قدر خمینی را ندانستیم

by Tapesh

کریم سنجابی: قدر خمینی را ندانستیم - (۱۹۷۸)

دکتر کریم سنجابی در مصاحبه با رادیو بی بی سی: آیت الله خمینی شخصیتی است که شاید صدها سال لازم باشد تا یک مردی به عظمت و بزرگی ایشان در یک جامعه ای ظاهر شود. من بعنوان نماینده ی یک جبهه ای از ملت ایران کمال تأسف و تألم را دارم که قدر این شخص بزرگوار را آنچنان که باید نشناختند و گوش به حرف های او ندادند و وضعیت به اینجا رسیده است.


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وطن فروشها


اسم این اقایی که به فرانسه رفته بود از طرف همین سنجابی رفته بود فراموش کرده ام ولی این شخص که رفته بود فرانسه و با خمینی ملاقات کرده بود میاید ایران و به سنجابی میگوید که خمینی یک دروغگو و ادمکش هست و به او نباید اطمینان کرد و سنجابی با بنی صدر دست به دست کرده و حرفهای همین شخصی که عضو جبهه ملی بود کنار گذاشته شد و سنجابی بختیار از حزب اخراج کرد. این سنجابی خیانتی که کرده بخشش پزیر نیست. اینها دنبال ازادی نبودند بلکه دنبال برانداختن رژیم بودند و دو دستی قدرت را دست خمینی دادند. همین وطن فروشها میگفتند که مگه شاه کیه دستش را میبوسند ولی سنجابی و بنی صدر بوسیدن دست یک طلبه بی سواد را ترجیح میدادند. ان خیانتی که به ایران شد  از این خیانتکاران در هیچ زمانی ایران ندیده. بختیار تمام ازادی ها را شروع کرد ولی همین وطن فروشها دنبال قدرت بودند نه ازادی و چون همه این گرگها خودشان فهم ازادی را نداشتند و چیزی جز تاریکی به ایران نیاوردند. شاه حاضر شد تمام ازادی به ملت بدهد و داد ولی عاقبتش شد رژیم فاشیست مذهبی. زمانی که بختیار از سنجابی پشتیبانی خواست. سنجابی او را از حزب اخراج کرد ، این و ان و هرچیزی که امروز در کشور میگذرد از نفهمی و بیسوادی فرهنگی و سیاسی و تاریخ است. ملت زمان قاجار را فراموش کردند و تمام پیشرفت کشور را از یاد بردند و هرچه اشغال کومنیستها و توده یها و مذهبیها خرد ملت دادند قبول کردند ، همان زنان که تا دیروز تو ساحل لخت بدند امدند چادر انداختند و ۳۲ بعد از ان حصرت ان ازادی که داشتند میکشند. بعد از این ۳۳ سال دیگری طول خواهد کشید که هنوز این توتهای ها و جبهه ملیها و کونیستها به شاه فحش خواهند داد. خمینی زمانیکه وارد بهشت زهرا شد بیچاره هنوز شهر را ندیده بود که گفت بهشت زهرا اباد شده چون ان مردیکه کجا فکر میکیرد که کشور در۱۵ سال انقدر مدرن میشد. همه ما هرچه امروز بگیم و گلیه بکنیم به درد نخواهد خرد چون قبول کردن مسولیت کار اسانی نیست و قبول کردن اشتباهات برای ایرانی نیامده و اگر ما زرنگیم بیایم برای امروزمان تلاش کنیم نه با گذشته درگیر و کشتی بگیریم اگر فهم ازادی را داریم؟


The question is...

by Arj on

...what other alternatives did Dr. Sanjabi have? Did he have an opportunity to meet with Shah and ask his future plans for democratic reforms? Shah wouldn't even talk to him, let alone meet him about the proposed reforms. If anything, he'd put him in jail to make an example of him! Shah did not believe in national discourse. That is why he created the sham of a "party" called Rastakhiz, of which every Iranian would ultimately have had to be a member or leave Iran!

On the other hand, there was Khomeini who was willing to meet him and assure him that he would respect people's rights, support democratic reforms and free elections. Yes, Sanjabi fell for Khomeini's lies. But having been no psychic, as a political leader, he was forced to choose between a dictator who openly trmpled on people's democratic rights, or a dictator in disguise who pretended he respected those rights! One was already in power and had shown his adamancy in rejecting any kind of discourse. Well, it's not that difficult to figure who forced that choice on Sanjabi!



by statira on

If Sanjabi was smart the moment he met khomeini, he should have realized what a despicable, immoral person he was. Many Iranians started to know Khomeini soon after he entered Iran.

Masoud Kazemzadeh


by Masoud Kazemzadeh on


The words of Sanjabi was in the BBC interview in October 1978 after his meeting with Khomeini in Paris.

After Khomeini came to Iran, and began doing harmful stuff and it became clear that in Paris Khomeini was LYING, then Sanjabi was among the VERY FIRST people who publically and bravely opposed Khomeini.  Sanjabi was among the very first persons who used the term "fascist" or "like fascist' to describe Khomeini's policies in mid 1979.




by statira on

Mohamad-Reza shah was gullible just like most Iranians before the Islamic Revolution and it was all due to their ignorance. Remember those days when people actually saw Khomeini's picture in the moon!

Nowadays, people are getting smarter due to their bitter  and eye opening experiences of the religion and religious people in the past 32 yrs. Sanjabi should be super hamar if he still praises khomeini after all the crimes and brutalities he committed against the nation of Iran.


lately,"Nokari"is called Moral support,defeat by mulla as wisdom

by darius on


Well moran, dictator or whatever you'd  like to name him, he never

called bombing , sanctioning and giving away his nation wealth on bartering table to China and Russia and every little nation as "Moral Support".

He did not make us to call ourselves " Persian" to hide ourself from being identified with jihadist, terrorist and lawless, clueless Americans. 

At least,he had courage to come out , accept his  mistake  and leave when he was told it will be  for good of his nation.

You didn't see him fly to Iraq and shake Saddam's hand to get his thrown back.He died with pride and never complained or called Iranian people as stupid to follow bunch of Morons . 

Where is Jebhe Meli's  apology?Since when submission to America is

called 'Moral support and not Nokari ?

How come defeat of  bunch of french and american educated Jebhe meli  leaders  by bunch of Mullah is not called even more Moronic? 


Masoud Kazemzadeh

Sanjabi was Light Years Ahead of the Shah

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Despite his many shortcomings, Sanjabi was light years ahead of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, who was a total moron who said the following //iranian.com/main/blog/masoud-kazemzadeh/oriana-fallaci-interview-mohammad-reza-shah-religion




He's either

by statira on

 a low-life who can not admit to his mistake of bringing that old stinky fart, khomeini to power or he just plain stupid and backwarded. Waay be hale melai ke een ashghala rajoleshand!

Masoud Kazemzadeh


by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

been there, done that, helooooooooo




Enemy within

by MRX1 on

we all heard of enemey within before and here is a good example. A bozo who was suppose to know the constitution, protect the constitution, make a logical reuqest to enhanse or modify the constitution instead goes to bed with psycho monster just so he get's to feel that he is importantt.


سوالی از مشّاطه گران جبهه ملی‌


بفرمأیید زیر کدام پودر و روغن یا با چه ریمل و ماتیک میخواهید این کثافت رو توالت کنید. 


Maryam Hojjat

Shame on This decietful MAN who betrayed his

by Maryam Hojjat on

Friend and member of JM Bakhteiar & support a bastard anti Iranian Mollah to destroy IRAN & IRANI.  He was our political elit in Shah's era. How shameful is to think about what he and some others from JM did.