چرا اینقدر بهت بر خورد؟


by Roozbeh_Gilani


چرا اینقدر بهت بر خورد؟

آروم شو، بشین، یک ذره گوش بده به یک حرف حساب  به جای این فحش و فحش کاری ها.

ما ملت ایران به قول معروف خیلی‌ (زیاد...) مظلوم و نجیب هستیم. ولی‌ باور کن، بر خلاف عقیده تو خر نیستیم.

ببین، اول رای ما رو دزدیدی با وقاهت زیاد، توی روز روشن. ما هم اومدیم تو خیابون، خیلی‌ مودّبانه پرسیدیم "آقا، لطفا، رای من چی‌ شد؟"

تو به جای یک جواب ساده،  انداختی این مزدوران بی‌ وطن بسیجیت رو به جون ما. بچه‌های ما رو زندان کردی، شکنجه دادی، تجاوز کردی، لات و پار و اعدام  کردی. وقتی‌ بهت مظلومانه شکایت کردیم، مسخرمون کردی، گفتی‌ ما "خس و خاک"، و "جاسوس اجنبی" هستیم.

حالا، یکی‌ (بعضی‌‌ها میگن خودت...) بمب گذاشت و یک نفر از این مزدوران آدمکش بی‌ وطن  بسیجیت رو سقط کرد. حالا بگو ببینم، تو چرا اینقدر بهت بر خرده وقتی‌ ملت میگن "به تخمم (به بخشید، به هسته ام!!) که این سقط شد". بگو ببینم کجای حرف من حالیت نیست مرتیکه ابله، دزد و آدمکش  چلاق؟؟؟

در ضمن، نکنه خدای نکرده این شاخو شونه کشیدن  ها و وراجی‌های کامپیوتری  مزدور‌های فرنگ نشینت رو باور کنی‌. اینها خودشون اگه یک ذره تخم (به بخشید هسته) داشن، الان نشسته بودن بغل تو طراحی بستن تنگه هرمرز رو میکردن به جای وراجی‌های کامپیوتری اون هم از وسط  قلب امپریالیزم! 


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Maryam Hojjat

R.G, great Blog

by Maryam Hojjat on

I like it. Meanwhile I have tendency to believe that G.R. is Right. 



by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Mammad: Not sure about rallying support for Khaamenei. G.R is making detailed points against that argument  in his comments here. Also I fail to see how these individual acts of terror, even if committed against khamenei himself, would help democratic movement in Iran. Regime itself has a long history of committing acts of terror, this killing could well have been done by regime itself. I doubt if we ever find out for sure who did it...

GR: Thanks for the comments and great points. I know that you also suspect the regime for this act of terror.

Aryo Barzan: Thank you, glad you liked this blogt.

Pendar joon: Work on improving your Farsi. i believe there are few Farsi classes in england and toronto. Also, tell the concoobine to stop calling himself a "brit". In that land of your masters, he will always be a paki or if lucky a WOG  :)


"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


collecting statistics using my watch

by مآمور on

 بله بله......من هم موافق!!! اصلأ اگر مردم شریف ایران(من فدایي انها بشوم) ناراحت باشند بخاطر آن طفلک سرباز شریف امریکای میرزا حکمتی وحکم وحشیانه اعدام است.

I wear an Omega watch

G. Rahmanian

I Further Wrote:

by G. Rahmanian on

"The Great Majority of Iranians don't give a hoot about this terrorist act. They have too many problems of their own.

The Islamists are probably barking like crazy pretending they care. But, in fact, they are worried about their own safety and what happens to them after regime change.

The only people who are really in pain right now are his relatives!"

G. Rahmanian

I Also Wrote:

by G. Rahmanian on

"The criminal regime of the mullahs fears the scientists who are involved in highly sensitive projects because of their privilege to possess classified information. The regime kills them to protect such information, thus ensuring its own survival."

G. Rahmanian

IR Did Kill The Scientist, After All!

by G. Rahmanian on

And then I wrote:

"Factionalism within the regim's ranks did not start yesterday. Killing their own started on the same day the regime came to power. And in the same manner Hitler eliminated those who helped along the way.

We are talking about mullahs who are controlling the oil money and call themselves God's representatives on earth. Doing Godly stuff such as deciding when someone must die is in their job description. 

As long as the criminal regime in Tehran does not allow independent investigation of these cases, the regime's involvement cannot be denied. Remember chain murders? Who was behind those? Why should anyone doubt the regime would not do it, again? Wouldn't some of the mullahs want Rafsanjani dead? Wouldn't Rafsanjani want the same for those mullahs? Their "peaceful" coexistence may not last forever. 

Who was behind all the assassinations and bombings right after the revolution, aside from Forghan and MEK? What is said on this site is mostly speculative. And what the regime says cannot be trusted, as long as the domestic usual suspects are not rounded up and investigated by an independent investigative body, first."

G. Rahmanian

Here's Another One!

by G. Rahmanian on

Khomeini Was More Realislic than some folks here on IC! His letter to end the war is a must read for the "Kasseh haayeh daaghtar az sash!" 

Draft dodging and desertion were rampant towards the end of the war. People realized while their children were getting killed, mullahs' sons and daughters were not! It finally dawned on them that war was a way of survival for the regime and they stopped sending their children to war fronts!

And now, after more than 23 years, these people are claiming Iranians will send their children to fight for the murderous regime!

areyo barzan

Great Blog

by areyo barzan on

I love your style of writing.

keep up the good work

G. Rahmanian

Roozbeh Jaan: Great Points!

by G. Rahmanian on

This is what I wrote under a different blog:

"I heard a rumor all the decent journalists were in jail.

Anyhow, you hate the regime. You are walking down a street in Tehran or any major city in Iran. A person you don't know, but claims to be a journalist, approaches you and asks you what you think of the regime. Are YOU going to say you hate the regime?

Khomeini, in his letter which ended the Iran-Iraq war wrote, Iranians are not showing any interest in going to war (showghe raftaneh beh jebheyeh jang raa nadaarand!). That was euphemism for Iranian draft dodgers and deserters. And that was more than 23 years ago, when the poor Iranians still believed in the Islam of the modern-day Shi'ite "saints."

Things have changed, since. Average Iranians have become more knowledgeable about the regime's warmongering policies. They have had enough of regime's officials' empty slogans promising them better living conditions while stashing away billions of dollars in their bank accounts abroad. And they have seen regime's brutalities against their own compatriots and learned the regime's goons would kill an Iranian as readily as they would an enemy, only to stay in power. And Iranians have increasingly proven to the world how much they hate the regime in Tehran since the day the mullahs "hijacked" the revolution.

So, Iranians siding with the regime in case of a war is only a myth. If the regime were so popular, why would the mullahs and the militarists in power want to have a war?"



by Mammad on

Your point regarding Khamenei is totally valid. But, that still should not distract from what has been happening regarding the assassinations.

What some in this website do not realize is that aside from absolutely everything else, such operations only help the VF regime to rally people.
