Lyrics of "Santoori" film

by tongren

I like the music of the film "Santoori" very much, especially the very last song of the movie. Could anyone please translate the lyrics of that last song for me into English. The lyrics in Latin Farsi are as follows: 

Man ba zakhme zaboonat rafigham
Marham bezar ba harfat roo zakhme amigham
Ba toam ke dari be geryam mikhandi
Kash mishod biayi va be man del bebandi
Tanha boodan ye kaboose shoome azizam
Kare del nabashi tamoome azizam

 Az komaketan kheili mamnoon-am. Tongren



Many thanks!

by tongren on

rafiq-e gerami

Az tarjome-ye-tan-e ahang-e film-e santuri kheili mamnun-am.

Mota'assef-am ke taze al-an jawab bedeham. Be nodrat az internet estefade mikonam.

Omidvar-am ke keshwar-e shoma ba solh bemanad.

khoda negahdar. Tongren

anonymous fish

what a heart wrenching movie

by anonymous fish on

i was incredibly moved.

Multiple Personality Disorder

Then in English

by Multiple Personality Disorder on



I’m in companion with your lyric’s wound

With your words, put ointment on my deep wound


Hey you laughing at my tears

Wish you could come out

And bond to my heart


Horrid nightmare is being without you, my darling

Heart without you, done without you, my darling


 I’m very grateful for your help, tongren

Multiple Personality Disorder

اوّل به فارسی

Multiple Personality Disorder


من با زخمِ زبونت رفیقم
مرحم بذار با حرفات رو زخمِ عمیقم
با توام که داری به گریم میخندی
کاش میشد بیایی و به من دل ببندی
تنها بودن یه کابوسِ شومه عزیزم
کار دل نباشی‌ تمومه عزیزم

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