
Hossein Derakhshan

Arrested in Tehran as "Israeli spy"

Photo of Houssein "Hoder" Derakhshan in downtown Jerusalem in 2006. Jerusalem Post: An Iranian blogger who visited Israel at least twice in the past three years, and who was twice interviewed here by The Jerusalem Post about his efforts to "humanize" Israel for Iranians and vice-versa, has reportedly been arrested in Teheran and admitted to spying for Israel. According to a report in Jahan News, which is close to Iran's intelligence community, quoted by the Middle East analyst Meir Javedanfar, the blogger, Hossein Derakhshan, returned to Iran about three weeks ago, having previously been based in Canada. "Prior to his return," Javedanfar writes on his middleeastanalyst.com Web site, Derakhshan had "started attacking [former Iranian president] Ayatollah [Hashemi] Rafsanjani in his blog. It is possible that he fell foul of a power struggle within Iran." >>>


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It gets hairier!

by Farrokh (not verified) on

Iran just announced execution of an “admitted” spy for Israel who had allegedly sold MOSSAD doctored communication gear to military entities in Iran.


If it is true that Hoder has also admitted to spying for Israel, will he become cyber journalism’s own Martyr Hossein?!...

I certainly hope not.

I really wish now that instead of wishing him good luck – I was somehow convinced Hoder had made up his mind to go back regardless!...-, I had also emphatically and imploringly urged him not to return yet…

I continue to wish him safe resolution to whatever ordeal he maybe facing.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

Oh I mention the viagra thing because of experience

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

I attended a big dinner party at a big Iranian house. It was so fun. All these high heels and perfumes and colognes and babies.

I went to wash my hands at the kitchen sink and I saw a bunch of Cialas sample packs. Now to me, it's no biggie. It grosses me out to think of the host as getting his groove on, but whatever. But I'm sure that some nosy woman saw it and laughed, repeated it to her friends, and now everyone knows who has erectile dysfunction in that family.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

Holy crap Kaveh. You are too good at that narrative

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

Yes I have heard that narrative. It's awful. Maybe we're just mean women because our culture is so hard on women. I have no idea. My Iranian female friends are very hypocritical. VERY. I will never dare say it to them, or behind their backs because they will find out in the grapevines - spy intelligence briefings.

But I still love them. Maybe that's the good thing. Despite all that gossip and hate, we still do accept the invitations over and over. I give credit to the anti-social Iranians thought, because they really know the best way not to get caught up in that stuff - avoid it period.  


Spies like us!

by Azadeh on

Haleh Esfandiari was jailed for being a US spy.

The IRI said it, so I guess it must be true!


But hey, what a great way to distract Iranians from the real problem...your own oppression! Duh!

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Does the scoop sound anything like this?

"Do you remember (Name left blank to protect the victim)? She had a dinner party at her house last week. I don't know why she called it a dinner party, there was hardly any food, and what there was tasted absolutely horrible. The khoresh was full of oil and the rice was old and dry. It tasted like dust. Well, after that nasty dinner and the dessert that she said was homemade even though everyone knew it was from Costco because I saw the box in the trash can, we sat down for some tea, which was also horrible, one tea bag for twenty people, it had no taste and no color at all."

"But we had a good time".


Marge blog - by Kaveh

by William (not verified) on

Hahaha - I thought this was only a Persian Jew thing. My wife's mother always looks through our cabinets and calls daily to get the latest scoop. You know, the ME is the ME regardless of your religion or location. Watch out for the women! :-)


This is just to give him

by In the know! (not verified) on

This is just to give him legitimacy in the eyes of those who rightly thought he was an IRI spy which he truly is.

Only if he was jailed (for at least 5 years) or executed would I apologize for my mistake and hope he gets the 70 virgins he was so desperately rooting for in the past year or two.


Iran spy arrests

by 007 (not verified) on


کم گوی و گزیده گوی چون دُر


این بابا انقدر جفنگ میگه اگه پیشه من هم میومد یه ماه تو
توالت انفرادی حبسش میکردم ملت از اراجیفش در امان باشند


i never trusted this guy...

by Anonymous666 (not verified) on

i'm sure he's a spy....either for israel, or the iri.


Too Bad...

by ghalam-doon on

Too bad he doesn’t work for NED or the Soros Foundation or any other Human Rights groups. Otherwise we would have had hundreds of people out there protesting the inhuman conditions that an Iranian activist should endure. We would have had banners, posters, eloquent speakers and editorials all over the place.  Too bad... Now back to the regular programming...


ولی می‌خواهم یک خواهش هم بکنم. دوست‌ندارم هر برخوردی که .......

soopoor (not verified)

من اصلا به تو فكر نمى كنم.
(رضا مارمولك)

Anonymous Observer

Good Riddance!!!

by Anonymous Observer on

He got a taste of his own medicine.  Let's not forget that there are thousands of other innocent souls in IRI's prisons who are real freedom fighters and advocates for human rights.  Why don't we see more comments, pieces and blogs about them?


from hoder's blog: ولی


from hoder's blog:

ولی می‌خواهم یک خواهش هم بکنم. دوست‌ندارم هر برخوردی که سیستم امنیتی
یا قضایی ایران بخواهد با من بکند تبدیل به چماقی تازه در دست
بیزنس‌من‌های شارلاتان حقوق بشر در آمریکا و اروپا شود، که تنها چیزی که
برایشان هم نیست حقوق آدم‌های دیگر است. در نتیجه، راضی نیستم که کوچکترین
خبر یا اعلامیه یا فعالیتی به زبان انگلیسی و در صحنه‌ی بین‌المللی یا
رسانه‌های فارسی‌زبان هلندی و آمریکایی و انگلیسی و غیره پخش و انجام شود.
اگر چیزی برای خبر دادن بود رسانه‌های قانونی داخل ایران طبیعتا آن را بر
اساس وظیفه‌شان منعکس خواهند کرد که این از نظر من اشکالی ندارد.

i have no sympathy for someone who doesn't want my sympathy.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

"Phony Science" related to Homo Iranius

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

LOL. Where to start? Ok.. Kaveh I don't know about this chromosome stuff you're saying - sounds like phony science to me, like global warming! But I think we nurture our cute culture of spying. We value the results of foozool baazi because we are so obsessed with being perfect. When we discover people who are imperfect, we cream ourselves. But the problem is no one is perfect and this foozool baazi stuff can go on forever. What we should go instead is just stop trying to be perfect and relax a little.

My fellow prisoner, Khar, suggested this and I think it's a good idea. 

Maybe Hoder is a spy, maybe JJ is a spy, maybe we're all spies, but the lesson of that game from the 90s, spy vs. spy is that in the end all the spies die! Our species will be in trouble if we continue this spy stuff. 

By the way, anyone who leaves their viagra prescriptions in an open cabinet is asking for trouble. 

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

The reason why Iranians are spies is because of all the foozool-baazi that's inherent in our culture. I wouldn't be surprised if there was in fact a chromosome that contains this trait.

Either we're spies for the CIA, the Mossad, the British, the MEK, the Russians, or whatever.

But I would like for us to take a moment and remember the "forgotten" Iranian spy.

The Iranian women who, for example, when they are invited to someone's home, stealthily look through the cupboards to see where they do their grocery shopping, or go through the medicine cabinet in their bathrooms.

Let's have a moment of silence in their honor, shall we?

News Goffer

Finally something from IRNA on him, but pretty useless

by News Goffer on

//www4.irna.ir/View/FullStory/?NewsId=228985 آخرين وضعيت فريب خورده هاي فراري به گفته «حسين .د» از فريب خوردگان جريان موسوم به اصلاحات که سالها پيش از ايران گريخته و عليه مقدسات ملت ايران قلم مي زد، بيشتر اين فريب خورده ها از قرص هاي آرام بخش استفاده مي کنند و بعضي از آنها تا کنون يکي دوبار اقدام به خود کشي کرده اند. يکي از فريب خوردگان جريان موسوم به اصلاحات که سالها پيش از ايران گريخته وعليه مقدسات ملت ايران قلم مي زد، اخيراً طي اظهاراتي اعلام کرد: بيشتر دوستانم که در مطبوعات اصلاح طلب به خبرنگاري ونويسندگي مشغول بودند و از سه سال پيش تشويق شدند که در ازاي حمايت هاي مالي به خارج بروند و از آنجا عليه ولايت فقيه و امام زمان (عج) و عدم آزادي ها در جمهوري اسلامي بنويسند،اکنون در بدترين وضعيت مالي هستند. به گفته «حسين .د» بيشتر اين فريب خورده ها از قرص هاي آرام بخش استفاده مي کنند و بعضي از آنها تا کنون يکي دوبار اقدام به خود کشي کرده اند. وي همچنين اظهار داشت: غير از دو سه نفر که نمي دانم هزينه زندگي راحت آنها چگونه تامين مي شود بقيه اين افراد عمدتاً مجبورند براي امرار معاش به رانندگي و گارسوني و آرايشگري روي بياورند و جالب اين که سايت هاي ضد ايراني هم به نام آنها و با عکس هايشان عليه جمهوري اسلامي ايران و احمدي نژاد مطلب مي نويسند و مقداري به آنها حق التحرير مي دهند! وي خاطرنشان کرد: غربي ها دائما از ما مي خواستند عليه چند چيز کار کنيم، ولايت فقيه، اعتقاد به امام زمان {عج} و بنيادگراها {اصولگرايان}. اگر هم نخواهند بنويسند مي گويند از شما سندهايي داريم که منتشر مي کنيم و آبرويتان را مي بريم. بعضي از دوستانم در وضعيت مالي و روحي بسيار بدي به سر مي برند و شايد آرزوي مرگ کنند. سيام/1962/

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

Iranian is synonymous with spy. Tell non-Irani's that please

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

Is there any Iranian who hasn't been accused of being a spy? We're all spies I think. That guy during Iran Contra was the best one of all! He was a spy for 4 countries! Holy crap! 

So when you talk to your non-Iranian friends and foes, tell them that we are all spies. We think of each other as spies and nothing else. 


Now comes the heroics...

by not a hoder fan (not verified) on

This is all hoder needed. A short spell in an IRI detention center and then BANG! He becomes a political dissident with a heroic past - a period in jail and the tales of ill treatment, tortures, and so on.

Shall we have a graduation party after hoder got his "useful dissident" diploma :)


hey guys, don't be stupid!

by Garshasp (not verified) on

hey guys, don't be stupid! it is another joke by him! he has never gone back to Iran after he was there 3 years ago. he is just good at making himself the center of attention on the web. nobody has seen him in Tehran, just writing in a new blog doesn't make it true ...

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

By the way, I give him props for going back

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

So many people leave iran and complain and complain, which is ok sorta, but he went back, for whatever reason - but I'm sure he would have taken pictures and updated his blog there. That would have been neat. None of us would do that. I wouldn't. That's why I post under this name! You never know.


Hoder has lots of enemies. Iranians always have enemies! We rat each other out and we use IRI against each other more than IRI uses us. How sad. Before Haleh Esfandiari was detained, everyone used to say she was a spy too, and pro-IRI. 

Shame on us for always conspiring against each other. Hoder get out of there and blog god damn it! 

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

No end for conspiracies.... I'm with Kaveh

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

I don't agree with everything he writes, but so what. I hope he is released. I hope everyone is released.


is it brainless conspiracy time already?

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

I think he is incredibly brave which is also stupid.

And I think the IRI will realize the stupidity of detaining him. He is not going to be harmed.


A big show by IRI and Derakhshan

by Anonymous man (not verified) on

H. Derakhshan is on the IRI payroll. I don't think, by now, there is anyone who would doubt that!! He wasn't, he would not dare going to Israel so openly and now going to Iran.

Now since this has become too obvious, and almost everyone knows he is an IRI agent, therefore, they arranged this show and spread the news that he has been arrested. Soon they will announce that he is released and after having a good time in Tehran all paid by the regime he will go back to Toronto.


Iran has become a big jail

by Hajminator on

IRI authorities have revealed that 9 million iranians have judiciary files! Soon the rest will be charged of breathing Rahbar’s oxygen... That’s the chenar wholly pushed in...


An Iranian Original

by ghalam-doon on

He travelled to Israel with a Canadian passport. He gave interviews and blogged while in Israel. So it wasn't a secret trip and everybody knew about it.  His arrest has not been publicized by the Iranian authorities. But if they try to label him as a spy, it would mean they have no case against him, except the fact that he travelled to Israel which according to the Iranian laws is illegal for non-Jewish Iranians. So he should be fined and released. It might come down to the fact that lately he's been writing very damning posts about Hashemi in his blog and we all know about the influence of the Hashemi clan inside and outside Iran.


Yek chizi begoo begonjeh

by Evan Rock (not verified) on

B kalagh goft: Chenar to koonat! Kalaghe javab daad: Yek chizi begoo begonge!!!

If the man was a spy, would he OPENLY travel to Israel? Would he have his picture shown in the Jerusalem Post and give them an interview.

Shame on all who said: "IF he is a spy!"

Has maghze khar become part of the Iranian diet?


How did he ever get a visa

by speculation (not verified) on

How did he ever get a visa to go to Israel in the first place? Why didn't the IRI let him to go to Israel? I think he might very well be a double agent. He needs to build his in-the-toilet credibility in the West; he is just being retrained to be dispatched in the near future to abroad, a new and improved version of fake IRI dissidents.

He was useless as a supporter of the regime in the West. Mullahs are too clever...lol

Kaveh Nouraee

No matter what

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Regardless of your views on Hoder and his blog, if this report is valid, I hope he's out soon.


Q, Jaleho, and the Rest of the IRI Supporting Gang....

by Anonymous IRI Hater (not verified) on

This could happen to you one day! I hope it does not happen to anyone, regardless of your illogical support for this regime or not! This poor soul, who I did not agree with at all, does not deserve this type of treatment.

I think he was really naive in visiting Israel so publicly and than going back to Iran not thinking that it will be used against him one day; this is so even thought he changed his mind later and became anti Israeli and pro Ahmadimejad. If they don't like you, they will find a reason. This is the tyranny you guys are so proud of. Very Sad.