3 New Videos

by Robert

Here is video one: Hey!

Here is video two: My Puppy Is Half Lion!


Recently by RobertCommentsDate
Tutorial - Mawashi Geri Yodan/Shodan
Jun 08, 2011
The Long-Awaited Script/Plot
Jun 03, 2011
Jun 03, 2011
more from Robert
Multiple Personality Disorder

Your green screen special effects is getting better and better

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

Alex and you seem to have found something that you're both interested in.  That's great.  Keep on going at.

Organic NUTritionist

ok no more arguing...

by Organic NUTritionist on


all is good-- 


btw rob, all three in this order:  2, 3, 1  :)  doing a good job...  excellent... 


Okay will do. I thought that was funny but apparently it wasn't!

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred


I meant dont say "I want an

by Robert on

I meant dont say "I want an action adventure video" every time.






What do you mean comment about something else?

by Anonymouse on

What else am I going to comment about other than your videos?  You mean comment something other than action adventure?

Okay well these 3 videos are good and if I were to choose between the 3 I'd choose the 2nd one.  If I didn't have to choose any of them I don't have anything else to say.

Everything is sacred


Please, if you are going to comment on my videos.....

by Robert on

Please, if you are going to comment on my videos.....Comment about something else, I will make an action video when I need too.






2nd video had more action advernture! Why no action in 3rd?!

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred