Skateboarding III

by Robert

Skateboarding III Skateboarding III Skateboarding III Skateboarding IIISkateboarding III
Skateboarding IIISkateboarding III 


Recently by RobertCommentsDate
Tutorial - Mawashi Geri Yodan/Shodan
Jun 08, 2011
The Long-Awaited Script/Plot
Jun 03, 2011
Jun 03, 2011
more from Robert
Nazy Kaviani

Robert Jan

by Nazy Kaviani on

How have you been? I'm so glad to see that you are back and posting again. I must say that it is quite visible how much taller you have grown over the last year!

I can't wait to see your clips this summer!



by Robert on

My video today was already going to be about Mocha!!!


:) hahahahhaa



Jahanshah Javid

Mr. Filmmaker

by Jahanshah Javid on

You're very good at making these videos. But you don't need to do stunts.

I have a request. Please do a short film about Poopee, aka Mocha. Believe me, he's a star and with your talent you can show us why.


Robert you really need a helmet, a bike helmet!

by Anonymouse on

It makes me nervous seeing you without a bike helmet.  If you don't want knee pads or elbow pads, at least put on a bike helmet.  You never know with a wrong turn and I've seen it to be worried.  A helmet looks cool too. 

Everything is sacred