So Where Do I Go From Gaza?


rosie is roxy is roshan
by rosie is roxy is roshan

I don't want to rehash here the disturbing events that transpired a few days ago. It's a situation that I have to accept responsibility for but as I've pondered it I've come to realize that that responsibility is not exclusively mine by any means. And certainly generously shared by one person in particular.And this makes me feel more sad and disturbed than ashamed, as I felt at first. 

In any case, it's a situation that brought ill will, divisiveness and rancor to this website and suspicion of my role in it, and due to the gravity of it I don't think it will blow over completely with quite a few people. And that s not why I came here, to bring rancor or to be viewed as a polarizing or polarizED force. By the last I mean someone who people will say oh she IS this way, expect THAT from her, look what she DID, now she'll do THIS, see, look, she's doing it already. I can't conceive of continuing my work here under those circumstances because it's work I take seriously and I just don't see the point of proceeding further in this new way.

Having said that, it was Gaza that brought me back onsite and the little Gaza here on the threads that made me try so hard to be of help--which vanished poof in one fell swoop the other day for many matter. As I participated and processed I realized that I had insights into the Israel-Palestine conflict and what it means in terms of our history and our future as a human species. But I couldn't quite get my arms around it. And then somehow things gestated and I could.

So if it's a betrayal of my principles to remain here to play a role that goes against them, it's also equally against my principles to leave here without writing about what I learned about Gaza, looking at the big one over there in the Middle East through the lens of the little one on these threads. Or should I say what I learned about all the Gazas.. Our humanity is filled to brimming with Gazas.

And so I will write what I've been planining on writing.. Beginning with part one of a two-part article. It is called We Are the Chosen People. Or anyway that's what I think it's called.

And if you're angry with me, fine, I understand. But read me anyway please. Try to see the message. Not the messenger.

And then it'll have to be a wrap.

Well I'll get to work now.




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