ذکر "نام" محمد(ص) در تورات و انجیل

by Fred

حاج آقا حجت‌الاسلام و المسلمین محسن قرائتی، "رئیس ستاد اقامۀ نماز کشور" در رابطه با "هتک حرمت به ساحت پیامبر اعظم(ص) به تبیین وظایف امت در قبال رسول مکرم اسلام(ص)" پرداخته و از جمله گفته:

تمام هستی یک طرف؛ پیامبر اسلام برای خدا چیز دیگری است.

پیغمبری که نام و نشانش در تورات و انجیل آمده است."

نظر به اینکه دو کتاب مقدسی که حاج آقای "رئیس ستاد اقامۀ نماز کشور" از آنان نام برده که حاوی "نام " پیامبر مسلمین هستند قرنها پیش از تولد حضرت محمد نوشته شده اند، این کشف حاج آقا قرائتی میتواند تاریخ ادیان را بکلی عوض کند.

و چون حاج آقا نمیتواند دروغ به این گندگی گفته باشد،


آیا کسی سراغی از "نام" حضرت محمد ابن عبدالله (ص) در تورات و انجیل دارد؟

آیا دروغگویی صنف دینکاران بنام پیامبر مسلمین هتک حرمت ایشان نمیباشد؟


پ.ن. این یکی هم حرفهای بامزۀ دیگری میزند:


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Funny thing about religion

by jirandoust on

Funny thing about religion in general is their desparate efforts in acheiving legitimacy by connecting themselves to the previous, more legitimate religions of the past. Christianity considers itself continuation of Judaism while Islam thinks it is continuation of both Judaism and Christianity. Funny thing this phenomenon of religion is, isn't it?

Stop fighting over religion, folks. They're all man-made. there is nothing metaphysical about any of them!


کبکت خروس میخواند!


No matter what any book or anybody says the unGODlies will stick to their fancies. Perhaps the below will be a good ending with any further 'rooster's singing!'





Thanks Fesenjoon2 for all the good & funny links

by IranFirst on

Dear Fesenjoon2 thanks for the informative links and all the good articles you post




آن روزی که نوشتی "تضربوهن" در آیه ۱۳۴ سوره نسا یعنی با زن تان برقصید، فکر کردم از این حرف ابلهانه تر دیگر نخواهم شنید. اما امروز دانستم تا چه اندازه اشتباه کرده بودم . کربلایی، اینکه حضرت محمد تسلی دهنده دیگران بوده با اینکه نامش "تسلی دهنده" یا فارقلیط بوده باشد فرق میکند! هر طفلی این را میفهمد، تو هم لابد میفهمی و به دلیلی که من از آن بی خبرم به روی مبارک نمیاوری! در قرآن کریم نیامده و پیامبر اکرم هم هیچگاه نگفته که نامش در کتاب مقدس ذکر شده است . یک عده بیسواد این حرفها را میسازند تو هم بدون لحظه یی تفکر میائی اینجا طوطی وار تکرار میکنی! در عین حال آنکه سرش را زیر برف میکند که از دور و برش بیخبر بماند کبک است نه شترمرغ. تو هم که امروز کبکت خروس میخواند!
فبشر عباد الذين يستمعون القول فيتبعون أحسنه. الزمر ۱۸



by Fesenjoon2 on

What do you expect, man? Everyone, including muslims themselves, know that the current Quran was written decades after the supposed revelations to Muhammad. During that time, Omar and Uthman had ample time to edit, re-edit, add, subtract, and filter anything they liked, assuming they were all true revelations. No verification. No oversight. No academic or scholarly check on whether the verses that were being re-written after so many years were the true word or not. 

Even the Shia's Usul-e Kafi says the current Quran is a fabrication. Just like the Bible and Talmud.  Otherwise the Quran authors wouldnt have made so many stupid mistakes when writing the Quran, like:

The Earth and Heavens were created in 6 days:


The Earth and Heavens were created in 2 days:



I suppose Muhammad was too busy with sex to notice the flagrant contradiction. 



Funny "logic" of Demo & Islam to show Muhammad's name in Bible

by IranFirst on

Reading the stupid and funny "logic" of this ayatollah and "proof" by IC's local bache Akhond , reminde me of this atricle written by Dr. Ali Sina, where he uses the same stupid "logic" that Muslims use , to show that his name (Ali Sina) appreas many more times than Child-Molester Mo, in Bible. Read and have a laugh 


All the so called "miracles" of Islam are of this kind. They are
deceptions. There are no miracles in the Quran or for Islam, anywhere.
The only miracle is in the fact that over a billion otherwise sane
people have abandoned reason and follow a man with a questionable sanity . They not only follow this child-molester blindly, but try to impose this cult of barbarity on the civilized world


معنی جهل مرکب شتر مرغی


معنی جهل مرکب شتر مرغی: نه قادر بخواندن متون ساده فارسی و نه انگلیسی! سر را در خاک صحرا فرو بردن و بی پایه و اساس دیگران را متهم کردن! ادعای شتر نمودن در آزمایش پرواز و اغماض در جهت حمل بار به بهانه مرغ بودن!

"سؤال اینست که آیا نام پیامبر جایی در متون مقدس مسیحیان و کلیمیان آمده یا
خیر. جواب اینست که خیر "نام" محمد در کتاب مقدس نیامده است"

اینهم متن فارسی در ذیل در جهت رد ادعای شتر مرغی:




مصداق جهل مرکب!


من که نفهمیدم چه نوشتی! البته بار اول هم نیست که همه حیرانند که این بابا چه میگوید یا چه میخواهد بگوید ! ولی اگر یارای خواندن عنوان بلاگ را داری، سعی کن واژه "نام" را آن بالا ببینی. واژه دوم از دست راست است و میان ذکر و محمد قرار داده شده. سؤال اینست که آیا نام پیامبر جایی در متون مقدس مسیحیان و کلیمیان آمده یا خیر. جواب اینست که خیر "نام" محمد در کتاب مقدس نیامده است. تو و بقیه کارمندان و جیره خواران وزارت اطلاعات تا فردا هم روضه خوانی کنند چیزی را عوض نخواهد کرد!


Diaspora Ostriches!

by Demo on

It is about time to expose our real intents when making an 'untrue' statement(s), isn't it?

"O Children of Israel! I am the messenger of God (sent) to you, confirming the Law (Torah or Old Testament) before me,
and giving glad tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad." [Quran 61:6]

The Quran gives the name as Ahmad, one of several ways to say Muhammad's name. Just as we have in English the name Joseph, and often use a shorter form such as "Joe" or the familiar form, "Joey," and other names like "Jonathan" which becomes "John"; "Jack" or "Johnny", so in the same way we find Arabic has similar forms for a name. Muhammad, Ahmad and Hamad are a few of the names originating from the root word, "hamd" (meaning 'praise') in Arabic, and can be understood as "The one who praises (God)"; "the praised one"; "praising"; etc.

Abdullah Yusuf Ali in his translation of the meanings of the Quran to English, he states,
"Ahmad or Muhammad, the Praised One is a translation of the Koine Greek
word Periclytos. In the present gospel of John 14:16, 15:26 and 16:7,
the Greek word Paracletos is translated in the NIV as Comforter.
Paracletos can mean an Advocate, or "one called to the help of another",
"a kind friend." Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, was known
from birth as one who brought comfort and reconciliation to family,
friends and strangers alike, especially in bringing together the ties of
kinship and brotherly love.

Another nick name of the prophet
Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, mentioned in the Bible (or at
least what is left of it in the English language) is "The Spirit of
Truth." As-Saddiq means exactly that and it is was another name given to
Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, by those who knew his
proclivity for honesty and integrity.

The New Testament Gospel
according to John, Jesus, peace and blessings be upon him, promises them
the Paracletos will come four times (John 14:16; 14:26; 15:26; 16:7).
Naturally, Jesus, peace and blessings be upon him, did not return in
their lifetime nor did any other prophet for that matter, so later
thinkers came up with the notion that it was not Jesus "in person" but
rather, Jesus coming back in "spirit form." This led some Christians to
assert, this was to be the Holy Spirit, who would descend upon the
disciples on the Day of the Pentecost (Acts 2), to witness Christ and
lead them into the whole truth and to be with the believers forever, and
they would not die (John 3:16), but have everlasting life. Also, some
added verses later (see footnotes to Revised Standard Version of the
Bible) to the very last chapter of Mark (16), wherein, they have the
Spirit coming upon them in such a way they imagined themselves going to
be able to speak with new languages; pick up snakes, lay hands on the
sick to cure them and even drink poison and nothing would hurt them.
[Luke 23:17-18]

Another point is, the Paracletos, comforter or
the Spirit of truth, was going to dwell with us from now on. Certainly
anyone could see Muhammad's influence and his message of worshipping
only One God without any partners has prevailed long after his earthly

Imam-e Zaman


by Imam-e Zaman on

It is interesting and amazing at the same time that the Muslims, even their most liberal ones, are not willing to give any credit to the Jews for the origin of Muhammad’s “revelations” as reflected in Koran. One wonders if it ever crosses their minds that with all those biblical tales, that are slightly tweaked in Koran, with all those codes of behavior, prayer, fasting, etc, perhaps Muhammad wasn’t as original as they think. Of course, the genius of Muhammad has been to declare the old and new testaments as unauthentic, so that only very few devout Muslims would ever get curious enough to look into.


I suppose if there were not what we call the statute of limitation, then the Jews are entitled for compensation for the largest copyright violation in history.



by shahrvand2 on

گروهی برآنند که "فارقلیط" متذکر در انجیل یوحنا فصل ۱۴ آیات ۱۶ و ۲۶و فصل ۱۵ آیه ۲۶ و فصل ۱۶ آیه ۷ اشاره به رسول اکرم است. "فارقلیط" به معنی تسلی دهنده در رساله اعمال رسولان هم ذکر شده است. البته نام محمد در کتاب مقدس ذکر نشده است.


کشف «فرد»!


واقعیت ذکر نام محمد در تورات کشف جدیدی نیست ولی از نقطه نظر بلاگر جدید است!!
کشور ما ایران قرنها مرکز تجارت و داد و ستد بوده و بدبختانه دین را هم چون حجره های بازار در حوضه های دینداری مورد معامله و بشکل کالای خرید و فروش در آورده اند. مثلأ همین دکان «رئیس اقامه نماز» نمونه بارزی از آن است که واقعأ شرم آور است. در قرآن کلمه متدیّن مطلقأ وجود ندارد ولی در بازار دینی ایران متدیّن جای مومن را گرفته است. و حتی اسکناس هم که یک کاغذ پاره و وسیله تجارت در بازار بین مردم کوچه و بازار است مزیّن گشته است به عکس یک به ظاهر متدیّن راحل که این روزها آن تکه کاغذ رنگی هم بی ارزش شده و بیشتر خواهد شد. همانا که بایستی زار زد به این بازار مکاران. ولی هیچ جای نگرانی نیست که فرجام آن بازار همچون سرانجام این بلاگ در نزد خداوند چیز دیگری است!

کفش که به سرت خورد کاشف میشوی!   



by fate on

برایش "ص" گذاشته‌ای! دیگر وحشی و متجاوز و قاتل و کودک‌آزار و از این صحبتا نیست؟


Barnabas Bible

by anglophile on

The Gospel according to Barnabas is yet another controvertial document claimed to contain the name of Muhammad as a future prophet.



This is an age old debate

by anglophile on

Muslims as a matter of principle believe that Muhammad's prophecy was foretold in both Tourah (Bible) and Injil (Gospel). Doesn't take much imagination that such claims are not accepted by either the Jewish or Christian leadership. So the controversy goes on (Muslims believe that the current versions of the Jewish and Chrsitian holy books are revised and unoriginal).


