
... with raw egg yolk?

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Are these people from Mars? ! زنده باد چلوکباب با تخم مرغ


Try raw egg yoke with a touch of salt and pepper, it is heaven. Raw egg yoke was an inseparable part of chelo kabab, until yek shir e paak khordeh ee invented cholesterol and also salmonella, and since then ما يک لقمه راحت از گلومون پايين نرفته! مثلا تخم مرغ ارگانيک میخريم با پول بيشتر و بعد زرده به آن نازنينی و خوشمزگی را بيرون ميريزيم!
ما ايرانی ها بايد از اين سمبل فرهنگ باستانی خود دفاع کنيم و نگذاريم که عده ای غرب زده آن را دستکاری کرده و يا بکل منکر آنها شوند. اگر ساکت بنشينيم بزودی منکر وجود کشک در "کشک بادنجون" يا نخود لوبيا در "آبگوشت" خواهند شد. چلو کباب با همه مخلفاتش تنها عامل يگانگی ماست، تنهاچيزی است که ماايرانيان داخل و خارج از هر مقام و مسلک دينی و سياسی که باشيم همگی نسل اندر نسل به عظمت و نفوذ آن ايمان و اعتماد داريم. مردم بپا خيزيد خطر نزديک است
زنده باد چلوکباب با تخم مرغ


Bezann to Rag

by Kabab Khor (not verified) on

Mannn... I love that cholesterol rush... chelo kabab and egg yoke all the way....

damet garm Jahanshah ke in barnameharo mizari...

i love and its nice to see them sharing their work.



by Shabnam (not verified) on

Where on earth did they find these "Avazi" people who have no clue about one of the most normal things to do when eating Kebab? Maybe they have lost themselves in Americana, but in England it is perfectly normal and extremely well-known in Chelo Kebab restaurants, that asking for an egg yolk is like asking for ketchup with your fries. Furthermore, i need 'Somaagh', 'Peeyaaz' & 'Kareh' to eat my kebab GODDAMNIT!


Still served in Iran. It is the best!

by farrad02 on

Obvously these interviews take place in Los Angeles or elsewhere in California. And typically the older Iranians in California belong to well-to-do layers of the pre-revolution society in Iran. These people rarely went to chelo kababis and most likely it wasn't a part of their home-cooked chelo kabob! 

Otherwise, it is very well known to majority of Iranians. I have tried it in Iran before and after the revolution and even recently in a Tehran Bazaar Chelo Kababi. It is a great texture when you mix the rice with the yolk; becomes a kind of creamy, rice pudding.

In a lot of chelo kababi restaurants in Iran, even today, you can ask for an egg yolk on your rice and they will bring it.



check wikipedia

by BN (not verified) on

Here, it's even mentioned in wikipedia:


Who are these people?

by BN (not verified) on

Which Iran do these strangers come from? Every Iranian I know likes chelo kabab with egg yolk or at least knows about it. I'm only 36...what do they mean "shanidam ghadim mikardan"? And I've never been to a restaurant in Los Angeles that wouldn't bring me an egg yolk upon request, much less look at me funny for asking.



by E-runi (not verified) on

I think in Rocky I he downed an egg with soltani and then went for a run :)


Chelo Kabab and egg yolk

by Iran (not verified) on

Yes, the egg yolk can be added to the dish, but only some restaurants do this. In Tehran I haven't seen such thing, but in Mashhad (Khorasan province) in "MoIIN Darbari" restaurant you can ask for it. But I think it is quite unhealthy. Man it can kill you!Cardivascular diseases are quite common in Iran. But believe me;Iranian foods like Ash reshteh, sabzi polo, and ... are healthy. We have to just stick to the original recipe which is for sure healthy. The other issue is our life style. As modern human beings, who sit all the day in the office we have to include physical exrecise into our daily schedule.


Bezan tou rag

by Irooni (not verified) on

midonestid keh Iran behtarin jarhaan e ghalb rou tou donya dareh?


Egg and lots of Piyaz

by E-runi (not verified) on

That is the best. The older gentleman was right, egg gives it a good flavor...and the ladies love kissing a man who smells of koobideh, piyaz, and doogh!