۲۵ بهمن: شاهد عینی


by Shorts

از تهران:

ما از میدان ولی عصررفتیم تا میدان ازادی نه به این راحتی
شعار های ما
زندانی سیاسی ازاد باید گردد
مرگ بر دیکتاتور
6 ساعت راه رفتیم
وای از دست لباس شخصی ها
از شدت گاز اشک اوردارم خفه مشم


این خبر اصفهان هست:

اصفهان خيلي شلوغه هم ميدون انقلاب خيلي شلوغ بود از آدم و هم تمام خيابانهاي اطراف انقلاب از ازدحام ماشين بسته شده

تا موقع نماز مغرب توي اصفهان هيچ درگيري رخ نداد من تقريباً همون موقع رسيدم انقلاب اطلاعاتي ها اونجا نماز مي خوندند به محض اينكه نمازشون تمام شد و صلوات فرستادن مردم هم ناگهان با هم صلوات فرستادن و شروع كردن به الله و اكبر گفتن كه ناگهان مثل مور و ملخ ريختن سر مردم و وحشيانه مردم را زدن همينطور كه ريختن يه عده پناه بردن به پاركينگ كنار سينما كه لانه زنبور بود و متاسفانه بدجور زدنشون توي پاركينگ تعداد زيادي هم رفتن توي دو تا پاساژي كه توي انقلابه و درهاي نرده اي را بستن و از اون تو مامورها را هو مي كردن

يه صحنه هم كه ديدم كه واقعاً افسوس خوردم از اينكه موبايلم را گذاشتم خونه خاله ام نبردم اين بود كه بعضي از ماشينها به آنتنهاشون ربان سبز بسته بودن و روي شيشه ها تيك سبز زده بودن يه ماشين با اين شكل چند تا جوون توش بودن كه دستبند سبز هم داشتن و با موبايل مي خواستن فيلم بگيرن كه ناگهان حدود 20 - 30 نفر لباس شخسي ريختن دور ماشين و پلاكها ماشين را كندن و مي خواستن در ماشين را باز كنن و بيارنشون بيرون ولي در ماشين بسته بود همين طور كه فحش مي دادن و دسته در ماشين را مي كشيدن مي گفتن در را باز كنين وگرنه شيشه را ميشكنيم يه عده زن و دختر ريختن جلو و همينطور كه جيغ مي كشيدن و داد مي زدن به لباس شخصي ها مي گفتن ولشون كنين چيكار دارين بچه هاي مردم را كه تا مامورها ديدن اينطوري شد و مردم دارن ميان طرف زنها مجبور شدن برگردن كه مردم را متفرق كنن و ماشين را ول كردن گرچه پلاك را بردن و بعداً مي تونن بگيرنشون اما اون لحظه شهامتي كه زنها نشون دادن فوق العاده بود

با اينكه مرد هم خيلي زياد بود ولي مثل قبل تعداد زنها خيلي چشمگيرتر بود

توي اصفهان اصلاً نتونستن شعار بدن و حتي اگر بيشتر از 5 -6 نفر كنار هم حرف مي زدن بلافاصله لباس شخصيها مي اومدن و ميگفتن حركت كنين

گاز اشك آور هم توي انقلاب و چهار باغ و توي پارك كنار سي و سه پل زدن

بعدش ديگه از بس خاله ام و مامانم التماس كردن ما اومديم من حدوداً 20 دقيقه اس رسيدم خونه ديگه

با یکی از اقوام در تهران تلفني حرف زدم اون هنوز توي خيابان بود و گفت اينجا مثل روز عاشورا شده از شدت زدن مردم.

توي اصفهان لباس شخصيها ميزدن و اين ضد شورشها كه با كاسكت و سپر هستن و لباس خالخالي مي پوشن اما مامورهاي انتظامي كه لباس سبز پوشيده بودن مردم را نمي زدن و فقط سعي مي كردن مردم را متفرق كنن.


مردم خوب اومدن. پلیس هم البته خیلی حرفه ای و بهتر از همیشه ماشالله. شهر هنوز شلوغه و احتمالا تا دیروقت فضای شهر ملتهب بمونه. تا جایی که من بودم فقط می زدن. از شوکر و باتوم خیلی استفاده می کردن. اینترنت به سختی کار می کنه فرمانده ها دائم بهم می پیچیدن. مثلا یه جا تو امیر آباد دو تا شون که یکی لباس شخصی بود داشتن همدیگر رو پاره می کردن یکی شون می گفت کی گفته الان ضد شورش بیارید اون یکی می گفت دهنت رو ببند وگر بازداشت می شی. پلیس ها طبق معمول از خواهر و مادر معترضان دریغ نداشت و مدام می زدن و فحاشی می کردن تا همون سه چهارتا شعار یا حسین میرحسین و مرگ بر دیکتاتور بودیم بعد دیگه همه اش به فرار گذشت. کلا فضا برای راهپیمایی نبود نمی ذاشتن مردم جمع بشن و با هم راه بیافتن. یه تعدادی مجروح شدندو یکی رو بردن بیمارستان. بازداشت هم بوده نیروی انتظامی/ بسیج/ سپاه و بسیج و لباس شخصی همه بودن تعداد خفن بودن تعداد زنان هم مثل قبل خیلی زیاد بود


تمام سایتهامون رو فرستادند هوا دو خبر هست که باید روش کار بشه. اگر میشه این فراخوان رو پوشش بدید امروز سینه به سینه مردم میگفتند تو راهپیمایی



شلیک تیر مستقیم به سمت معترضین یک شاهد عینی در تهران از شلیک گلوله به سمت معترضان خبر داد. این شاهد عینی از زخمی شدن یک زن از ناحیه دست و انتقال او به بیمارستان خبر داد و گفت : استقبال گسترده و غیر منتظره مردم در راهپیمایی موجب خشم نیروهای نظامی شده است. همچنین یک شاهد عینی دیگر از شدت گرفتن درگیری بین معترضین و نیروهای لباس شخصی و نظامی در خیابان جیحون خبر داد. بامداد این رو کار کرده


همینطور زمانه هم داره کار میکنه این خبر رو میتونید به نقل از اونها بزنید



more from Shorts

The Mrs,

by Doctor mohandes on

I was thinking More along the lines of Loobia chiti (nina ricci e sabegh:))))

But i am not gonna twist your arm over it.


doktor mohandes be khodet

by TheMrs on

doktor mohandes be khodet golab be pach mage khoda nakardeh inja masjedeh??? I won't ghash but if you're concerned try chanel no 5.

Esfand Aashena

مرگ بر دیکتاتور! مرگ بر دیکتاتور!

Esfand Aashena

This is my contribution to the 25 Bahman poster series.  Hopefully the poster will find it's way to Iran like a ghasedak!  

Everything is sacred


Golab be pachiid.

by Doctor mohandes on

Over  the Mrs. Please.

She may be Ghaashing pretty soon:)

It is ok. it is ok. Maintain your calm:)


Marg bar diktator.

by TheMrs on

Marg bar diktator.


Marg bar diktator.

by TheMrs on

Marg bar diktator.


good one esfand.

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

You are right, we are all in the same cyber  boat. :) 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Esfand Aashena

Roozbeh u r not any more "attached" in this cyber world, u know

by Esfand Aashena on

Everything is sacred


call it civil_right, revolution, evolution, reform....

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

 so long as it leads to complete dismantling and disposal of the islamist regime to the trash can of history, I am all for it.

Debating semantics of what is happening in Iran on internet, at this very critical day, when people are expressing their views on the streets of Tehran with their own blood, with their heads smashed up by islamist thugs,  lungs and eyes filled with the chinese made  tear gas, is a shining example of how this cyber world can at times become completely detached from the real world. 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Anahid Hojjati


by Anahid Hojjati on



1- Revoltion huh? How many

by TheMrs on

1- Revoltion huh? How many percentage of Tehran residents participated today or even in 2009? How many labor unions went on strike? How many millions camped out on Azadi square? How many business owners closed their doors?

2- We all agree this is a terrible regime and changes are necessary, it has nothing to do with being on the left, right or upside down. And even in Egypt, they got rid of Mubarak to get his security chief and his army and he's camping out in a vacation spot close to Cairo...BIG WOOP.

3- You can shed a lot of blood in civil rights movements too.

Right now, it's too early to label what's happening in Iran. No one knows what the heck is going on.


Esfand Aashena

Civil Rights Movement or Revolution are both acceptable.

by Esfand Aashena on

By saying hulva hulva the mouth will not get sweet!  I would love for a revolution to take place and uproot Mullahs and their cronies.  However, the reason we didn't have a revolution in 2009 wasn't just because of "killings", there just wasn't enough support to overwhelm the regime.

The point is at this time you can't say with certainty where we are.  We do know that as Mrs. said it is not all well in the Kingdom.  That's all I have to say on this subject the rest would be just "haggling"! 

Everything is sacred

Anahid Hojjati

Dear Vildemose and AO, thanks

by Anahid Hojjati on

i think the reasons people have for calling the movement a civil rights movement are varied. I believe that there are some people who do that out of their goodness of heart and call movement a civil rights hoping to minimize harm to opposition, or are misguided in their analysis of the movement. However there are those CASMII, etc. who don'thave good intentions.

As far as left, those in the left who don't realize criminal nature of this government are not true left and being leftist for them is a cover. Presently, no true leftist can support IRI. Think about it. Beginning of IRI, many leftists were against IRI. there were two major leftist groups who supported IRI with conditions with hope of strengthening better "jenah" of government. That was 30 years ago, thousands of executions ago. That was a different day and time. IRI was a new government, in war with Iraq.  


Anahid: You're spot

by vildemose on

Anahid: You're spot on.

Those who are blinded by their pocketbooks/status will never agree.

Anonymous Observer

Anahid Jaan

by Anonymous Observer on

Anahid – people like this CASMII clown have been trying to deflate the Iranian uprising by constantly claiming that people don’t want to remove the system, but rather, they just want minor changes.  Most of these folks are the garden variety leftist, Marxist, West-o-phobes who cannot imagine the IR—their only remaining “West-challenging” utopia (after the collapse of the USSR) gone.  That’s why they’re trying to portray—or even change or shape—the movement in their own image. 


Esfand Aashena

This has nothing to do with killing "less" or "more".

by Esfand Aashena on

Everything is sacred

Anahid Hojjati

I agrre with AO, this has never been a civil rights movement

by Anahid Hojjati on

Starting from 2009, this has never been a civil rights movement. this is a myth that some activitist have written about it with good intention to minimize "koshtar" against people. It is simple. you tell government that your movement is civil rights, hoping that they kill less. You think if you call it revolution, IRI will kill more. But who are we kidding?. Keep calling an apple an orange, it does not matter. It is still an apple.

Esfand Aashena

Revolutions "start" w/ a civil rights movement. When was ours?

by Esfand Aashena on

Everything is sacred

Anonymous Observer

"Civil rights movements" work when there's

by Anonymous Observer on

"Civil rights movements" work when there's a legal structure within which the ruling class can be challenged, not with regimes that label people "mohareb" and hang them from cranes.  Those systems must be toppled to bring about change.  Period.  

Esfand Aashena

Mrs. I couldn't agree with you more! Ben Ali men Ali! LOL!

by Esfand Aashena on

Everything is sacred


a- Movements can change

by TheMrs on

a- Movements can change form/mature/radicalize etc. They might start off as a civil rights movement but change as time goes on and depending on the conditions. For example, in 2009 there was no talk of ben ali men ali leaving.

b - Even civil rights movements are there to bring about real and fundamental change and can have major protests. People die, even when they ask for their civil rights. Doesn't make it a revolution.

c - Iran is not egypt. We have to wait and see what is going to happen. We can't make any conclusions now. But obviously, enough people came out today to prove that all is not well in the kingdom.

Anonymous Observer

Yes, Mr. / Ms. "Shorts", BUT

by Anonymous Observer on

as you have told us previously, the people of Iran really don't want this regime to go.  They are not chanting "marg bar Kahmenei" or "Mobarak, Bin Ali, Nobat-e Seyed Ali."  What this really is --is a "civil right movement."  No? :-))