Having A "Good" Woman - A "Blessing"


by Shaer

As A "Man" ..
At The "Height" ..

"Of" ..
"His" Strength" ..

"Life" ..
"Flowing" ..
"Through" Him ..

"At" 49 ..
"Not" Old ..

"Yet" ..
"Not" Young ..

"Having" Been "Fortunate" ..
To "Be" ..
"Exposed" ..

"To" Both ..
"East" ..
"West" ..

"In" My "Life" ..
"Very" Lucky ..

"To" Have "Had" ..
"Some" ..
"Wonderful" ..
"Women" ..

"Lovers" ..
"Friends" ..

"Loved" Ones ..
"And" ..
"Mentors" ..

"The" Delights of "Every" Morning ..
"The" Passions of "Every" Night ..

"The" Wisdom Of "Sensitivity" ..
"The" Caring One "Desires" ..

"Tempering" My "Rough" Side ..
"Balancing" My "Bruteness" ..

"Knowing" Full "Well" ..
"That" ..

"It's" Better ..
"To" Win ..
"A" Good "Woman's" ..
"Heart" ..

"Than" ..
"To" Win ..
"A" Battle ..

"Come" My "Love" ..
"Let" Me ..
"Embrace" You ..

"I" Know "Full" Well ..
That ..
"My" Bliss ..

"Peaks" ..
"When" ..

"We" Are ..
"One" ..

"Finally" ..
"There" Is ..
"One" Thing ..

"That" I "Have" Learnt ..

"That" Your "Strength" ..
"Is" ..
"In" Your ..
"Weakness" ..

"That" Your "Love" ..
"Is" ..
"In" Your ..
"Tenderness" ..

"And" That "Your" Wisdom ..
"Is" ..
"In" Your ..
"Ever" Suffering ..
"Nature" ..

Thank You ..

Copyright ©2008 Shae'r


more from Shaer

Very interesting..........:o)

by Nadias on


As always many thanks! Have a great week!

Solh va Doosti (paz a vosotros)



Please Read This

by Shaer on

I Have Put Together A Collection of Thirty Four (34) Poems On the Theme of "Encouragement" and "Healing" ..

I Blogged On It Yesterday:


If you Are Interested In Getting It, Please Read The Blog, and Follow The Instructions ..

Many Thanks .. :)


What greater thing is...........

by Nadias on

"What greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined...to strengthen each other...to be one with each other in silent unspeakable memories."

                 -George Eliot


Rosie T.


by Rosie T. on


And I note that, not inappropriately, the whole video starts with a bunch of ROSES!!!!!           teeheeheeheehee!

Shaer--motshakeram dobareh!  I'm laughing, I'm really really laughing!


It reminds me of...

by azarin-sadegh (not verified) on

This thread reminds me of the French song Miss Maggie
about Madame Thatcher by Renaud Séchan, who I think writes most of his own lyrics, including this one.

This is part of the lyrics:
Car aucune femme sur la planète
N' s'ra jamais plus con que son frère
Ni plus fière, ni plus malhonnête
A part peut-être Madame Thatcher

And the translation:

For no woman on the planet
shall ever be more of a prick than her brother
or more vain, or more dishonest
except for, perhaps, Mrs Thatcher

And voila the link:

If you like to read the whole translation, I found this link that is almost an "ok' translation:




I Would Like To "Thank"

by Shaer on

Everyone for Their "Support".

"Your" Feedback Allows Me To "Improve" My Work.

Many Thanks Again ..


شاعر خوبی هستی

Anonymous---- (not verified)

شاعر خوبی هستی. به کار خوبت ادامه بده و از انتقاد ها دلگیر نشو.


Great job, Shaer

by AnonymousJPN (not verified) on

I love your way of writing. It's soft and touching. Though I agree with Souri on avoiding those unnecessary quotation marks; it kind of makes reading harder.


Behind every successful man there is a smart woman

by Not so lucky (not verified) on

I am a true believer that having the right woman is a priceless treasure. Not that many out there though.


Counter comment to "Observer"

by Ali Parsa (not verified) on

First, thank you all for rooting for our Shaer.
However, I am sad that the observer is more victim of her(I assume she is a woman)own wrong interpretation, lack of forgiveness and making a mountain out of mole hill. For heavens sake, don't we have any more serious issues in our troubled world than picking on a man who has, perhaps written enlightening pieces 99.999 % of the time? Observer's expectations are very unreasonable since there is no such a thing as perfect man, woman and human being in general. So I wish she lays off of our shaer. I, like other commentators believe that men and women are supposed to be complementary. That is not to say that they always are(that depends on specific man and woman and their compatibility. By showing such an outrageously negative reaction the observer proves to be proving that she is weaker than the Shaer. I hope she does not generalize my comments for I don't subscribe to weakness and strength of either sex. Each gender is endowed with weaknesses and strengths that is difficult if not impossible to judge. After all Shaer had apologized for his possible slip of pen or tongue. What else did you expect him to do?


Thank You So Much

by Shaer on

"Souri", "Anonymous-she", and "Nadias" for reading the Poem and Your "Wonderful" Comments.

"Souri", regarding the "Quotation Marks": I want to make a "Confession" To You. I don't know why, But They "Act" As A "Gear Box" In My "Mind".

When I Use Them, "Ideas" Flow. And when I Don't, well Nothing Happens :)  I Really "Can't" Explain It, But This is the "Honest" To "Goodness Truth!!

Please Be "Patient" With Me ..

Many Thanks Again :) !!


I like the poem.........nice work

by Nadias on

Yes, a good man and woman are necessary in each others life in order to have a balanced relationship.

They can have such a great and positive impact.

solh va doosti


Rosie T.: Hope things are going well for you. Talk to ya later.


I believe you meant well..

by Anonymous-she on

I believe you meant well in writing this poem. Maybe if you were replacing “Weakness" and "Suffering" with words such as  "Gentleness" and "Tolerant", It would be felt better.

"That" Your "Strength" ..
"Is" ..
"In" Your ..
Gentleness" ..

"And" That "Your" Wisdom ..
"Is" ..
"In" Your ..
"Ever" Tolerant ..
"Nature" ..

  And let’s remember, relationship is a two sided bond, so Having A "Good" man – is also A "Blessing". :)


I liked your poem

by Souri on

This is nice and meaningfull. Just please do avoid those unnecessary qouts. It makes the reading difficult as it is somehow perturbating. Thanks.


Thank you so much "Rosie"

by Shaer on

for making it clear.

I sometimes "Fail" to get my point across ..

Rosie T.

He is just trying to write about how...

by Rosie T. on

men and women balance each other and make each other complete.  It's a yin/yang thing...surely we are not the same. 

He's a poet, he deals with archetypes.  You can't expect a politically correct polemic from him.

If people like him didn't voice these things there would be no art...


My "Brothers" and "Sisters" ..

by Shaer on

I am "Sharing" A Few Of My Experiences With Women.

First, I Hope that It's "Not" Boring :)  And, Secondly, That It Could be Helpful!!

 Tks Again ..