In memory of Zahra Bahrami 1965-2011

In memory of Zahra Bahrami 1965-2011
by Simorgh5555

29th of January marks one year to the day when Zahra Bahrami, a dual national of Iran and the Netherlands was executed by the IR Terrorist Regime. Zahra had taken part in the Green protests of 2009 and telephoned an Iranian opposition television programme where she gave an eye witness account of the events which had ensued. Her activities brought her to the attention of the IR Terrorist authorities where she was arrested for threatening national security and 'waging war on God'. The Terrorist regime, unable to substantiate the claims against her immediately fabricated charges that she had narcotics hidden in her house. Despite pleas from the Dutch foreign ministry and assurances given by the IR Terrorist Foreign Ministry Spokesman to grant a stay of execution and allow Dutch officials to visit her, Zahra was unexpectedly and secretly hanged in Evin prison on 29 January 2011.

Allegations against Zahra that she had previously been convicted of drug trafficking in the Netherlands were capitalised by the IR Terrorist regime as a pretext to execute her and which the Dutch Foreign Ministry says is totally unrelated to her arrest, detention and execution in Iran.

Zahra leaves two daughters and a void in their lives which can never be filled. Zahra was one of almost 500 Iranians murdered without due process by the IR Terror regime in 2011. 




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Maryam Hojjat

Thanks, Simorgh5555

by Maryam Hojjat on

May she rest in peace.



by MRX1 on

Thanks simorgh for reminding us what monsters are ruling us. some times between all the stupid postings about NIAC, 28 mordad, trita parsi, dabashi, silly trips to Iran  and the usuall none sense we completely loose our focus of what is going on. Thank you for reminding us.