, if anybody? All I see in the news, it is the MKO and Israel and neo-cons. Is there any reputable individual supporting them at all?

    5) Are they funded by George Bush? Are they receiving Bush's "democracy Fund" which is aimed at destroying Iran and milking its resources?

    6) Aside from antagonistic, war-supporting activity, has SCE ever actually helped a kid in Iran get better education or anything positive at all?

    Do we need more evidence than this to conclude that SCE is a front group for murderers? Is defending the murderers and rapists not their first and most important agenda? I can repeat this over and over but I have received NO answer other than being accused of being on IRI payroll or being a hezbollahi or anti-semite, etc. If you have connections there, maybe you can get my questions answered. 


    More arguing

    by Shamse Vazir (not verified) on

    Why is it that right after I post to a discussion, the flood of debate seems to slow to a trickle and then stop? It is surely not because of any wisdom in my posts. I don't want to have the last word :-) Come on folks there should still be some argument in you. At least the debate between O-man and Mc is on tonight so there is something to look forward to. How about a nice heated argument on that starting tomorrow?


    to mehdi and others a like

    by aaj sr (not verified) on

    Agha Mehdi,
    The messages Nazanin is sending through these two videos are very clear,
    which part you are confused of?

    is it the message are confusing you or who delivered it?

    If you have any particular question, why not come clear up forward and ask your CLEAR question, rather than assuming, guessing and accusing. Say I want this and that questions to be answered, including their bank accounts, their debts, their backers etc. Most if not all question you may have are written in their sites though.

    I am sure SCE will be able to furnish any question you have, including who are the volunteer workers, who work for free, , by reading their apeals for collecting money for their expenses, I presume YOU MAY BE A GREAT HELP!! by donATING A FEW DOLLAR.

    Mehdi and et alk, if you cannot help do not be a burden.
    If you are defending IRI, and do not accept logic, there is no one who can help you, then do not waist any body's time here.



    by Shamse Vazir (not verified) on

    When you have a disease, you sometimes need strong medicine to get better. IRI is a disease inflicting Iran. In 30 years it has proven to stubborn to be cured by itself. Therefore medicine is needed. In this case the medicine is sanctions. When you take medicine sometimes it hurts. But the goal is to get rid of the infection with minimal harm to the body. The alternative is to let the disease take its course massively harming and possibly killing the patient. The point here is that damage from the medicine is far less than damage from the disease.

    If you followed the logic of IRI supporters then no one would ever take any medication because it might hurt the body.

    BTW, many Iranian inside and outside favor sanctions just like South Africans did.


    Farhad Kashani

    by Ali1234 (not verified) on

    Who says that the Iranian people will support economic sanctions on their country by foreign powers?!!!

    You are probably living somewhere in North America or Europe and give yourself the right to claim that the people in Iran wouldn't mind living under the pressures economic sanctions!

    It is interesting that the entire anti-war movement in the United-States and Europe and the great majority of Western intellectuals are radically opposing and fighting against any economic sanctions on Iran, and then the "pro-democratic" Iranians like yourself are cheering for the foreign enemies of your country to impose sanctions on your own people!

    What are you people really thinking!!

    May God save us


    Documents are not even necessary but

    by Mehdi on

    if you want, please do a google of your event and see who is cheering for it. MKO/Zionist perverts/neo-cons/et all or some decent organization? That's no enough to convince you what SCE demo accomplished? What do you consider evidence then?

    Farhad Kashani

    Q,   1-     War and

    by Farhad Kashani on



    1-     War and sanctions: We are all against war, but none of us against sanctions that would weaken the Iranian regime. Iranians are NOT against sanctions that weakens the Iranian regime. Iranians are NOT against actions and steps by the International community, specially the U.S, to weaken the regime. Iranians are NOT against International support for their struggle for democracy and brutal oppression mirrored in your beloved IRI regime .

    2-     Violent country: A- The whole world, with the exception of few leftist IRI apologists on, supported the war in Afghanistan. Taliban gave refuge to the group which attacked the U.S, and even that, U.S gave them a chance to surrender UBL in return for not being attacked, nut they refused. U.S, which has promoted the culture of self liberation and democratic values around the world, versus IRI, which promoted the culture of death, is a beacon for democracy. Only IRI apologists and supporters like you will call it “violent”. Even when the whole world agrees with a U.S action, you people bash it. how much hypocrisy and brainwashing have you guys been subjected to? Its amazing.

    3-     You said “Who is asking for pressure? Name one person inside the country who is saying this Micky Mouse BS is actually helping and we want more of it!!!”. MOST Iranians are asking for not only U.S support, but are desperate for full International support. Whats amazing in your claim though, is how much kniving and devilish tactics is being used here to make a claim. Because you are well aware that anyone in Iran who asks for U.S help, is pretty much playing with his life, so no one dares to even come close to say anything like that. Now you guys, out of pure evil intentions, are making this ridicules claim, knowing that there is absolutely no chance in hell that voices are heard in Iran, that “Iranians don’t want U.S help”. You guys have taken this IRI apology thing to a whole different level.

    4-     You said “Unlike the vast majority of South Africans, including their jailed leaders who called for a civil boycotts”. As usual, outrageous fabrication of facts, simply outrageous. Many, and I mean many of Iranians, especially former political prisoners in Iran who fled the country, have called for that. Also, just like in point 3, this is another issue that if its mentioned by anyone in Iran, is subjected to vanishing from this earth! So, again, that devilish tactic is being used here again.

    5-     As we speak, the semi apartheid regime is Israel, but the UBER apartheid regime is Iran. At least Israel is engaged in apartheid against foreigners, Iranian regime, is massacring its own people.


    Q, you have clearly chosen to stand with the regime that has butche4red Iranians civilization in every way you look at it, and has been the center of Islamic fundamentalist terrorism and instability in the world. Your claims are simply outrageous.


    David ET

    Guilty until proven innocent !

    by David ET on

    In Islamic Republic one is considered guilty unless proven otherwise and that too is the logic of one or two of its supporters who without ANY proof or basis make accusations against SCE or Nazanin and demand proof of innocence !!

    That is exactly the mentality that human rights organizations and Stop Child Executions object to!

    No Mehdi, et al, the burden of proof for YOUR nonsense accusations is on YOU not anyone else. 

    If you have any documents or proofs of your accusations you can present and we all are eyes and ears !





    A few points on which we

    by sadegh on

    A few points on which we should all, although we almost certainly will not be able to agree upon...

    Child executions (i.e. execution of those who committed capital crimes before the age of 18) are morally inexcusable and ought to be stopped asap.

    The Islamic Republic has no possible justification for such executions, except for a narrow understanding of antiquated Medieval legal practices. 

    The gender segregation instituted inside Iran is obscene and has moved beyond respect for "traditional values" to outright illiberal fanaticism.

    The Palestinians are oppressed and suffer under a system of ethnic discrimination and apartheid. 

    Ba Arezu-ye Movafaghiat, Sadegh




    by jamshid on

    "as everyone knows, the only apartheid country in the MidEast is Israel..."

    Any form of seggration is apartheid. IRI is first in the list of "apartheid" nations by the virtue of how it treats its female citizens, 35 million of them.

    As usual and with no surprise, for some Islamists, Palestinians are above Iranians.



    zion: good boy - take Mosad advice

    by Mehdi on

    Never get engaged in a discussion about Israeli crimes because there is NO defense. So don't even bother trying. Just use distraction, misdirection, you know, you are familiar with all psychology training, right?


    Take your medication Mehdi

    by Zion on

    Be a good boy and do it.


    Anonymous Observer: what i say may not be accurate

    by Mehdi on

    But it is BAY FAR more accurate than the huge wave of falsehood the Zionist regime/neo-cons and other such criminals are spreading about Iran. is it not?

    Thankfully the international organized crime mafia, AIPAC has been increasingly exposed. Thier lies are shattering left, right and center. Who would have imagined that right in the UN anb right on major news agencies, their crimes would be exposed? It is a great day to celebrate! Don't be bitter. Cleaning the world of such scum is great for all humanity - even the MKO. So cheer up!


    zion: Denying that Israel is one of biggest arms dealers?

    by Mehdi on

    zion's own statement: "A certain amount of violence is necessary to be applied to Arabs because they are in fact Nazis."

    Are you denying that Israel in order to sell their weapons of killing needs wars and revolutions? Is Israel not one of the biggest suppliers of these weapons to any revolution (that they probably instigate)? Did Israel not shamelessly sell weapons to IRI and supported them fully when they were more repressive? What exactly are you denying then?


    Q, You are a scientologist islamist now?

    by Zion on

    Sorry. Could you say all that again? You think that when you open your mouth that it is actually all Iranians who are speaking? You are a scientologist or something? ;-)
    Are Nazanin and others who speak up like her also among the multitude you believe have occupied the inside of your head, or do you believe you have already managed to exorcise this heretic minority to the depths of the Zionist universe? Did they also evaporate and vanish to where the gays in Iran have gone?

    Anyways, it is nice to see you so articulate again.
    Didn't see you opine on what Iranians do and believe here:
    In what hole do you creep in to hide at such times, Q?


    Zion, what are you even talking about?

    by Q on

    Is that right? And that means only war, right? You can think of no other kind of pressure besides war? It is either war or leaving your IRI friends alone to do what they want to the defenseless people inside Iran. Is that right?

    Yes, war and sanctions are the only tools the American administration has, and no matter how you try to paint it, all Iranians are against them. US has no diplomatic relationship with Iran. For the past 30 years, it has sanctioned itself out of any meaningful benign economic influence. Its dark history with relations to Iran, make it just about the least trusted government to do what's best for Iranian. Absolutely, those are the only two options the Bush Administration has left itself: That's what all the analysts say. Don't BS us on Iran foreign policy, you will be out-classes as usual by any Iranian elementary school kid.

    We're not talking about Switzerland, Sweden, New Zealand or even Canada. we are talking about a violent country that has not only actively destroyed democracy in Iran in 1953, but also has invaded and occupied two neighbors.

    The only way you can make such a stupid suggestion is if you are looking out for people other than Iranian people, and you consider them more important to Iranian suffering. Surprise surprise, "Zion."

    Do you equally consider those who asked for world pressure and boycott on the apartheid regime in South Africa as warmongers who were asking for bombs?

    Who is asking for pressure? Name one person inside the country who is saying this Micky Mouse BS is actually helping and we want more of it!!! Name one person who is asking American help with "democracy" in Iran. Not even the most rabid Monarchists on this board are claiming this anymore. You are completely out of touch which is not surprising since I don't think you give a rat's ass about Iran.

    Unlike the vast majority of South Africans, including their jailed leaders who called for a civil boycotts, no self-respecting Iranian democracy leader is doing this. In addition South Africa was never surrounded by enemy troops. It's neighbor's people were never starved for 12 years and then bombed to death right next door, like US did to Iraq.

    Unfortunately, as everyone knows, the only apartheid country in the MidEast is Israel, and comparing South Africa to Iran is tactic to divert the attention from Israel's harrandous aggressive murder and occupation. You know things you just called "lies about Israel". I'm sure it's all lies. How terribly convinient for you.

    Why are you so active for the well being of others and so hostile to those who raise a feeble voice for that of your own people?

    Anyone can read my comments. I'm neither "active" nor "hostile." Unlike your own posture, broken record defense of Israel uber alles which is so increadibly opportunistic, one feels like one is talking to AIPAC public relations rather than a human being.


    I know

    by Zion on

    No surprise whatsoever. It is still nice to witness the actual moment of birth of one such garbage. :-)