This is a bomb in my hand

This is a bomb in my hand
by rrrezz

"Ladies and gentlemen. I here have a bomb in my hand. If you don't comply with what I want, I'll pull the trigger and all of us will go to hell."

Well, before you accuse me of antisemitism or calling me (or my mother and sister!) names, let me tell you that I'm just exercising my freedom of speech.


Recently by rrrezzCommentsDate
The futurama of the world
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Khamenei's new mind
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Down with Persian chauvinism; Viva Turk and Arab Chauvinism
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more from rrrezz

You know I think the reason

by jirandoust on

You know I think the reason Natanyahu used such a crude cartoonish visual aid to convey his "red line" theory, is because he dosen't believe in it himself.


You are damn right.

by rrrezz on

You are damn right.


You may have forgotten...

by Bavafa on

The freedom of speech often times is protected while it is in the interest and benefit of those who advocate it.


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 
