Guess We Can't!


Guess We Can't!
by eroonman

When will we learn? You cannot deal with a devil better known. Mousavi, the former militant Prime Minister is our Savior now? Please!

And Green is the color of the protest? Green? That same clashy color that doesn't ever go with anything else (get it?), and is only the most obvious seyedi symbol of the very same religion that has gotten us into this mess in the first place? That's our color of resistance? I hate green.

And to get back at the Basijis, the coolest trick we can come up with is to go hide up on the rooftops and yell "Allah-o Akbar"? Because it's ironic? (Hah! That'll teach them!)

And after all this, all that we wanted was for the same ministry of Interior stooges to do a recount? Are you kidding!

After 30 years of the continually over glorified revolution that precisely started with the first stolen election, namely the famous referendum in 1979, one would think that Iranians inside Iran have been quietly thinking deeply, contemplating all the options, really planning that next move towards a more free society and a truly open democracy. Ah the details, the perfect plan! Yes! Yes! Huzzah! Harrumph!

Yeah Right! Your Aunt's Life!

It seems too hard to come out and just say what Iran wants (and deserves after 2500 years of apathy);

- A "Real" Democracy
- Separation of Mosque and State (Can't we just try it for 30 years?)
- All the "Usual" Personal Freedoms

and just for tabloid fun and to keep Darius Kadivar quiet,

- A Symbolic Powerless Monarchy

Next time guys, instead of marching to Azadi Square in the hopes that the mollahs will get your subtle hint, why don't you march to their homes. Maybe after a few sleepless nights they'll realize they really must go now.

Also, next time, put all the women on the first 40 rows of the march's front line, so that the basijis have to cut through them to get to you. Sure it's cowardly, but not as cowardly as the basijis. Plus aren't basijis not allowed to touch women or they explode into flames or something? No wait that's HBO's "True Blood".

Doesn't anyone know how to stop a basiji motorbike? A stick in the front spokes? Remember when they fall, don't beat them up, just laugh at them. Not to be mean, it's just funny.

Speaking of funny,

How many basijis does it take to screw in a light bulb? 4. One to hold the light bulb still while the other 3 beat the crap out of it.

Did you hear what happened? The basijis told the Borg "Vot Deed You Essay? Resistance is futile?" Then they beat the crap out of the Borg.

Seriously (or not) there were several "Martin Luther King Moments" in these past weeks, that alas have now come and gone.

Mr. Pahlavi, Sir, you really should have gone to Iran in "48 hours" as the rumor suggested. True, maybe you would have gotten shot at or arrested, or jostled. But either way, it is high time you did something outside the box. Get into some kind of trouble please! You've been such a good boy your whole life, go on, break a window for god's sake! Yor dad's dead and your Mom's a movie star. No one will know! Seeing how low you stand today, seriously where's the downside of redemption?

And last but not least the radiant (soon to be radiation) Ms. Ebadi, apparently in all of this you were just so darn busy admiring your Nobel, and just couldn't spare us the time to actually be Noble. Oh wait! you must have had another one of your famous court cases that you never seem to win, that must be what kept you from marching. Because there was so darn much to march for. Pick any one! You could have say, marched for women's freedom? Buy wait, you're much to much of a Moslem for that aren't you? I thought that somebody told me once, Ebadi is Swedish for Bitch.

OK now I'm really bored with all of this. Health Care reform is starting to look really interesting now.


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more from eroonman

Very funny

by per diem (not verified) on

It never hurts to be irreverent. Thank you eroonman. I hear ya.

Fouzul Bashi

it's not about Mousavi

by Fouzul Bashi on

it's not about Mousavi or about the seyedi green. Do you have a problem with the green that's on top of our flag too? I personally think it goes very well with white and red.

If you'd rather follow the news about health care, go right ahead sir, but our people are dying on the streets and in the jails, the girls are being raped and you want to say it's over? 

What do you have to gain by constantly inserting yournegative vibes into this matter? Go back and read the blogs you have written since before the election. Did you contribute anything constructive?

Too bad such a good talented writer takes up such negative role during these times. We need people like you to support the Iranians and their struggle. Shame...


Darius Kadivar

A Question of Knowing OUR PRIORITIES As IRANIANS ...

by Darius Kadivar on

This is What Happens When Iranians Don't Get THEIR PRIORITIES Straight !


Galloway: Regime's British mouthpiece





Ali P.

Not our first time...

by Ali P. on

Didn't we grab into Shiite branch of Islam (not the prettiest or the smartest branch!) just to seperate and liberate ourselves from the Arabs' domination?


you know you have a point

by sarbaz (not verified) on

I would laugh if this situation wasn't so true and sad.

Oh lets just blame it all on Israel , US and Britain

its easier to deal with that way.

Kourosh Aryamanesh


Kourosh Aryamanesh

ما معتقديم که سران جمهوری اسهالی انتظار چنين عکس العمل گسترده ای را از مردم جان به لب رسيده نداشتند، حالا هم اين آقای موسوی مانند خر در گل مانده که چه بکند. فهميده، نفهميده يک تپقی زد و بقای نظام ولايت وقيح هندی زاده و بيضۀ اسلام را در خطر انداخت . حالا هم هنوز معترض به نتايج انتخاباته و منتظره که اين پفيوزا حقش و پس بدن

در مورد آقای سيروس پهلوی هم حق باشماست، حالا که چوب اسمشو ميخوره بد نبود يک تحرکی از خودش نشان ميداد . با اعلاميه و مصاحبه که کار درست نميشه . دستش هم که به خون آلوده نيست. بد نبود يک جفت تستيکول رضا خانی به ارث ميبرد.  اگر چنان بود حد اقل مردم انقدر به اين آقای کديور نميپريدند. 


hehehe, isn't the Iranian problem more like

by fozolie on

GroundHog Day?

Mr. Fozolie

Darius Kadivar

eroonman( Doc Bones) I LOVED THIS ;0)))

by Darius Kadivar on



Vina as a green-skinned dancing slave girl in "The Cage" pilot of STAR TREK !

Oh By the Way DOC Bones eroonman Let's See if Your Suffering from a Vulcan Mind Meld ...


How Many Fingers ?


Cheers Buddy !


D Kirk ;0)



It NEVER was about Mousavi, agha

by Marg bar Khamenei (not verified) on

Get it?