گوسفندان بهایی


by Fred

سربازان بدنام آقا امام زمان در استان سمنان مشغول ظلم مضاعف به کشاورزان بهائی روستای تاریخی دازگاره‌ افشار از توابع شهر سنگسر هستند.

"بند ذخیرهٔ آب دازگاره در سال ۱۳۷۹ با مجوز اداره آب و آبخیزداری بهره‌برداری شد. در سال ۱۳۸۸ در پی نامهٔ محرمانه‌ی‌ اداره اطلاعات سمنان به دفتر دادستان کل کشور، دستور تخریب این بند خاکی صادر و با نظارت مستقیم ماموران وزارت اطلاعات تخریب شد.

مامورین اداره منابع آب شهرستان سمنان پس از تخریب بند مذکور از صاحبان آن طلب بیش از ۶۰ میلیون تومان هزینه تخریب را نمودند و پس از عدم پرداخت هزینه مورد نظر مامورین با حکم قضایی اقدام به مصادره دام و احشام موجود (جمعا ۱۵۷ راس به ارزش ۶۰۴٫۹۰۰٫۰۰۰ ریال) در مرتع نمودند.

در شهریور ۱۳۸۹ بدون اطلاع قبلی، برق کشاورزی این منطقه قطع شد. "

به عبارت دیگر؛ مسلمین حاکم در طول ٣٤ سال گذشته به انحای مختلف به باورمندان دین بومی ایرانی بهایی که جز سود و نیک نامی برای ایران و ایرانی نداشته اند ظلم مضاعف کرده تا مجبور به ترک ایران شوند.

غارت "قانونی" مفر زندگی بهائیان، قطع آب و برق کشاورزی آنان در راستۀ همان سیاست پاکسازی دینی است.

روزی نه چندان دور، مسلمین حاکم، همانند صربها، در دادگاه لاهه پاسخگوی جنایات علیه بشریت خواهند بود.


پ.ن. برای نمونه به اینجا، اینجا، اینجا، اینجا و اینجا هم سرکی بکشید.


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by مآمور on

divaneh jon, what that word means?? what happend where??

r u sure, u got your word right?? tell us more of that story 'khyer'!!

I wear an Omega watch


Nothing Else is Expected from Arab Islam

by IranFirst on

Nothing Else is Expected from Arab Islam. 1400 rape , Savagery, missery , backwardness and killings by these occupiers of Iran and their blind followers and "good" Islamist justifers like "Demo", who repeat the words of these savages like a parrot and defend their actions and their terrorist cookbook (Quran)


This is like Khyer

by divaneh on

They learn from their prophet. This is like Khyer. In there also the prophet of Islam and the gang of his bandits attacked the Khyber village and stole their livelihood with some killing and raping of the residents. As they say, like prophet , like follower.

Iqbal Latif

Repression is a totalitarian tool!

by Iqbal Latif on

Conspiracy theories to eliminate minorities has no mileage. Dignity of majority of Iranians as well as minorities like Baha'is have been severely compromised under a systematic pogram of cleansing of free thought.

No one should be treated as a mellowed sheep! Human dignity is the first port of call before anything else. When we fail to raise our voice against evil, we become part of it. The most appaling thing is the whole nation is silent like a lamb. What can one do when the repression is so immense, the whole nation has been mentally ensalved.

Egalitarian parity is a right of every human being; Cyrus the Great granted that right, and literally figures like Rumi and Saadi have structured within the Iranian genre by saying: "The sons of Adam are limbs of one another Having been created of one essence." "When the calamity of time afflicts one limb, The other limbs cannot remain at rest."

Equality is a right of every human being; In this intricately interwoven world of ours freedom of thought is the burning issue of the day. In my humble opinion it is only from the excesses of the past like those Iranian clergy, Vatican and Caliph that we learn not to duplicate our blunders. I wrote an article that in my opinion is an essential effort to emphasize that the suppression of the Taliban and Khomeini are just a persistence of our fight back with 'suppression' in the name of holy writ.

Today in this day of knowledge the quantity of information produced every 48 hours now exceeds the sum of all the words uttered by mankind since the beginning of time until the 21st century. A new super consciousness of mankind has evolved where billon of people are connecting to each other.

Internet today has become source of infinite information. Mankind faces new threat from extreme censorships of ideas in the part of the worlds that are not free from dogma; contemporary man today finds himself even a thousand years away from era of Caliphs in face of a new rendezvous a new epoch of information – the old 'scripts, ideas and books' are replaced by now specks of instant information flowing through a faultless World Wide Web.

We see events in real time at distance that only were attributed to Gods. Distance has died and so has our ability to unravel mysteries of nature. It is sad that some people are still stuck in 'Iranian mullah primitive society' with persecution of those who believe in oneness of mankind.

Let's look at the core of the problem:

Repression is a totalitarian tool and this sensitivity of 'millions of a nation of faithful' is so reproachful; I don't accept one man ship of mullah or clerics or any prophet; but I also defend the rights of those which are trampled for what they believe in, my right as an apostate or believer should be as protected as their right of being faithful or a Ayatollah.

Anyone in the 19th century coming up with the idea of 'One world government, a connected world and a universal language that should be commonly instituted plus equality of rights between gender should only be a constructive feature of a nation.' Only the greatest have been visionary of universal oneness of mankind, Iranian mullahs have shaped a blinkered and bigoted society that encourages division and selective prejudice against peripheral minorities; the heavenly trade off promised makes our planet tormented and hellish, this needs all our collective denunciation.

Day after day, methodical denial of rights of minorities across the board contitue highest form of intellectual discrimination- 'a genocide of mind is as worst as genocide of bodies,' not only as Iranian citizens with regard to their civil and political rights, but also in terms of their economic, social and cultural rights as members of a world-wide religious faith.

Forget about false drummed up charges of Bahá'ís being the 'fifth columnists' and agents of Zionism; how much fair is this when nearly thousands of Baha'i university-age students in Iran are affected by new government regulations requiring that, in order to attend a university this coming year, they must accept identification as Muslims. ''Unfortunately the anti-bahai craze has a history that precedes the status quo.'' There is no reason for Bahá'í persecution rather Iran should take pride in the ideas of universal egalitarianism formulated by the founders of the Bahá'í Faith.

By that token, are Bahais' not the sons of Adam? Unfortunately the Baha'is of Iran still face, day after day, methodical denial of their rights, not only as Iranian citizens with regard to their civil and political rights, but also in terms of their economic, social and cultural rights as members of a world-wide religious faith. The trample the customs of Cyrus the great and adage of Saadi to annihilate a vibrant community that takes pride in its Iranian roots is poignant day for Iran.

The ideal of an egalitarian society where the prejudice of colour, race and belief will be shunned and a new call of oneness of mankind becomes the cardinal goal of mankind looks premature even now. In medieval Iran of the 19th century how could a man, descending partly from aristocracy and partly from Babism, have coined the new world order of collective progress is beyond the scope of many great modern thinkers.

The vision of future held by members of the Bahai community, however little it may be understood as yet by the majority of the planet's inhabitants, refutes the idea of encroaching darkness; the Bahai vision is, in contrast, one of great promise. The Bahai vision amongst the contemporary revolutionary thoughts is viewed as marking the last and highest stage in the stupendous evolution of man's collective life on this planet.

The emergence of a world community, the consciousness of world citizenship, the founding of a world civilization and culture should, by their very nature, be regarded, as far as this planetary life is concerned, as the furthermost limits and the cutting edge in the organization of human society, this is the vertical limit and Iranians can be proud of the fact that such a global visionary as Bahaullah was born in Tehran.

Persecution of man is something that has been very close to my heart and soul, the persecution of Bahá'ís and other minorities as well as majority of Iranians is tremendously significant.

I have extensively covered this subject like many others with great enthusiasm.

Persecution of thought has been a established practice of medieval minds. Caliph Omar before deciding the fate of Great Library of Alexandria, is described in Jorge Luis Borges poem ‘Alexandria, AD 641′ before commanding his soldiers to destroy it, said:

''They say the wealth of volumes it contains
Outnumbers the stars or the grains
Of sand in the desert. The man
Who tried to read them all would lose
His mind and the use of his reckless eyes.''

In 2002, Aug I wrote this article where I coined the term 'Medieval ignorance' describing the attitude of the Iranian clergy towards Baha'is.

Medieval ignorance

The silence of Iranian polity towards Bahai persecution

August 5, 2002


I also wrote in 2006 about intellectual cleansing and highlighted that no one gives a damn about the Baha'is in Iran, after a decade these terms are now become part of lexicon of Baha'i persecutions.

Black census counting minorities is an omen of bad prospects and evil designs ahead



پاکسازی ایرانیان


در حالی که خداوند بشدت بشر را از تظاهر به پاک نمایی باز میدارد (قرآن ٥٣:٣٢) علما و خبرگان دین در این مورد از یکدیگر سبقت گرفته و نه تنها خود به آن مشغولند بلکه خلقی را هم به گمراهی میکشانند. تفاوتی هم ندارد که زیر چه عنوانی باشند و پیرو آیین کدامین از پیام آوارن حق و آزادی و عدالت. ما ایرانیان که اکثرأ در اینمورد گل سرسبدیم. در تظاهر به هر چیزی پیش کسوتیم و انقلابمان هم یعنی تظاهرات در خیابانها تا ابدالدهر. دین هم یعنی ریشی بر صورت و حجابی بر سر و عبا و عمامه و شعار و فقیه و غیره و غیره. روزهای پاک خدا را هم یا برای تولد این رفته جشن میگیریم و یا سوگواریم در فوت آن رفته تا ابدالدهر. نتیجه آن هم واضح است. بجای خود پاک کنی دمار از دیگری در می آوریم از بهر پاکسازیش. مگر آنکه از خودمان باشد و  یا اینکه تظاهر به از خودمان بودن بکند. ضرب المثل هم براش داریم که : خواهی نشوی رسوا همرنگ جماعت شو. در حالیکه همرنگ کورکورانه جماعت شدن و عقل خدادادی را بکار نبردن خود یک رسوایی است و نابود ساز.

پ.ن. صربی که شدیم. دادگاهمان هم که در لاهه است. نیروی نظامی خارجی هم که فرشته نجاتمان است. رضا پهلوی هم که نلسون ماندلامان است. با این طرز تلقی نویسنده بلاگ نه تنها بهاییان بلکه تمام ما ایرانیان گوسفندیم و به چوپانان جهان آزاد؟ از جهت چرانیدن محتاجیم.


Shame on IRR/IRI ( Akhoonds & Thugs) In IRAN

by Azarbanoo on

for crimes against Bahaies & others as well.  IRANIANS after This Barbaric Regime MUST Convert to Bahaism which is beautiful IRANIAN Faith according to Persian Culture. ISlam is Arabic and Arabs Have been Killing so many IRANIANS especially during invasion of IRAN so many (Millions) of our ansestors were killed by Arabs for not becoming Moslems.