Khosro Fravahar's tv program

by Shemirani

Faisons place nette pour la nouvelle génération, ! Du balai les vieux aigris dépassés depuis des lustres et méga menteurs par dessus le marché ! 

Thanks Khosro Fravahar !


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چهارمین همایش همبستگی ملی خلیج پارس
Jul 08, 2012
more from Shemirani

DK and Mr. Semirami

by JustAnIranian on

I speak German and he has said nothing that he hasn't said before. I will translate this happily to English (I don't have a Farsi word processor). 

Darius Kadivar

Good observation Shemirani Jan

by Darius Kadivar on

agreed !


Moshiri&Amini Bunch of liars

by Shemirani on

Best part 1:01:25: When Khorso a fluent germanophone is saying that Mohamad Amini's translation of Focus's article is uncorrect ! 

 Now i have no doubt Amini is a dishonest pseudo-intello ! (he based his whole article on an approximative google translation, what an incompetant !!!!, to prouve it i did the same translating the article ( with google link ) into french

i copy paste a few lines  excactly the way it is:

Pahlavi: La cérémonie a eu lieu sur mon 20ème Geburtstag statt. Date de naissance au lieu. Dieses Alter musste ich laut unserer Verfassung erreicht haben, um König zu werden. Avait atteint cet âge, je dois devenir le roi, selon notre Constitution. Allerdings hätte ich danach noch vor dem iranischen Parlament meinen Amtseid ablegen müssen. Cependant, je l'aurais suivi avant même que le parlement iranien à prendre mon serment d'office. Man kann also sagen, dass ich „de jure“ der König des Landes bin. On peut dire que je "de jure" roi du pays ont

Harki Savad faransavi dashte bashe Fori mifahme ke in jomlehat hame pas o pish dar oomadan Ghalat ghooloot bi maanah hastand !

Putting this incoherent words in PRP's mouth is  pure dishonesty ! and plus it is an insult to Iranian's brain !!!!! When this pseudo educated liberals will stop Insulting our intelligence ??? they should understand all iranians are not dummies followers ! We have brains and we use it, too bad for you !

Ta key mikhahin ba charletan bazi afkar mardom be birahe bebarid ?????


Rajebe Moshiri ke Gofte PRP mige Gandhi haast !

 Mikham bedoonam Aya vaghti Ramin jahanbegloo harf az Gandhi mizane Yeki peyda mishe behesh bege RJanhanbegloo mige Gandhi hastam !!! Pas chetore ke Vaghti PRP sohbat az gandhi mikone ino migid ??? !!! Aya faghad edeyi khaasi ejazeh darand name gandhi bebarand ? ya aya shomha joz doroogh gooyi harfi baraye goftan nadarid ?

Darius Kadivar

Great Guy !

by Darius Kadivar on

Keep Up the Good Work Khosro Jan !