to all "Rofagha" here


Soosan Khanoom
by Soosan Khanoom

Now you all  " Rofagha " with Sibil or without Sibil just open your eyes and do not let hate of IRI make you so blind to not see the reality that is happening on the streets ............ do not forget the policy of divide and rule ....... well Mash Ghasem you should know it since Daee jan Napoleon has warned you of it oh so many times ........

I am for freedom and democracy in Iran ....... and i hope one day we will have  secular government ... a government which strives to separate itself from any religious or spiritual matters

but I think there are extra hands in the middle of this fight who wants to just make things worse..... these hands are are never for building Iran but destroying it ...... they want to ruin our demonstrations by vilonce so it makes it more justify for mullahs to kill and they want also more people be killed by the mullahs so things even get more stormy ...... all for the benefit of no other country but our sweet innonce Isreal  ...

 No one likes  Khadafy, Iranian regime or the Chinese regime, etc.  But why should the US do all the regime changes.  All these regimes will be changed by globalist Socialist pro-Wall Street banking “democratic regimes”.   U.S is planning a new geography and a new world order.  It is all to keep American people away from an uprising in US which is inevitable anyway.  (The MEK being trained in Nevada is also for use as thugs in US later on.)

Please read the following article carefully.....  US has been training MEK's (Mujahidin Khalgh who are worse than Red Khmers of Cambodia) in Nevada.  The whole North Africa spreading intoBahrain is pretext for division of Iran.  US has spent 200 million dollars on MEKs for infiltrating Iran and killing  demonstrators on the street . The MEK thugs will kill thousands of innocent people and blame the government as well as killing pro government people to blame it on the demonstrators.

The thugs that have killed over 500 people in Libya and they blamed Khadafy for it are actually south Sudanese pro US trained Christian communists.  (Marxist Islamists, yak same thing).

Already all the media are saying they are Khadafy’s thugs while they are hoarded in by US.

 I have already post one article concerning this on the news section here .... take a look 








more from Soosan Khanoom
Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Soosan Khanoom

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I am afraid the only peace IR brings is that of death and repression. Islam demands submission. If everyone submits there is peace. If anyone opens their mouth there is violence. That is not peace in my book; it is repression.

People tried "peace" with Hitler. Many Jews found "peace" of death at his hands. No wonder their children do not want such peace. I do not blame them. Sometimes people need to fight for their freedom. You can not always have peace if it means submission.

The war was horrible. But you know it was prolonged by Khomeini don't you? He could have ended it in 1982 on very favorable terms for Iran. He said NO! He wanted war because it helped him consolidate his place.

War and peace are complicated things that do not lend themselves to one liners. Nor do they lend themselves to slogans or poems or songs. They require careful examination of the situation; then deciding what is the right thing. If we just say "peace" what does it mean? If a man wants to rapc someone should the other person fight back? Is fighting back going against peace? See even a simple situation warrants careful examination. What about hostage situations? Should police storm the hostage takers? 

Now let us examine Iran? I guarantee you there will be a violent uprising. People want freedom. The Mollahs will not give it to them. In response people will rise. 

Question is when.



by LoverOfLiberty on

But, espousing peace is not the same thing as creating or safeguarding peace.:

"Of all the mass murderers, genocidaires and enablers of the twentieth
century, one group of collaborators does not get its fair share of
condemnation and moral loathing. Unfortunately Americans have never
really come to terms with the terrible things they did, we have never
really named and shamed them, and we have never diagnosed and exposed
the bad ideas that led to some of America’s most fateful and costly
blunders.  Until we do, our society is at risk of repeating these

The people I have in mind are the ‘goo-goo genocidaires,’ the
willfully blind reformers, civil society activists, clergy, students and
others whose foolishness and ignorance was a necessary condition for
tens of millions of deaths in the last hundred years.  Unreflective,
self-righteous ‘activists’ thought that to espouse peace was the same
thing as to create or safeguard it.  As a result, tens of millions
died.  Unless this kind of thinking is exposed and repudiated, it is
likely to lead to as many or more deaths in the 21st.

We all know that the road to hell is paved with good intentions; this
turns out to be particularly true when it comes to the road to foreign
policy hell.  Over the years good people or at least people who wanted
to be good or thought they were, motivated by what seemed to them to be
the highest of motives, have taken political stands and made policy
proposals that helped mass murderers gain power in their own countries
and launch themselves on international careers of conquest and mayhem. 
At other times, fortunately, they’ve failed to change policy; still,
they wasted a lot of people’s time and made life significantly more
difficult for those whose plans to help the world ultimately worked."


Soosan Khanoom

Dear veiled prophet of

by Soosan Khanoom on

Dear veiled prophet of khorasan ,   i do not advocate anything but peace ... I think it is just too funny that Israel is scared and make a fuzz from that two old ships that sailed through Suez channel .......  I also think Ahamdinejad brought nothing to Iran but more ruin and destruction with his  remarks and wrong fight against Israel.    

I am hoping and wishing that one day peace comes to the middle east and I hope one day we understand that accusing and labeling each other is not the way to go ......  I am sorry that my blog generated such a mess and hate among most people who post here. Certainly that was not my intention.  In every post i made i questioned, what is the solution ? ,cause i want peace not war ........  As an iranian who lived under bombardment and war who spend most of her youth in Jang and engelab I hate to see any more blood shed not only in iran but in the world......  let us pray  for a democratic Iran  where we each respect each other and agree to sometimes disagree without name callings and labeling. I am new at posting stuff here ... I regret doing it ..... I thought this is a family gathering with my uncle always against me  in terms of our politics but at the end of a heated discussion we all get together and eat some food and laugh and enjoy each other's comapany obviously this is not ... or atleast it has not been for me. I can not control what my opponents or supporters post here and I am tired of being accused that I am pro this or i am this or that ......

let me leave you with a beautiful poem before i end this discussion .... 



By Ada Aharoni 


  How do you know peace is a woman? 

I know, for 
I met her yesterday 
on my winding way
to the world's fare.
She had such a sorrowful face
just like a golden flower faded
before her prime. 
I asked her why
she was so sad? 
She told me her baby 
was killed in Auschwitz,
her daughter in Hiroshima 
and her sons in Vietnam,
Ireland, Israel, Lebanon,
Bosnia, Rwanda, Kosovo and Chechnya. 
All the rest of her children, she said,
are on the nuclear 
black-list of the dead,
all the rest, unless
the whole world understands -- 
that peace is a woman. 
A thousand candles then lit
in her starry eyes, and I saw angels 
bearing a moonlit message: 
Peace is indeed a pregnant woman 
Peace is a mother. 


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Peace sign

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Mam, putting up a prace sign then advocating naval conflict with Israel make no sense. Please clarify your positio on this.

Soosan Khanoom

This is the only id I have

by Soosan Khanoom on

This is the only id I have  ........... me and you also show up at the same time .. are we one ?   why you keep arguing with me no matter what I post? send some positive energy you are just too negative   

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Soosan Khanoom

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Would you say something original for ones? You are parroting all the old IR nonsense. Why are you repeating all the same old stuff "Q" and co said years agon. Except Q was smarter and better at writing BS.

It sure sounds like you and joe are the same person. Both show up around the same time and parrot each other's stuff. At least Molla has been saying his pro IR stuff for years. Or are you SP's new id? I see why Anahid wants to prevent multiple Ids. She has a point. How many faces does one person need? Joe; AB; Soosan; .... All saying the exact same thing and padding on another on the back. 

PS: the only ones talking about Aryan are the Iran haters. I never hear the nationalist talking about race. It is always the Iran haters who seem allergic to Aryan; keep saying it.

Soosan Khanoom

Joe , Iranians are racist

by Soosan Khanoom on

Joe , Iranians are racist  ........ they may hate arabs for other reasons but they do not treat others even better .......  Afghanee people have always been subjected to discrimination and racism in Iran before and after revolution ....

they are so proud of their Aryaee race just because it keeps them close to Europe ........  99.9 percent of kids in Iran going to school seeing only their own race ...... i even witness them once making fun so badly of a Chinese kid in tehran .... this is not their fault after all ... it because of lack of education ..

unfortunately this mentality has stayed with some of us  eventhough we are leaving in west and should know much better ......

I know second generation iranians are not like their parents....these kids are growing up in a mixed race society .... at their schools they see all races and kids from every corner of the world ....... there is  a hope for young generation Iranians ..........  and for their parents ....... well ........ what can I say?


Soosan Khanoom

Joe , Iranians are racist

by Soosan Khanoom on

Joe , Iranians are racist  ........ they may hate arabs for other reasons but they do not treat others even better .......  Afghanee people have always been subjected to discrimination and racism in Iran before and after revolution ....

they are so proud of their Aryaee race just because it keeps them close to Europe ........  99.9 percent of kids in Iran going to school seeing only their own race ...... i even witness them once making fun so badly of a Chinese kid in tehran .... this is not their fault after all ... it because of lack of education ..

unfortunately this mentality has stayed with some of us  eventhough we are leaving in west and should know much better ......

I know second generation iranians are not like their parents....these kids are growing up in a mixed race society .... at their schools they see all races and kids from every corner of the world ....... there is  a hope for young generation Iranians ..........  and for their parents ....... well ........ what can I say?


G. Rahmanian

Sure, DM!

by G. Rahmanian on

Look at my rose, it's all red. Somehow, even roses can hurt. Once, right after the revolution, Janati, the mullah, was passing by some neighborhood and he noticed the beautiful trees and gardens the folks had. He said, "Why so many trees? Do these residents eat tree leaves?" Of corse, that was meant as an insult. Such is the mentality of the mullahs and mullah supporters!

Joe L.

soosan khanoom listen to this

by Joe L. on

i saw this new post by afshinazad (something like that) it's just unbelievable. these guys are nothing to be serious about:

"I never respected ARAB people and always thought they are worthless people"
he is writing about freedom and democracy for iran. lol

wow. can you believe this? how can anyone think that these guys are ready for democracy? the level of mindset is just below a 10 year old child. sadly enough, they are probably over 50. i mean, if i had people like that, i would bend and kiss the islamic republic's feet. wow, unbelievable.



by Doctor mohandes on

Well... Maybe.

Btw. Do u see blood anywhere? Someone is complaining of being roughed up and beaten!

G. Rahmanian


by G. Rahmanian on

That way they'll end up soliloquizing with their own cheerleaders rooting for them!

Soosan Khanoom

dear Joe i do not expect

by Soosan Khanoom on

dear Joe i do not expect more of them ... they are already beating me up ... they are not just riding on their camels or motors ? 


Joe L.

soosan khanoom

by Joe L. on

great post. again dont mind nazi minded individuals. in another post some person name hojati has asked admin to block me because i dont agree with her. according to her post, admin on this site blocks those who are considered "pro regime". take it easy and say the hell with them. it's sad and shameful. dictators have truly infested dont defend yourself against these thugs. think yourself as a woman in iranian streets and a basiji comes to hit you, these people are exactly that. islamic republic is too good for these thugs. they deserve mubarak or king hossein or someone like that.



by Doctor mohandes on

quite to the contrary, by not going back and forth with them yiou are giving them exactly what they are asking. Your silence and complacency, they need to know that there is always a counter-argument for their posts. The attitudes and line of thinking are the same right. But the Big difference is that over on the streets they are the one with the chomagh power, while over here it is a brand new game.

Know what i am sayin' playa?:)

Soosan Khanoom

I am sick and tired of

by Soosan Khanoom on

I am sick and tired of defending myself ......  who cares ... i just found the articles that I had posted interesting and thought to share and blog about it call me anything you wish if that makes you happy !

I have only one question to ask.......

Sitting on my butt while doing nothing and ask the US to bomb or sanction Iran .......  Does this mean Supporting Iranian people ?  

Not willing to get my ass over there and be there when US starts the bombardment or impose its sanction on poor and suffered nation of Iran is that supporting my people?

Watching iranian youth get killed on the streets from the comfort of my house  without even having the guts to join them over there does it mean supporting my people?

To wait and wait for another 30 years in hope of US and isreal get them out is that supporting of people?

Do i support regime in Iran ..  absolutely NOT ....... they are worse than Shah and Mubark because if they did torture and kill they did not do it in the name of God 

 I said no one benefits here but mullahs and Israel who are in bed together   they both fed on each other ...... can you not see it? 

these days shall pass and hopefully things will start getting better for Iran I agree no matter what people have waken up and they are saying enough is enough.....

I am not in a position to tell them what to do or accuse them of anything ..... we are not there we do not live their struggles ....... I want us to be smart and do not fall in any trap ... I may be wrong but these are just my thoughts and in my blog i said I think . ......

now you all keep jumping on me and beat me down ......... I do not care 

G. Rahmanian

Ignore Them And They'll Go Away!

by G. Rahmanian on

The best policy is to write your comments and ignore them and they will eventually disappear! Even if they didn't go away, you wouldn't be wasting your time constantly arguing with a bunch of IR agents. Would you argue with a Baseeji in the streets of Tehran, Mash'had, Isfahan, etc.? If not, why do it here? Can you see any difference between their attitudes and logic? They're all the same. Only the venues are different.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


The Islamists have nothing else to say except for Israel and US hating. That worked for them in 1979. They have not figured out anything new since then.

It reminds me of the Ottomans. They figured out a winning strategy once. Never changed it. As a result they got wiped out by the Europeans. The same fate waits the Islamists. They did not even invent US hating; it was made by JM and the Marxists. The Islamists are incapable of original thought. They just took ideas from others. 

The future belongs to those who think and invent. Islamists do neither.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Soosan Khanoom

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

 i feel  so bad by the way they treat you and  all those name callings but it is  quite a relief for me to know that you have been dealing with the opponents on this site before . ......... 

How about feeling bad for the people of Iran who are being raped? How about some feeling for YOUR people? I know you have none. All for Islam; nothing for Iran. The time to hide behind Israel bashing is long gone. We are on to you and other Islamist gang.

I will let Vildemose speak for herself. However I tell you: we tolerate all points of view. However we call out nonsense when we hear it. We are not required to agree with you or anyone. 

G. Rahmanian

اقايون و خانوما

G. Rahmanian

مثل اينكه شما بيكار تر از اين دو نفرين!

Joe L.

how about

by Joe L. on

talking about greens blah blah blah, mullas blah blah blah taking the topic away from real issues. you are welcome friend, i am here to present another perspective. get your head out of snow

Joe L.

"keep talking about US and

by Joe L. on

"keep talking about US and Israel. Americans blah blah blah, Zionists blah blah blah. Do everything to divert attention away from Iran"?
that's the reality and the world you live in. want to go under the blanket do so at your own cost. dont try to cover the rest of the people in it.
after all, Reality-Bites


When all else fails..

by Reality-Bites on

keep talking about US and Israel. Americans blah blah blah, Zionists blah blah blah. Do everything to divert attention away from Iran and the misery of the Iranian people under the rule of the Islamic Republic.

You would think these people would change the record once in a while. But no, always blame it all on the nasty Amercians and Israelis. It's all their fault and nothing to do with Khamenei/Ahmadinejad/IGRC et al that Iran is in the state that it is.

Typical regime supporters' oldest tactic in the book.

Joe L.

Soosan Khanoom

by Joe L. on

long ago we had some "american" israeli here that used to preach the american values to iranians on this site. once i joined in he freaked out and left for good. as far as i know he hanged in sites to show his superiority to arabs and iranians. guess who was kissing his behind entire time? even when he was talking about preemptive strike against iranian soil by israel. the person is now commenting against you;) if you see attacks by dictators is more credit to you. i bet that i have been more to iran than some iranians here.

Soosan Khanoom

Joe ,  i feel t so bad by

by Soosan Khanoom on

Joe ,

 i feel  so bad by the way they treat you and  all those name callings but it is  quite a relief for me to know that you have been dealing with the opponents on this site before . .........  

again thanks for your support 

Vildemose  you guys have been ganging up on me now you can not even see one supporter here ....... you think everyone here should always agree with you and your friends ?



by vildemose on


Note, how Joe and Soosan work in tandem. So contrived and rehearssed. This is boring.


Joe L.


by Joe L. on

look, you are here in america, so get used to hear voiced other than your own. can't handle the truth? get out, no one cares. now back to the important topics please.

Joe L.

Soosan Khanoom

by Joe L. on

thanks for your blog. i am happy to see some strong and powerful iranian women joining the usual discussion. i haven't been here in a while but as you will see there are some very dictatorial minded people who try to change the topic. there are a silent majority in this site that you can communicate your thoughts and forget the rest.

Soosan Khanoom

Rea ...... just to let you

by Soosan Khanoom on

Rea ...... just to let you know my best friend growing up in Iran was a jewish girl ...... we are still best friends and we are both Iranian ......... yes country comes first ......

Soosan Khanoom

Mash Ghasem jan ..... dorog

by Soosan Khanoom on

Mash Ghasem jan ..... dorog chera ta ghaber   ..... 

. any kid that gets killed on the street of Iran is a knife stabbing right  through my heart ...... please do not say that i do not support them ..... i just hate to se them killed ...... i want peace for our Iran ......and i hate mullahs but I do not know  what is the solution to this mess?

 and i clearly am seeing who is benefiting from this all ?  

mullahs and Israel

I am not saying we should stop our demonstrations I ma saying we should be smart