Now I Know How JJ Feels

by Robert

Know I now how JJ feels!!

I am now always working too,on my site (// that I created a few days ago.I have to do all kinds of things plan schedule'slook at things,uptade my site (that's what I do most) etc...etc...etc...So just now I did all the work I had to do on my site till April 26th! On April 26th I have to plan more schedules.JJ,now I know why you don't sleep at night,but in the day.I used to work on 3 things: School,Iranian,& YouTube.But now 5 things: school,iranian,youtube,weekend madness,& my site.       =)



Recently by RobertCommentsDate
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more from Robert

A Good Man You Are, Robert!

by Sabzeh Thrower (not verified) on

Just make sure you enjoy whatever it is you're doing. This is the time in your life where you should try new things and enjoy them. Taking care of "things," like pets and plants and websites on top of your studies and toys might become a little stressful! Make sure you are enjoying the things you are learning and the things you are doing for others. Do them for yourself and others will come and enjoy them too!


you have a knack for it!

by Monda on

I checked out your site. My favorite is your guitar instruction. I'm thinking about the electric guitar sitting covered up in our attic...




by mom (not verified) on

you're so funny robert. you are doing a good job though! you are also becoming a good writer. keep reading books. remember you are going to be a doctor! :)))