Pigs may fly!

by seenema
It was about seven or eight months ago when my mother said that she has received a call from a friend and they were going to meet Michele Obama.  She was invited to Seattle by one of her close friends and fundraisers who happened to also be Iranian. After that day, we went back and forth for month on whether an African-American man would ever be president. I grew up in Texas and I think race has always been a factor and will always be a factor in this country.  I have always believed that hell will freeze over and pigs will fly before Obama is in the White House. As I am writing this, I can hear the GOP garbage ads running on TV  calling Obama radical and many other names and labels. One has to appreciate that he his one tough man, withstanding everything that Clintons and Republicans have thrown his way for almost 2 years. A black man with Hussein as middle name who happens to be a terrorist, Socialist and Marxist all in one and is leading in the polls in almost every state in this country. Barring a miracle or another highway rubbery similar to the 2000 elections, I hope I wake up on November 5th realizing that hell is iced up and and every pig is flying as they do in Pink FLoyd concerts. 



Pigs are flying !!!

by Majid on

Bill Maher said it and said it well :

OK..let's see...Obama went to that church for 20 years! and......he's a Moslim, McCain never ever went to a church and he's a Christian?




Pigs may even dance!

by IranWrites on

For the first time I feel my generation is not doomed. I never thought one day we would form the majority. Finally it happened. Congratulation to all.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

Obama is prepared for GOP election theft

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

His experience with corruption in Chicago has prepared him for the GOP stealing that always happens. He has not come this far to have them snatch it away from him. He has a spine, unlike Kerry and Gore.