

by Zion

The following videos provide only a glimpse of the professional methods employed by the palestinians and Hizballah to shoot fake photos and videos. Footage designed specifically to portray alleged Israeli `crimes` and palestinian `victimhood`.

The reality goes beyond the few cases reported here. There is a full fledged industry operating for years using in depth knowledge of media loopholes , ways to take advantage of them, and methods to quench media thirst for spectacular time bites by providing them with professionally staged fake footage.

Pallywood (Full version)

Pallywood I

Pallywood II - The Al-Durah case (part 1)*

Pallywood II - The Al-Durah case (Part II)

The Road to Jenin (Full version)

Jenin Massacre? The Truth

The truth about Jenin


Photo fraud in Lebanon

Pictures you never see


* See also :


more from Zion


by Zion on

Both the Al-Durah case and the Jenin hoax have been of used as icons of alleged israeli crimes. They are not little staged scenes here and there. Countless people have died as a direct consequence of these two hoax and staged lies. There is a systematic campaign of fabricating and producing such things going on. Systematic and professional.

Rosie T.

My Concessoin to Zion

by Rosie T. on

I concede that some of this footage looks obviously staged.Thank you for bringing this to my attention.  It is a very difficult concesson for me to make.

If I understood correctly, every non-Zionist on this thread seems to implicitly or explicitly admit this. So I would like to throw this question up for discusson:

How much of the media footage that is seen on crimes/violence committed against Palestinians might realistically have been staged?  .005%?  1%? 5%? 20%?  As high as 80 or 90%, Zion??????

Other specifically related questions may be:  When did this staging perhaps begin? And how much Israeli footage is staged, and can proof be provided?

I do not think it would be fruitful at this point to talk about anything other than images in the media::video and film footage and photographs,


Rosie T.


by Rosie T. on

comments I wrote here.. Don't even bother to read my blog on War. PLEASE JUST RWEAD MY BRAND NEW BLOG CALLED TO EVERYONE ON THE PALLYWOOD THREAD. IT IS VERY BRIEF. Please read it soon.



Rosie T.

To Mehdi Mazloom, To ALL

by Rosie T. on

ALL: Cpmment to ALL wass just to read my blog on War, Website, Concesson.

MEHDI MAZLOOM: You ask, what should we do?

I think the Israel/Palestine situation right now seems so hopelessly intractable politically that it is not really helpful right now to ask what WE should do. So I will use Q's (Qumars') technique and ask you to reframe the question. We all have to ask: What should I do? i think the progress right now has to come from individuals and from the bottom up.

So as to what I think YOU should do as a member of this small but dedicated blogging community is to continue doing exactly what you've been doing. Continue assiduously and as far as I can see TIRELESSLY blogging and threading your perspectives in a civilized way in diallogs which seem to assume that no one is INTENTIONALLY lying. And to remember those days when you--I don't know how old you are so I don't know if they're  your own personal memories or the memories of your elders transmitted to you or perhaps both--your memories of how delicious the tabooli and tahini were that you bought at those Arab markets in Palestine.  How they smelled, how they tasted.  While having these discussions. Perhaps you already do.

Person by person. In civilized dialog. Right here. On this website. Why not here? It's as good a place as any.

As far as what I would do if I were someone like you living in Israel, I think I'd go to Palestine and make one friend. One single friend who is Palestinian. And cultivate that friendship.  And share your perspectives. Over tabooli. In Palestine. And by phone. From Israel.

And I think that if I lived in a part of Israel where I were not allowed to pass the checkpoints even though no ACTIVE battle was going on, I would get VERY VERY suspicious. And at that point I would contact a refusenik and/or their family . And make friends with them. And share your perspectctives. Over tabooli. Or blintzes. And find out just what was so TERRIBLE about the situation in Palestine that they, their sons and daughters chose to refuse. In and out of prison. Over and over again. 

One by one. Person by person.  One dialog at at ime.

I think that's what I would do.

Thanks for asking me.


Rosie T.

Mehdi, Mehdi Mazloonm, Hello

by Rosie T. on

Mehdi Mazloom, I'll try to answer you tomorrow.

Mehdi, I don't know who's going home, but I'm not going home yet. You still don't grasp the fundamental difference between you ARE a Nazi and you are LIKE a Nazi. It may seem like a very small difference to you, but to a Jew, it's a big diffenerence. Zion never said the "Arabs" ARE Nazis on the Sachsenhausen thread. He said they have used tactics that were like the Nazis in thier inumanity. Don't you see that this is what he believes?  Don't you grasp the difference? How careful he tried to be with language? He NEVER said Nazi Palestinians. No, he never did. You did. This is the small concession you have to make: you have to concede that there is a difference between saying you ARE a Nazi and you are LIKE a Nazi. Zion has made this concession involving language. Why can't you?

Hello,: Hello, Hello.


Rosie T.

The contents of this post are contained in my blog on

by Rosie T. on

War, Website, Concession. They aren't needed here anymore and they clog up the thread. . 

Rosie T.

My response: time out

by Rosie T. on

Time out already happened. I feel the time out has lasted too long.



60 years of killing is fully justified

by Mehdi on

Those damn monster Nazi Palestinians deserve to die. Israel is so clean that you could pick your nose hair looking at it! All the bloodshed is just fake movies. Israelis are known around the world for their, um, well, never mind. It's all fake. Case closed - everyone can go home now.



by Zion on

Thanks Hello. I do realize this, that is why I post here. Thanks for voicing your support.

Q, well well. Did you have your pills this time?
Lying again Q. I never claimed
`Israel never kills innocent civilians.`

You also lie about massacres Q. Israel has never perpetrated any massacres. Lies as usual. Fully expectable from a proven compulsive liar and a disturbed soul.

Now listen, Israel is in a war. It is a war imposed on us and we are fighting it. People get hurt in war and tragedies take place. Compared to any other situation where a people were faced with such vile hateful genocidal constant assault has shown as much humanity, as much care and caution to prevent unnecessary death as Israel has done, and continues to do.
as I explained to your buddy, Israel society and government watches out for such cases, processes it and brings possible guilty parties to court and if convicted to justice. Every single quotation from b`Tzelem or Haaretz that you bring is a proof of my point, but you are evidently too dumb to realize it.
None of this is in anyways relevant to the systematic orchestrated campaign of lies and false allegations waged on Israel. The shameless, perverse comparisons between Jews and Nazis, talks of palestinian concentration camps and other usual disgusting legacy of anti-semitism revived and waged under the cover of opposition to Israel.
You should know, you and your buddies are an active part of this orchestra of lie, filth, fabrication and hatred.


Zion, oh sure it's all fake, Israel never hurts anybody

by Q on

It's funny how you talk of B'tselem, much of the footage is from them! Question is do you actually trust them or only when they agree with you?

Your little dog and pony show will convince no one. Israel fabricates things all the time, including its own history.

What you are doing is a classic technique by the Israeli propagandists. You, yourself say that reality goes beyond "a few cases" here and there. I completely agree.

The fact that you have raised doubts over "a few cases" does not negate the whole truth by any logic.

Many of these so-called "fabrication stories" are also maliciously misleading. For example the Gaza Beach massacre. The Israeli story was rediculous. Just because they have the money and the media to repeat it ad nauseum just like you and your buddies are doing on this site, doesn't make it true.

Here's what Haaretz wrote. Do you consider them fabricators too?

Were we, in fact, at fault?

The army's front commander for Gaza, Major General Yoav Galant, said Sunday that "the picture is unclear. The artillery fire has been well-analyzed, and the question marks are multiplying as to whether the artillery fire was the cause of the incident."

Say he's right. Say it wasn't our fault. Say we dismiss as irrelevant the fact that five IDF shells landed nearby at the same time, and that the trajectory of the sixth is unaccounted-for.

Pretend, for argument's sake, that the army's statements on the incident were not meant to confabulate, that is, to unconsciously replace fact with fantasy in someone's memory.

Make believe that it was only coincidence that when Army Radio said the probe was to determine who was responsible for the killing of the Ghalia family, it suggested that the choices were "an Israeli artillery shell, or a Palestinian Qassam rocket that landed in the area by mistake."

And while you're at it ...

Say the blood that is on our hands is not that of Ali Ghalia, the father of the family, his wife Ra'isa, four of his daughters, one aged 2, and his eight-month-old son

Say the blood is not that of Mohammed Dura, the 12-year-old boy killed early in the Intifada in a crossfire between Israelis and Palestinians.

For every Mohammed Dura, there have been hundreds and hundreds of Palestinians killed by the IDF in error, in conjunction with the killing of terrorists, or because overwhelming force and remote technology was applied in order to minimize the risk to Israeli troops.

There was no news crew to film them, so the world cares nothing for them. And neither do we. Their tragedies are no less unbearable, surely no less unbearable than the hundreds of our own the world cares nothing for.

We can live with it, as we live with the idea of sending thousands and thousands of artillery shells into one of the most crowded districts on the planet, in order to try to hit three-man mobile crews firing a rocket not much bigger than a broom - the equivalent of going after a fly with a pile-driver.


It comes down to this orwellian logic for Zion

1. They are lying, Israel never kills innocent civilians. It's all made up to hurt the poor defenseless Jews.

2. Even if there are a few cases where Israel has massacred innocent civilians, killed children and international peace activists, it's really their own fault.

3. But in any case, the real story is not the massacred civilian children, the destroyed lives or the cattle-like conditions of the Palestinians. The real story is how Israel actually has a justice system that pretends to prosecute it's own. Isn't that really special? Let's not talk about the massacred children, let's talk about how great Israelis are!

4. The victim is always to blame, unless the victim is Israel. Therefore, the victim is really not a victim, it's the aggressor

5. The true victim is always Israel.


Zion , I told you they will come back with excuses!?

by Hello (not verified) on

But , thanks for the information. it may look to you that everyone is against you, but in reality there are lots of silent observers my dear that believe you.
As far as Rosie, she is not here, she did quit , OPs , I guess she changed her mind again!!!???



by Zion on

Rachel Corie died because of an accident. She was stupid enough not to walk away from a backing bulldozer despite being warned beforehand since the driver can`t have full vision, since he has to be protected against sniper fire.
Jenin was a massacre? Even the UN acknowledged that it was no massacre. Israeli soldiers died in almost the same number as the Palestinians there. What kind of massacre is this?
Thanks for reminding me though. I have now updated the videos to include the Jenin hoax.

the situation of the Palestinians is a nightmare and a half.....they
can`t EAT, Zion. They have no livelihood....

Yes, their condition is horrible, but how is that relevant? They only have themselves to blame. This is what you will get when your entire culture is nothing but hatred, brainwashing, constant lying and worshipping death. This is the condition you will live in if for 60 years you concentrate all your energy on killing others instead of building a livable society for your children. This is how you live when you blow up your chance of a true election by voting for a gang of fascist terrorist hugs like Hamas.
The situation is bad for women in Saudi Arabia too. Is that Israel`s fault too? Arabs are all third world countries, with backward economy despite oil and corrupt regimes, Is that also Israel`s fault?
They all have only themselves to blame.

I am through with your nonsense. There are Israeli faults, and they are prosecuted and people guilty condemned. There are Israeli watch groups that monitor the army like b`Tzelem.
None of this has anything to do with the orchestrated demonization campaign waged against Israel. What you say here, trying in vain to pose as a fair observer, is not the same as what you have repeatedly wrote in support of those who constantly call Israel a Nazi regime or say any crap they can about Israel in any thread on any topic. Go fool yourself. Go do your lobbying or whatever it is that you do. I don`t want to use the F word explicitly, but I`m sure you get the picture.

Mehdi Mazloom

Reason behind all this.

by Mehdi Mazloom on

Excellent work zion. our Iranian friends need to see both sides of the stories.



You wrote:

This is not to say that falsifications don't exist on both sides but
the situation of the Palestinians is a nightmare and a half.....they
can't EAT, Zion. They have no livelihood.... 

Occupation notwithstanding. but facts are, between 1967-1987 after which the pals started with their violence. There were no walls, separating Israelis and pals. every weekend we used to go to Arab villages and buy our produce from them. We had an excellent neighborly relation with the Pal.The walls and barb wires and checkpoints were built to stop the barberic homicide bombing. It seems to have worked.

However, by sending a teenage boy and girls with explosives to kill as many Israls as possible, Palestinian leave no choice for us to make. Chose between the lives of our woman and children, or the livelihood of the pals.

Who do you think we should chose.

One can absolutely be sure that, this conflict is not as much about piece of land, as it is about state of mind. Just look around the Arab_Islamic state, and see how much (land, properties, treasures) they stole or looted from each others, and from non-Muslims who had lived among them for centuries to realize the truth motives of these people.


Good teachers do miracles

by Realist (not verified) on

Hollywood has for decades produced literally thousands of movies directly and indirectly (and worst of all subliminally) portraying Jews and Israel as the only victims of WWII and the Middle East wars.

If I were a Palestinian, I would be a very stupid one, if I didn't learn a trick or two from the masters of propaganda.

Rosie T.

Zion I didn't see this blog when.I wrote mine. I just added it

by Rosie T. on

in I feel I have to devote my energy right now to that Sachsenhausen thread.

So all I will say is that many people accuse Memri TV of extreme visual falsificatoins. And that Raffa and Jenin really happened and Rachel Corey really was killed.

This is not to say that falsifications don't exist on both sides but the situation of the Palestinians is a nightmare and a half.....they can't EAT, Zion. They have no livelihood....



Be fair

by Abarmard on

Especially to those who are oppressed. That's human. What does your religion teach you about that?

If you want me to believe that it is only the Palestinians who are savages and Israelis are human being who care and want peace...while those savages don't let it...I won't.

But if you say that there are actions done by both Palestinians and Israelis that are shameful, then you have my ears. Just be fair and don't take people for a fool.


Thank you Zion

by Hello (not verified) on

Great work, but I bet they will find a way to explain a dead person walking to the strecher!
These tugs have no shame. by the way their action could be classified as "Teghieh", it is permissable ,you know!