"Ayatollah" Mohsen Kadivar & co


"Ayatollah" Mohsen Kadivar & co
by Zulfiqar110

June 18, 2009 in support of Sea of Green

Part 1-4

Part 2-4

Part 3-4

Part 4-4

Columbia University Panel June 19, 2009, with Hamid Dabashi and Fatimeh Haghighatjoo

Part 1-7

Part 2-7

Part 3-7

Part 4-7

Part 5-7

Part 6-7

Part 7-7


more from Zulfiqar110

He actually reminds me of a guy I used to play soccer with

by Zulfiqar110 on

No problem about the OT.

Does anyone know where his banned books might be purchased? He's written three massive tomes, which earned him his present rank, that argues against Khomeinism and the Guardianship of the Jurisprudent stopping short of arguing for the separation of religion from politics. Apparently he combines Western political theory and analytical methods of jurisprudential criticism with traditional Shi'ite methodologies as well as 'Erfan. He is big on Mulla Sadra. Those who have read his works say he is not an easy read and his works are full of technical philosophical jargon, terminology and neologisms.

Has anyone seen any of these books in Persian language bookstores in North America?


sorry darius i could not help it

by fozolie on



apologies to the orignal poster as it is off topic

Mr. Fozolie


WeNever Learn From Our Mistakes.

by darius on


Real funny



Darius Kadivar

No Family Ties with Me ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Just to reassure everyone ...



Nothing doing

by Fred on

Mr. Kadivar would do well to come out point blank and denounce Islam as instrument of political power. He would also do well to convince his brother-in-law Mohajerani, the former Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance who nowadays resides in London to forsake his support of the Islamist republic system.

Available interview of Mohajerani, a political ally of Mr. Kadivar, shows him saying Islam has to hold the political power to fulfill its destiny.  Fool me twice? Nothing doing


I love it, I have lived to see Akhoonds reform one by one

by fozolie on

Trust an Akhoond? Never.... 

Fear of retribution in this world or the next?;-)

Persian saying: death is the only way for a wolf to repent.

Mr. Fozolie