من هيچ وقت اينجوري نبودم.نه رومانتيك بودم مثل ژيگولوهاي لاتين، نه جنتلمن مثل ريچارد شيردل...
هميشه ميگفتم به اطرافيان كه : اقا جان... دو چيز بايد هميشه تازه باشند،
تخم مرغ و عشق .
و اما زن ... سه چيز رو زود به زود باهاس عوض كرد: زن،عشق و پيراهن زير.اقايون نگند كه اينجوري فكر نميكنند كه باور نميكنم.
چطور عوض شدم.. چطور طرف زيباي زن رو شناختم .. بايد برگردم به سالهاي پيش.
شما بنشينيد تا من دفتر يادداشتم رو باز كنم.
سالها پيش , بعداز فرو ريختن كمونيست و قبل از رياست جمهوري ژاك شيراك بود كه از يك سفر تحقيقاتي به امريكاي جنوبي به پاريس برگشتم.
هنوز عرق سفر بهم خشك نشده بود كه پستچي خير نديده از بانك براي من يك نامه اورده بود.بانك ادعا ميكرد كه مدتهاست كه قسط خونه عقب افتاده و بيا فلان كن و بيسار !
رفتم بانك .. عصباني مثل مزه واسابي ژاپني و صورتم شده بود مثل يك اسكناس تقلبي, بيرنگ و بي معني!
داد زدم و بيداد كردم و هر چي ايروني بازي بلد بودم,انجام دادم.رئيس بانك نبود و يا قسمت بود كه نباشه, من رو بردند به اتاق معاون رئيس بانك...
خيلي هواي دعوا داشتم, اخه زورم ميامد كه قبول كنم حرف بانك رو...بد باهام رفتار كردند...خوب براشون عجيب بود كه يكي با شرايط من بخواد صاحب خونه بشه, اونهم كجا .. توي پاريس !
در همين افكار بودم كه سكرتر معاون رئيس صدام كرد كه برم پيش معاون.. ايشان منتظر شما هستند... با هواي لاتي و با باد ما خيلي طلبكاريم رفتم تو اتاق.
اولين چيزي كه احساس كردم بوي عطر خيلي خوبي بود كه به مشامم ميرسيد.هر چقدر به جلو.. به ميز معاون رئيس نزديكتر ميشدم, اعصابم به حالت رلكس كامل نزديكتر ميشد. نور نه چندان قوي اتاق رو روشن ميكرد .. وقتيكه به جلوي ميز معاون رئيس رسيدم صداي يك زن ارامش اعصابم رو تكميلتر كرد ...
-سلام ... لطفا بنشينيد!
جرات نكردم بنشينم.بي تربيتي بود كه زودتر از ايشان بنشينم.حتي پشت سرم رو هم نگاه نكردم.صبر كردم تا بياد و پشت ميز بنشينه و بعدا من بنشينم.
موهاش طلائي رنگ بود و طبيعي!چشماش پررنگ از زندگي بود و زندوني پشت عينك گوچي!
يك پيراهن ابي كم رنگ يقه اسكي پوشيده بود كه با دامن مارك شنل كه داشت, همخوني ميكرد.
توي اين حالتها بودم كه شروع كرد به حرف زدن... حاليم نبود چي ميگفت, گوشهاي من نميشنيدن... انگاري رعد زده بودبه زير گلوم... لال شده بودم, توي اون لحظه ريتم قلبم همساز زيبائي اون زن شده بود.اين نبض قابل كنترل نبود... اين احساس, قابل توقف نبود.
طول كشيد تا به خودم برگشتم...قلبم هنوز عقبتر از مغضم بود... چه راحت احساساتم تسليم حركتهاي چشمها و لبان اين زن شده بود.
اون روز كلي صحبت كرديم از مشكلي كه بانك براي من تراشيده بود و تا چند روز شخصا به اونجا ميرفم تا به اين بهانه, ببينمش.با اينكه ميتونستم كار رو به وكيلم بسپرم ولي من مدهوش او بودم و ديوونه برخوردها و نگاهاش بودم .
مشكل من حل شده بود.روز اخر بود كه خيلي مرتب, شيك و مترو سكسوالي رفتم پهلوي ويكي (اسمش ويكتوريا بود).
در بين حرفهام سعي ميكردم كه چيزي نگم كه روز اخر خراب بشه.. خيلي نرمال و خيلي واقعي ازش دعوت كردم كه با من يك قهوه بخوره و در ضمن بيشتر در مورد مسائل بانكي صحبت كنيم.
نگاه به انگشتاش كردم.حلقه ازدواج نداشت.
لبخند زد.قلبم شكفت.
اون روز عصر بردمش بار اسپانيولي ها در نزديكي خيابان ريشليو.اون روز شب شد و قهوه شد شراب و صحبتهاي ما شيرين !
تحت تاثير ويكي قرار گرفته بودم...حرفاش پخته ودند و افكارش بينظير.
به دلم افتاده بود كه اين زن بيهمتا رو بي دليل نشناختم... سرنوشت بود كه بيگدار به دل من زده بود و من دور از هوس و احساسات پوچ زودگذر بودم.
طول كشيد تا رسما به سلامتي خودمون, ليوانهاي شراب رو بهم زديم و ارزوي يك رابطه ساده با هم را كرديم.
به من ميگفت كه شبيه خواكين كورتز هستم.. با فرهنگ لاتين اشنا مردمش و بيشتر ميبردمش به محله هائي كه اسپانيولي زبان هستند.. غذا هنر فرهنگ لاتين براش تازگي داشت.
از ايران زياد بهش ميگفتم.از فاميلم و از هر نكته كه پيش ميامد,ايران رو براش تجسم ميكردم.
ويكي رمانتيك بود... احساساتي و ذاتا شيرين پرداز بود.
بعضي از روزها ميرفتم سر كارش.با يك دونه رز شرابي رنگ و يك بوسه به گردنش , سورپريزش ميكردم... بعضي از شبها مياومد به خونه من... دوست داشت براش از بولروهاي لاتين كه بلد بودم بخونم... يك وقتهائي خودش با پيانو من رو همراهي ميكرد و تقريبا هيچ وقت اهنگها تموم نميشدند چونكه اشعار ان قطعات زيبا ما رو به بوسيدن دعوت ميكردند و ما به دنبال بهانه بوديم تا هيچ لحظه ائي رو بي عشق بازي خالي نگذاريم.
دوره عشق ما و باهم بودن ما تنها هفتده ماه و يازده روز طول كشيد.
به ويكي پيشنهاد رياست بانك رو داده بودند ولي نه در پاريس !
تا بهم بگه كه اين پيشنهاد رو قبول كرده, مدتي گذشته بود...
اون شب تازه از رستوران برگشته بوديم كه از در خونه تا اتاق خواب بيست دقيقه طول كشيد تا رسيديم... از بوسيدن لبهاش سير نميشدم... از لمس كردن ممتد موهاش , از گرفتنش توي اغوشم دست بر نميداشتم... ازش ميخواستم اسم من رو اروم صدا بزنه.ازش ميخواستم كه سرم رو بذاره به روي قلبش ... ازم ميخواست كه فاصله بين نفسهامون نباشه ... ازم ميخواست كه اون شب دستهاشو ول نكنم...
خوابم نميبرد !صبح شده بود. كنارم خوابيده بود و اروم اروم بدنش رو با دستم نوازش ميدادم... بهم جريان رو گفت !
بغض گلوم رو پنچر كرده بود...پنجره نيمه باز بود و نسيم خنكي ملافه ها و پرده ها رو ميلرزوند... يواش بلند شدم و رفتم براش صبحانه حاضر كردم.گل تازه توي خونه نبود.روي كاغذ به فارسي و به فرانسه نوشتم كه تو گل زندگي من هستي...
اون روز طلوع افتاب رو باهم ديديم...دستاش توي دستام بود كه اخرين مصرع هاي يك شعر اسپانيولي رو براش خوندم... صورت سرتاپا زيباش از اشك پر شده بود.
ويكي رفت... باز ليوان شراب من تنها روي ميز بود... براي تسكين اين جدائي, به غمنامه هاي چاولا وارگاس گوش ميدادم.
از ويكي رومانتيك بودن رو اموختم و هر لحظه با عشق واحساساتي بودن رو زندگي كردم.نظر و عقايد من رو خيلي در مورد زن عوض كرد.
مزه شراب رو دوست دارم...بازگشت به عشق ورزيدن رو دوست دارم...
Recently by Red Wine | Comments | Date |
که خوش میآمد آن بورانی اسفناج | 4 | Dec 04, 2012 |
راهی که بازگشتی نداشت | 6 | Nov 22, 2012 |
ساعتِ آخر یک آزادیخواه | 32 | Nov 10, 2012 |
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
I wonder........
by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on Tue Aug 25, 2009 06:58 PM PDTI was very intrigued by all the comments posted. Older woman with a younger man.
I wonder if there are any other blogs/articles on this subject. Like for instance how young is too young for a man to be with an older woman?
Is the age gap too much if it is 10 or 20 years difference? It would make a good blog/article.
I also found the comment about if a man/woman is truly in love then they would relocate to be with the object of their affection.
By some it is seen as a deep level of love and perhaps commitment.
Very interesting comments but then again VinoRojo always has a way of finding interesting topics.
Muy bien hecho VinoRojo. Mis felicitaciones.
hummm, I gotta have a cigarett now!
by Yana on Fri Jul 03, 2009 06:44 PM PDTshad zee
by Flying Solo on Mon Sep 28, 2009 03:37 PM PDT.
Agreed but the good wine selection guides also apply!
by ramintork on Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:33 AM PDT- Beware of wine that has been corked
- Beware of expensive wine that shows very little promise
- Pick your wine from a good region
- Don't asume that region is enough check if it was a good year so that it carries no undesired tarnish from a bad climate
- On what soil was it cultivated
- Who produced it was it cultivated with tender loving care?
- Is it fruity, if that is what you prefer?
- Does it go down well with what you have at your table
- Do your friends also like it
- Has it been properly oxidated?
- How much sediments will it leave in your cup?
- Does it have too much Sulphur?
- How much of the reputation is down to marketing?
- Finally Do you like it and are you old enough to drink it and if you get drunk is there anyone to drive you back home?
Otherwise you should trust nature take its course and if you are lucky to get a good bottle smell, enjoy every sip and the dance of the colours in your glass and hold tight to the bottle and make sure in your drunkeness you don't drop it.
And if I haven't given enough innuendos then invent your own!
شراب ارغوانی عزیز؛سال نو مبارک..
ebi amirhosseiniWed Mar 18, 2009 03:22 AM PDT
با توجه به موارد ذیل میتوان گفت که تو طرفدار" چهلچراغ " هستی :
می گويند زن، چراغ خانه است. لابد شنيده ايد که در همين راستا، بعضی ها طرفدار'چهلچراغ' شده اند و بعضی ها طرفدار'صرفه جويی در مصرف برق'!
با اين حساب می شود اين تعاريف را نيز ارائه داد:
* دوست دختر: چراغ گرد سوز! (در بلاد کفر، آن را GF می گويند. تحقيقات نشان داده اين لغت، مخفف عبارت Gerdsooz Fitile (فتيله گردسوز) می باشد که در شرايط اضطراری، روشنايی اندکی می افروزد و خاموش شدنش سه سوته است و يک فوته!) * معشوق: لامپ مهتابی! (در راستای رمانتيک بودن قضيه!) * همسر موقت: لامپ کم مصرف! * همسر دائم: همان چراغ خانه. * همسر مطلقه: لامپ سوخته! * همسر ايده آل: چراغ جادو!( هردو افسانه اند!)شعر مرتبط:
با غول چراغ ، آرزويی بکنيد
از او طلب فرشته خويی بکنيد
يک دانه بس است زن، مگر نشنيديد
'در مصرف برق صرفه جويی بکنيد'؟! ***************
Ebi aka Haaji
I Love just my 40 years old woman!
by Alex... (not verified) on Tue Mar 17, 2009 09:03 PM PDTTHE GEOGRAPHY OF WOMEN
Between 18 and 22, a woman is like Africa, half
discovered, half wild, naturally beautiful with
fertile soil.
Between 23 and 30, a woman is like Europe, well
developed and open to trade, especially for someone
with cash.
Between 31 and 35, a woman is like India, very hot,
relaxed and convinced of her own beauty.
Between 36 and 40, a woman is like France, gently
aging but still warm and a desirable place to visit.
Between 41 and 50, a woman is like Great Britain,
with a glorious and all conquering past.
Between 51 and 60, a woman is like Yugoslavia, lost
the war and haunted by past mistakes.
Between 61 and 70, a woman is like Russia, very wide
with borders now unpatrolled.
After 70, she becomes Tibet . Wildly beautiful, with a mysterious past and the wisdom of the ages...only those with an adventurous spirit and a thirst for spiritual knowledge.
Between 1 and 100, a man is like Iran . Ruled by a prick.
Salty, it was cool
by SALTY on Tue Mar 17, 2009 04:01 PM PDTThis has turned in to the battle of sexes, Souri was joking, Red Wine was just sharing something nice, so take it easy you people. Can we all just get along?
Just wanted to add
Red Wine Jan!
by Maryam Hojjat on Tue Mar 17, 2009 12:34 PM PDTwhat makes me surprised that you have not married with all these romantic experiences but never too late!
by Red Wine on Tue Mar 17, 2009 11:06 AM PDTرسيد لب به لب و بوسه هاي ناب زديم
دو جام بوديم که با نيت شراب زديم
دو گل که با عطش بوسه هاي پي در پي
به روي پيرهن سرخشان گلاب زديم
نه از هوس که ز جور زمانه!لب به شراب
اگر زديم براي دل خراب زديم
موذنا به اميد که ميزني فرياد
تو هم بخواب که ما خويش را به خواب زديم
مگردد بي سبب اي ناخدا که غرق شده ست
جزيره اي که به سوداي آن به آب زديم...
by HEVAK on Wed Sep 08, 2010 10:54 PM PDT.
by Mohammad123 (not verified) on Tue Mar 17, 2009 10:18 AM PDTI can't wait to read your steamy sex story which you promised everyone you would write to deal with the 'generational gap' which you think is the major wrong thing with how Iranians are writing about sex. I am old but eager to learn.
رد واین جان
HajminatorTue Mar 17, 2009 09:55 AM PDT
این موضوع بسیار مطلوب و دل انگیز بود. مثل همیشه مطلب نوشته شدهء شما روان و لطیف گویا شده است. از خواندنش لذت بردم. متشکرم
Way too much wine indeed
by TheMrs on Tue Mar 17, 2009 09:15 AM PDTHi
From what I know, wine gets at least some of its value with the passage of time. If a 40 is like wine, and so romantic, does that mean there's still hope for 60? And beyond?
This blond, channel wearing fictional character was wine. At 25 she was probably heavenly wine. By 45 or 50 she'll be the kind of wine you might add to your pasta sauce but you think twice about it. And by 55 or 60 you don't even consider it for your pasta. Unless of course it's the ONLY wine around or one you're emotionally attached to :)
Sure, relationships aren't that superficial. I get it. Just injecting some reality here. Although I'm willing to bet other than myself, everyone here is over 40 :)
Long live Botox and Channel skirts.
red wine
by MRX1 on Tue Mar 17, 2009 09:07 AM PDTI think you had too much red wine!
Dear Redwine
by Souri on Tue Mar 17, 2009 08:58 AM PDTThis was indeed a very nice n romantic story, I really enjoyed.
Of course, comments and conclusion are free, I mean: hopefully!! That's why we are here and why we post articles and blogs.
I didn't mean to offend you my dear. I couldn't even imagine that people could get offended by what I have said. Although I must add that the one who spoke, is always objecting to me at this same odd way ! I don't reply to him anymore, I don't care.
Thanks for sharing.
by Red Wine on Tue Mar 17, 2009 08:04 AM PDTدرود به دوستان گرامي.
-جهانشاه جان من با تمام زناني كه روابط عشقي در زندگي داشتم در ارتباط هستم وگر اينكه عشق غير مجاز يك شبه بوده باشد.
من به واسطه مشغله كاري نميتوانستم پاريس را ترك كنم.
-فتح الله جان نفهميدم جريان رو ... روشنم كن.
-سام سام جان من كلي مشتري بلاگت هستم.عزت زياد.
-ماندا جان.سالتي جان.سپاسگذارم.
-باجناغ جان.بنده از دعا گويان به درگاه حضرت عالي هستم.يك كلمه...چاكريم.
-ابي جان برو جلو كه من دارمت... سايه شما مستدام.
-سوري جان.فراموش نكن كه مطالب من واقعي هستند و در زندگي خودم به وقوع پيوستند...منظور من تنها مطرح كردن روي اصلي زن بود كه متاسفانه كمتر از اين رو در بين ايرانيها بحث ميشود.بقيه قضيه تنها خلاصه ائي از يك نوشته چهار صفحه ائي بود.نتيجه گيري ازاد است.
ممنون از توجه شما به عرايض بنده.
-پرينسس جان .سپاسگذارم از شعري كه نوشته بودي.
سپاسگذارم از شما.
Love is always young
by lover for ever (not verified) on Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:15 PM PDTI read the love and passionate story of this gentlman and found it out that he realize what is life eventhough he was very depressed in his life.
Most of us donot feel what is the cure for any depression or lonleyness because we never tried to feel the reality of life which every live human needs love and passionate.
I am very positive and openminded person which i realy enjoy the life eventhough I am away from Iranian Community almost 14 years .still i feel where ever is love that is my plce and I never feel lonley cause I adapt myself to any situtation in order to enjoy the life ,cause life is short. then please enjoy the life
by Jahanshah Javid on Mon Mar 16, 2009 08:27 PM PDTRedWine, I finally got a chance to read beyond the headline. What a beautiful story. I so wanted you to move with her to wherever she got transferred to.
You did not make any references to her age and how that made her any different than a younger woman.
In any case, it was very romantic. Lovely.
Anonymously this time
by Souri on Mon Mar 16, 2009 08:40 PM PDTThat's exactly why I said, what I said !!
In this story, the author do not talk about LOVE & SEX relationship. He yearns for romanticism "a la platonic" .........They talk about "oldr women" being understanding of love feeling, being affectionate and dada da.....
But when it comes to sex, my dear Anonymously T.T, be assure that they always run to the 20/30 .........and bring back for you the same old statement : "but this, has nothing to do with love, it's just about lust, my love for you is eternal" .....yeah, you r right!!
Raison de plus (Additional reason) :
As JJ said above, if it was "true love" dear Redwine, why you didn't move with her to her new location?
Which one of you sentimental guys, would do it? JJ, would you move to Iran if you fall in love with a woman who wants to live in Iran?
who would have known?
by Anonymously this time (not verified) on Mon Mar 16, 2009 06:52 PM PDTthat such a romantic blog turns into "older women" and "needy men" comments and gets to be this ugly
بابا حالتونو بکنین، چرا پارازیت میدین؟
زن ۴۰ ساله شد "older woman" آقای ردواین و آقای JJ؟؟؟ نه اینکه خودتون spring chicken بودین!!!
مرد ایرانی هم یاد مادرش بیفته دیگه با سکس مکس کاری نداره خانوم سوری، این حرفای فروید رو جلوی مردایه ایرانی تکرار نکن که گریشون نندازی.
by Souri on Mon Mar 16, 2009 06:49 PM PDT1) If it is a joke,
- Yes that was said as a joke
2) How do you know that ,we,the sentimental young men of yesterday,have need for affection
- I said : Those of you who expressed themselves as "preferring" old women and claiming that old women are more romantic and dada da...are in need for affection (generally speaking, can we??)
3) lost contact with our moms at a very early age!!!
- Again, I said: especially, those who had lost contact in early ages (I meant early ages of teen) because most of us have emigrated here without our families (our mom) . Me, for example, I have been away since I was 20, now is like 30 years I haven't been in close contact with none of my family member. What's wrong with that?
4) Do you know each of us up close & personal??!!
- No, I don't know each of you up close & personal (none of you indeed) but have read some of personal stories, each of you had posted here since more than a year !
5) if not,it is an offending comment!.
- You are more offending to me with your comment, than what I seemed having said to all
But coming from you, this is nothing new !!!
Souri jaan
by ebi amirhosseini on Mon Mar 16, 2009 06:15 PM PDT"Guys, you all miss your mom "!!!
How do you know that ,we,the sentimental young men of yesterday,have need for affection & lost contact with our moms at a very early age!!!!.Do you know each of us up close & personal??!!
If it is a joke, ok with me;if not,it is an offending comment!.
Ebi aka Haaji
Run Souri Aka Dr. Phil, Run like the wind!
by SALTY on Mon Mar 16, 2009 02:07 PM PDTNow you've done it, calling Iranian men, needy, Old? Knowing well, that some here are actually past their prime. And their romantic feelings a by product of the fact that they were not breast fed enough by their moms!
You better go into hiding for a while ;-)
by Princess on Mon Mar 16, 2009 02:10 PM PDTRomantic gentlemen!! Older women = women in their 40s ???
Haven't you heard, in this day and age women in their 40s are more like the previous generation in their 30s. So please get with the programme! :)
Joking aside, Red Wine jan, as usual this piece was a delight to read. I will share with you a favorite poem of mine by Sir Thomas Wyatt. This story reminded me of it.
They flee from me that sometime did me seek
With naked foot, stalking in my chamber.
have seen them gentle, tame, and meek,
That now are wild and do not remember
That sometime they put themself in danger
To take bread at my hand; and now they range,
Busily seeking with a continual change.
Thanked be fortune it hath been otherwise
Twenty times better; but once in special,
In thin array after a pleasant guise,
When her loose gown from her shoulders did fall,
And she me caught in her arms long and small;
Therewithall sweetly did me kiss
And softly said, "dear heart, how like you this?"
It was no dream: I lay broad waking.
But all is turned thorough my gentleness
Into a strange fashion of forsaking;
And I have leave to go of her goodness,
And she also, to use newfangleness.
But since that I so kindly am served
I would fain know what she hath deserved.
And Nowrouz-e hamgi pirooz!!
Guys, you all miss your mom !!!
by Souri on Mon Mar 16, 2009 01:10 PM PDTAll you sentimental young men of yesterday !! Sorry, to break it to you, but this is not love, this is only your need for affection, something that you miss badly since you lost contact with your mom, some of you at a very young age.
After all, love is all about a sense of neediness !
RedWine aziz !
by ebi amirhosseini on Mon Mar 16, 2009 12:30 PM PDTAs JJ,I read the title & thought OMG,this is an Iranian version of "Une Femme de Trente Ans" by Balzac !.Enjoyed reading it.
Happy Nowruz !.
Eyde shoma mobaarak !.
Ebi aka Haaji
inja hameh
by Daryush on Mon Mar 16, 2009 12:24 PM PDTdaagh kardan
redwine jan
by bajenaghe naghi on Mon Mar 16, 2009 12:21 PM PDTthat was a very warm and sweet love story beautifully described. thank you.
Good story But...
by SALTY on Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:59 AM PDTGood story RD thanks, but dame eidy ghamnaakemoon kardi!