سخنرانی آتشینِ خامنه‌ای در رابطه با سقوطِ خرمشهر در سال پنجاه و نه

by Tapesh

بخشی از خطبه های آتشین نماز جمعه تهران خامنه ای پس از سقوط خرمشهر خطاب به گروه های مخالف روند جنگ/1359.



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lost his patience soon after

by Khasteh on

I guess the jackass and his gang of murderers, torturerers, thieves and rapists, ran out patience soon after the speech and started shoving their dictatorship up in every single Iranian's behind (those who disagreed with them).

He says what he wants behind the mic and yet threatens by saying, "Don't make me tell you everything that "I know" is going on". Now, that is a jack ass, who is also be-sharaf, kha-en, ghatel, dozd, kesafat, dorogh-Goo, and ...

Maryam Hojjat

YOU MUST be tried in INternational Court

by Maryam Hojjat on

For crimes against Iranians & IRAN in past 33 years + Puting Cinema REX on fire & burning more than 300 innocent IRANIANS.  You are a Batard Arab.