Reza Peyk

Iranian-Canadian stand-up comedian

Born in Tehran, Iran in March of 1982, Reza Peyk is the youngest of three boys. His Father was a top ranked Colonel for the previous Iranian regime. His Mother a housewife & a Mother with a heart of gold! As a child Reza showed a special love of performing & entertaining. Whether through dancing at family gatherings or telling dirty jokes with the adults! Reza & his family moved to Canada when he was thirteen years old. His humour helped him through this transition period, where he went from an F.O.B. (fresh off the boat) to a D.I. (Desirable Iranian)!>>>


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Darius : If you look

by MJ (not verified) on

Darius :
If you look carefully you'll notice there is an exclamation mark after your hame -(!). Obviously the computer does not recognize your name plus the excalamation as one and the same, and it can be used.
So your name has not been usurped by this person!
People will notice and know it also by the color of a registered users name(blue) versus a non registerd, which is in black.
I like your articles as historical information and facts only.


Get a life Darius. Shah's

by Get a life Darius (not verified) on

Get a life Darius. Shah's time in long gone, just like your early 80s teenage boy years in cosy western Paris. Have you ever asked yourself one thing ,if Reza nim-Pahlavi and all his crew were so great, how come he or his family didn't come up with some persian school project around the world ?
So that at least the so fantaaaastic persian culture would not be lost by the next generation of exiled ?

For your info I come from some of those hardcore saltanati family, just like the ones you can see in Paris 16th district, at some Trocadero cafes.

I remember readind most of your articles before, but since a couple of months now, I realized how fucked up you are man, for real. I'm sure you also track down Ebay looking for some Shah's time stuff. key word :''pahlavi''...

Get a life man, I mean a real one, a 2007 life. You know, dating women, going out, and eventually getting laid (but not on Avenue Fock aight)

Kaveh F


by Kaveh F on

"His Father was a top ranked Colonel for the previous Iranian regime. " Here is some material for the next Iranian comedian: How many frickin high rank Colonels were there in Shah's army. We have more high ranked colonels from shah's regime in North America than the actual number of military personnel at that time. No wonder shah was overthrown by revolutionaries. All these colonels were looking to find a soldier to fight them. We give a new meaning to too many chiefs and not enough Indians. *Is there a cab driver training in shah’s military university? Because most of this high ranking colonels drive cab much better than defending a country. *How much did Shah pay his high ranking colonels? May be if he would pay him well they would stop revolutionaries instead of delivering Pizza in North America.** Material is not copy write protected  so use them as you wish


Darius Kadivar

JJ since When can our own names be highjacked ?

by Darius Kadivar on

I know some of our hezbollahi readers are experienced in kidnapping and highjacking but I thought we were protected by our names when we registered. Since when can someone to comment against me by using MY own name ?

I don't mind being attacked or critisized by someone who does it in the light and with his or her real name. I'm not masochistic to claim I like it but I do tolerate it. However this is not normal to see someone register with the same namesake ( and clearly not his/her  real name)  and without any verification from your part.

Never saw the point in the new format on the other than allowing misleading comments. The writers are not to be blamed but the editor if one has to be fair cause you are responsible for what is being published after all.

Anyway too tired to argue. 

Good night Anaonymous !




Darius - Get a life

by Darius KADIVAR ! (not verified) on

Instead of monitoring people's comments related to their personal lives, find something better to say. Some people don't care about the shah or mentioning him and his retarded family every chance they get. He has more important stuff like his comedy career..... you and the other shah-obsessed people on this site are the only ones who care. It's his life. he can comment about himself and his family as he likes. Your the one with identity issues..... stop diagnosing other people as having identity issues



by SALTY (not verified) on

Another wannabe, saying the same lame jokes over and over. He better keep his day job!

Darius Kadivar

I suggest him Omid Djalili's Workshop ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on


What's with the black accent?!

by Anonymous123 (not verified) on

I didn't find him funny at all. And, what's with the black accent??!!!

Darius Kadivar

Why is it so Hard to admit ? ...

by Darius Kadivar on

I keep seeing the same stuff with all these Middle Eastern Trend of Stand Up Comedians. And its Not even Funny.

Dunno why but I feel it is also a humor that makes you uncomfortable.

As if they want to tell you "Hey Look like me and laugh so that we can say you guys are not racist ! "

Also Since When were Middle Easterns "Not White" ?

Its all VERY CLICHE Humour and apart from Maz Jobrani, I have never found any of these Stand Up Comedians as Funny with all their post 9/11 Humour.

It was original in the begining and even healthy to break new ground and help distinguish the muslim population from the Osama Bin Laden Types but now its just being copied over and over to the degree of Nausea.

This guy just swears and uses the word F..K how many times ? Is Vulgarity Humour ?

Also why can't he say simply his father was a Colonel in the Shah's Army or He was a Colonel in the Imperial Iranian Army ? Why is it so difficult to even educate others and say the Word Shah or Imperial Army instead of : "My father was a Colonel under the previous Regime before the Revolution"

This is one of the thing that pisses me about all this identity crisis Iranians keep going through. Its less an Identity Crisis than the fact of being simply ignorant about their own past and history.

I wish the guy success cause Stand Up is difficult, but Man Learn a little about yourself and your background before uttering such nonesense.