Iran: Obama & McCain

First presidential debate

Friday night, during the First Presidential Debate, John McCain and Barack Obama were asked by the Moderator, Jim Lehrer, to express their views and approaches towards Iran. This is their responses:


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I believe senator McCain and

by Payman (not verified) on

I believe senator McCain and senator Obama are referring to the Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) and not the republican Guard; since the Republican Guard was a branch of Iraqi military that was disband awhile ago.
Now confusing between revolutionary guard and republican guard may not sound so serious; however for both of our presidential candidates to declare a military branch of a government a terrorist organization and yet calling it with a wrong name does sound serious.


McCain/Palin: a bad recipe for the U.S. and the world

by An ony mous (not verified) on

Senator McCain has shown his poor judgment on important national and international issues multiple times in the past, and that's enough for me not to vote for him.

Up until a couple of weeks ago, he insisted that the fundamentals of the US economy were sound while the mess was brewing for the past several years and was about to erupt in the face of the nation. He was either so dumb and ignorant who couldn't feel the signs of the problem or thought that people were blind and couldn't see it. For God's sake, he wants to become the leader of the strongest (or once-strongest) economy in the world, and he has no clue about the severity of the problem? Give me a break!

His second poor judgment is his choice of VP. It indicates how selfish and ignorant he is. He always says "country first"! Is Sarah Palin the best choice for America? Was there absolutely no one more capable than her for such an important responsibility? Is she capable of running the world affairs in the case she has to replace the old guy? Did John McCain choose her for the sake of the country or just for attracting Evangelical, ignorant women, and/or redneck votes?

John McCain is famous for his short fuse and temperament. He has shown this unpresidential characteristic in his interviews in the past, and it was evident in his debate when it came to the question of how to deal with Iran. When he jokes about bombing Iran or elsewhere, refuses to talk to the people whom he doesn't agree with (for example, PM of Spain), and is ready to judge based on emotions rather than logic, he reminds me someone else whom we have had enough for the past eight years.

John McCain is not fit for presidency and should, at most, remain in the congress to play his "maverick" role.


The Iranian President: Could

by daryush56 (not verified) on

The Iranian President:
Could have said" We have a don't ask, don't tell policy"
Could have said" We will support a vote of all of the people who live in the present borders of Israel for self determination"
Could have said "We need American cars, boeing jets"
Could have said "I like to visit kennedy's tomb.
Could have reminded the people
that "The US will not sign a non aggression pact with Iran"
Could have worn a better pair of pants.
Could have said some words in English, ie. Thank you,God bless etc.
I guess we deserve that we are here and the likes of Mr. Ahmadinejad(He is no Kaveh)are talking for Iranian people.
I think Mr. McCain is kidding himself and making a joke of America by running for office at his age
I think Mr. Obama has a lot of anger toward the non Americans, just like my Mexican friends who always vote for closing the border.


Another Hollow-Cost is not acceptable but killing Iranians OK

by Mehdi on

What a shameless bunch!

International crime organization AIPAC must be exposed more.

I feel sorry for those few Iranians who go to these guys asking them to put pressure on Iran. Compared to these psychos who are also armed to the teeth and very trigger happy, mullahs are a bunch of fluffy kitty cats.


Me neither

by Loknate (not verified) on

I can't pronounce well Mahmoud's name, Antari-nejad is the best I can articulate ...



by manijeh (LA) (not verified) on

I posted a comment here on the debate last night a couple of hours ago, but it hasn't been published yet.

Could you please see what happened to it? Thanks


It's "nucular" all over again!

by Anonymousity (not verified) on

To my American cousins: please don't vote for this boob! Personally, I'm very suspicious of someone who can't correctly pronounce the names of his fellow world leaders, among other mispronounced and mangled words. Americans should have rejected the old boob George W Bush after hearing him mispronounce "nuclear" time and time again; please don't elect the new boob John McCain. Belief me that if you do we will all feel the pain and misery.



by Abol Danesh, University Professor (not verified) on

... Imagine both Senators Obama and Mccain have been travelled back in time to arrive at Socrates' time and then brought before the Emperor in the Emperor's Court and one at the end must drink from the Hemlock. The question is which one of the two is most likely to be beheaded by the court order by method of forced poisoning?

1. Maccain
2. Obama
3. The emperor himself
4. Supreme Judge
None of the above for it is all about money


The Debate!

by Killjo (not verified) on

Both candidates are saying IR cannot be trusted. They both believe they are dealing with a dangerous regime and they both believe in imposing sanctions. Their differences are only in the approaches they have adopted in dealing with Iran and other countries they consider a threat to world peace.

Ahmadinejad's "timely" statements at the U.N. vis-a-vis Israel have certainly helped Republicans' position!

It must be added that IR's illegal and secretive activities with regards to developing nuclear energy are based on two very clear objectives:

1. To acquire WMD.

2. To instigate yet another war.

IR authorities obviously need the WMD to promote their hegemonic policies in the region.

And with the domestic opposition to their arbitrary rule and their failed social, political and economic policies increasingly gathering momentum, they need a war to suppress all forms of opposition and further consolidate their oppressive authority over hapless Iranians.


Dear Haj Seyd Mammad

by Manijeh (LA) (not verified) on

Thank you for sharing this video with us.

After watching this exchange, if there are any Iranians in America who are planning to vote for John McCain, then I am afraid that they need to get their heads examined.

Voting for John McCain means an inevitable military attack on Iran. Look at how angry this guy is: Compare that to how cerebral, and well-balanced and In-Control Obama is.

I hope that the Americans don't get all bamboozled up again like they were four and eight years ago by the Republicans. It will be such a shame to pass up on a good man like Obama.

It's that simple :)

Darius Kadivar

Only One Pronounces the Name Correctly ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Obama at least pronounces Mahmoud's name correctly:


Know your Enemy at least before criticizing him Senator McCain...

Do Your Homework STUPID !

But in Private feel free to call him like most of us Iranians that is:




another angery white guy

by shirazie (not verified) on

why do people become angry? When they feel - they are losing control of the situation or their enviorment

American people are shell shocked and our leaders have lost control to fat cats / barons. So they are angers shows. They were yelling about immigrants last year. Immigration is down by 1 million? So time- what is our excuse now?

Even the hawks are not sure what to do (Kisginger wants to become a Mullah Now?).

Are you getting that sinking feelings of 1972 Iran?

My USA born kids are looking at other countries to Live in and wife wnats to go back after 40 years.


history is repeated.....but for different your eyes

by Anonymous 1000 (not verified) on

hypocrite, genocide is going on right now and millions of children, women and men are murdered or killed in Iraq in the name of freedom. is it ok for over 10 million people to suffer in that region? destroying moslem nations is approved by you?


what is Republican Guard!?

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

They are so ignorant about Iran and the region, after all the noise and anti Iranian rhetoric they are confused about the namer of the ****ing Guard.
No wonder they have been waisting trillions of $, destroying hundreds of thousands of lives including thousands of American lives ... and they are still parroting AIPAC.


In response to the

by Shadooneh (not verified) on

In response to the moderator's question about Iran's "threat" to the US specifially, McCain mechanically regurgitated AIPAC's talking point verbatim! He used the usual catchphrases mainly favored by the Israel-firsters in the US such as "existential threat" and the "second Holocaust" to justify the cash contributions he's been getting from the Zionistas. No wonder this "American Hero" did not mention Iran's so-called "threat" to the US, although the moderator clearly and emphatically asked him about, way after he paid his "debt" to his Zionist handlers by mentioning Israel first! The question is, what caused this cartoonish "hero" to put the security of his country as an afterthought and bring up Israel first? Wasn't he talking about "country first" during his campaign recently?!!! I guess his "new" country is Israel and he just lives in the US because his several homes, many cars and jet plane happen to be here - in Israel he wouldn't be elected as an entry-level dog catcher. Plus the lobbying business is not as profitable in Israel as it is in the US and corrupt politicians are more likely to lose their jobs in Israel than in the US - example Olmert. Even proven bribery charges, like the Keating Five, did not impact the fortunes of a corrupt politician like John McCain. This man is corrupt and dangerous and must be stopped before he starts killing again. His next victims are going to be Iranian people whom he has already promised to the Zionistas that he'll take care of. Beware of this congenital liar and killer.