زن ايراني و سكس


زن ايراني و سكس
by Red Wine

چند هفته اي است كه نوشته هاي يكي از اعضاي سايت شديدا همه رو سر كار گذاشته و حسابي وقت خيلي ها رو گرفته است.

منظورم نوشته هاي پريناز خانم است. نويسنده ,هوس-رویای خیس-صیغه شدم-من جنده نیستم و بالاخره ,خیانت کردم.


راستش رو بخواهيد ,روزهاي اول از خواندن اين نوشته ها لذت ميبردم و خيلي خوشحال بودم كه بالاخره يك زن ايروني شجاع پيدا شده كه از مسائل مربوط به سكس كه در ايران تابو هست راحت صحبت ميكنه.به خصوص من كه از طرفداراي اين سبك نوشته ها هستم.اين نوشته ها من رو به سالهاي قديم ميبره.سالهائي كه ر اعتمادي و نويسنده هاي ديگر در مجلات جوانان ,سپيد و سياه و غيره داستان مينوشتند و من قايمكي و يواشكي انها را ميخواندم.

اخرين مطلب پريناز خانم (خیانت کردم) رو چند مرتبه خواندم و تا اندازه ائي شك پيدا كردم كه ايا واقعا نويسنده زن هست يا نه!

جهانشاه خان فرمودند كه ايشان خانم هستند.كي هستم كه به حرف ايشان شك كنم ولي...

ولي بروز اين شك برميگرده به ان تجربه ائي كه خودم با زن ايراني دارم.


ان تجربه ائي كه من با زن ايراني دارم در برابر تجربه ائي كه من با زنان خارجي دارم,هيچ است ولي كاچي به از هيچي !

در مجموع تنها سه زن ايراني شناختم در مراحل مختلف زندگيم.


اوليش كسي بود كه در سالهاي خيلي جواني شناختم.بين ما فقط عشق حكمران بود و از هوس فاصله زيادي داشتيم.

زماني كه تصميم گرفتيم كه به مرحله بعدي بريم,مدتي طول كشيد تا تونستيم با خودمون كنار بيائيم و سكس داشته باشيم.

البته اون كاري كه ما ميكرديم,سكس نبود,عشق بازي بود و بسيار ساده و بسيار حجب و حيا و پاك از هر گونه احساس ممنوعه ديگر!

اين داستان متاسفانه دنباله ديگري پيدا كرد كه ذكر مجدد ان لزومي ندارد.اولين تجربه سكسوال من ساده بود و هيچ وقت نشد كه از او بپرسم كه ايا او هم مثل من از ان عشق بازيها لذت ميبرده است يا نه!


خانم (ش) رو در زو يورك (نيويورك قديم!) شناختم.اصليت كرماني داشت و چشماش سبز و موهاي قشنگش,من رو هميشه به ياد مونيكا بلوچي ميندازه.

با (ش) جريان فرق ميكرد.من ديگه حسابي توي زندگي و پيچ و خم هاي عجيبش كار كشته شده شده بودم. فقط ميخواست كه باهاش روراست باشم,حتي توي سكس!

(ش) خيلي شر بود و شيطون ! از اونهائي بود كه من خيلي با بودنش ,لحظه هاي خيلي قشنگي داشتم.

با عشق بازي موافق نبود,با سكس خشك و بكن بكن مدل خرگوشي هم ميانه خوبي نداشت!

ازش ميخواستم كه توي روابط فيزيكي و شيميائي كه با من داره,ازاد باشه و دموكرات!

براي پيشرفت و موفقيت به اروپا رفتم ولي هنوز با (ش) در ارتباط هستم.


اخرين زن ايراني كه شناختم، مقيم يكي از كشورهاي اسكانديناوي بود.

از اون خانمهاي سوپر مدرن و تربيت شده بود كه اگر فارسي حرف نميزد ،شك ميكردي كه ايشان ايراني هستند.

امده بود پاريس كه بمونه ولي اخرش طاقت لطافت پاريس رو نداشت و با رومانتيك بودن انگاري دشمني ديرين داشت و سيمبليسم تابلوهاي اتاق خواب من رو مسخره ميكرد.

عجيب بود كه شديدا جذب او ميشدم.مخصوصا وقتي كه در بحث سياسي هميشه چبكار بودو منهم ذاتا راست رو!

از اهنگهاي قشنگ رضا معين بيزار بود ولي سر سكس كه ميشد، ابائي از گفتن حرفاي عاشقونه نداشت.

سكس اورال رو مقدم بر هر حركت سكسوال ديگر ميدونست.علنا ميخواست كه ارضاش كنم،مثل پليس سر چهار راه ،فرمون ميداد...

دوران خوبي باهم داشتيم.حيف كه او متولد دي بود و من زاده خرداد!


اين تجربيات من اصلا با اوني كه پريناز خانم تعريف ميكنه,جور نميشه!

نميدونم اين شك و شبهه من دقيقا از كجا سرچشمه ميگيره.فقط ميدونم كه نوشته هاي ايشان رو به عنوان داستان ساده ميتونم قبول كنم ولي در زندگي واقعي نه!

شايد تجربه زيادي نداشته باشم ولي زن ايراني رو نميونم اينطور تصور كنم.

اشكال كار من كجاست؟ ايا مردها و زنهاي ديگر ايراني هستند كه مثل من فكر ميكنند يا خير؟!

عزت زياد.


more from Red Wine
Flying Solo


by Flying Solo on



Setareh Sabety

I meant Parinaz's

by Setareh Sabety on

Dear Flying Solo,

I meant Parinaz's description of orgasm as a triumphal victory. Not yours was 'a bit off'. I was in fact agreeing with you. I also agree with you that the Red Wine's account of the woman in Scandinavia directing him was great and so true-sounding. I went back and read the last one, khianat. Oozing wetness down your thigh just by looking at a guy or talking to him also sounds untrue. Women don't get wet the same way men get erections! Certainly oozing down the thighs wetness is very exaggerated if not outright untrue.

Flying Solo

A Bit Off?

by Flying Solo on

Ms. Sabety:

I am usually WAY OFF - you are too gracious to simply call it 'a bit'. :)

I think you describe this matter extremely well and very eloquently. 

I need to be careful next time not to speak out of turn on a subject for which I do not have as good a grasp.  

Setareh Sabety

sex has no gender

by Setareh Sabety on

What made me really wonder was the first or second story where she claimed she had 'multiple' orgasms EVERY TIME she had sex with this guy! I have never heard of such a thing! Either all of my very promiscuous girlfriends and I have never met the right guy or this person is not telling the truth. which is fine. I have no problem with fiction in fact prefer it. I really believe that that many orgasms in one session of sex especially without the help of a vibrator is impossible.
but to those who think this woman is a man I say sex has no gender in a sense. Women can be domineering and men passive. Just like we have shy men and audacious women we have horny women who are not shy and frigid men who are. So anything is possible when it comes to the vast mysterious and wonderful domain of sex. Nothing should really shock us. Except multiple orgasms every time you have sex with a guy! I have not read the two latest stories but I also felt like Flying Solo did that the description of orgasm was a bit off. Man or woman truth or fiction I agree with Jahanshah that any talk of sex(that is consensual) is better than none in context of a closed society that still stones adulterers and hangs homosexuals!


I agree with "Redwine"

by Farnaz (not verified) on

The writer of man khianat kardam is absolutely NOT a woman.


please read the writings of

by caren4777 (not verified) on

please read the writings of SHANA YAZDI in this site. i recommend it to all of you

Jahanshah Javid

Who hates sex?

by Jahanshah Javid on

Red Wine Jan, first of all, thank you for writing this blog. We need more. Or should I say, I would like more. There's a certain beauty and mystery surrounding sex that is always fascinating. Ok, let's call it tantalizing. Why not? Who hates sex?

There is no doubt in my mind that Samii's writings are either true or close to the truth. In her first story, "Havas", why should we doubt that a woman should miss her lover and pleasure herself to compensate? Why should there be any doubt that women have wet dreams? Or that she would cheat on her husband? Or become a sigheh for a day?

To me the details in Samii's stories are besides the point. The fact remains that women in general, including Iranians, can and do have a much more diverse and colorful sexual life than we (men) think or expect. Men, especially Iranian men, usually don't like women to have multiple or exotic sexual relations. We are quick to lable them as "kharab" and whores. Perhaps that's why women tend to keep quiet about their experiences -- and even pay a ton of money to sow their hymen when marital opportunity knocks.

Women love and enjoy and expect sexual pleasure just as men do. Unlike men, they don't hit the sack at any given opportunity and are more discriminating in their choice of partners. But sex is just as important to them as men.

I would have loved if you had gone into more detail about your own experiences. One liners are painfully unsatisfactory!

I'll write something too. I promise :o)

Thanks again. You're a good man.

Flying Solo


by Flying Solo on




Flying Solo,   I have

by TheMrs on

Flying Solo,


I have never been to a rozeh so I don’t know what goes on there. Are there any articles, stories, documentaries or movies about what women do there? Created by women?

Your representation of Western women isn’t realistic. I live with them and watch their TV, all they do is talk about this stuff. And unless you and other witnesses to rozeh gossip are going to write about the details you refer to , I’m assuming you’re slighltly exaggerating. I grew up among older persian women and no one ever went into details about their nocturnal activities beyond little teaser jokes and certainly not outside of marriage.

Anyway, what goes on in friendly discussions amongst friends isn’t a representation of Iranian society and doesn’t change my point: the stuff isn’t talked about in public settings. When it is, often times the writers aren’t even women or the stories revolve around very stereotypical views of women (angel, victim with low self esteem or devil).

Now if you would just write a few articles about these things you’ve heard, that might shed light on who we are. I've already done my part :)

As for this blogger, I hope he continues, next time, with more details.


caccoon of denial

by nilo0 (not verified) on

I am not sure if Parinaz's stories are fact or fiction, or a combination of both, the fact remains that they do happen. In fact when she wrote it, I could think of a few people.

People like to deny them, because they like to construct an imaginery world where things are supposed to be a certain way. No adultery happens, no gay sex happens, every man knows how to satisfy women, and the world is in perfect harmony! Yeah , right!

Perhaps you don't hang out with a wide array of people, or certain types don't wannna hang out with you, but I know some of my aquaintances, and classmates who've done it.

So you can bury your head in sand all you want, but the reality is some women do it. I know what they look like, some are pretty, some average looking, some middle-aged, some young, some poor and some rich. I believe they are a minority, but they are out there, and it happens for a variety of reasons.


رد واین جان،


‫تبلیغ سیب زمینی سرخکرده های مک−کین تو تلویزیون فرانسه که در نظرت هست عزیز؟ − هر کی بیشتر میخوره، کمتر حرف میزنه.

اضافه کنم که نوشنه هایه شما از یک طراوت خاصی ‫برخوردارند و شخصاً من از خواندنشان لذت میبرم.

Flying Solo


by Flying Solo on



I agree

by Abarmard on

The person who wrote that piece was having fun with it. That's about it.


I guess it is taboo after all

by TheMrs on

In public settings, Iranian women choose to remain silent about this subject. Contrasting your memories to an article is fun to read but can’t be taken seriously in terms of the validity of Parinaz’s stories. The Iranian woman’s true identity is a mystery. There are bits and pieces of it revealed here and there. But for the most part, it seems we are letting men do the talking for this subject. Of course, many have no problem judging anyone who comes forward or talking about values. But we still keep what we do a secret from everyone else. So, there’s not enough info here. And 3 test cases are not sufficient to build a prototype :) But good for you, noosheh joonet.



رد واین جان

Esmal Latte (not verified)

رد واین جان عرضم به حضور انور عالی‌ که چرا تجربه شما مثل پریناز خانوم نیست؟ والله امثال پریناز خانوم کم هستند. ایرونی‌ خارجیش فرق نمیکنه. زن زنه. پریناز خانوم نوعی نه تنها کارشون درسته و کمیابن بلکه نویسنده هم هستند.

والا بابام جان دروغ چرا، من فقط یک تجربه کوتاه با یک نفر به اسم (س) داشتم ولی‌ خوب کوتاه بود و بیشتر هم انتظار نمیرفت.

نویسندگی ربطی به سکس داشتن نداره. ۲ تا موضوع جدا گانن. (س) نویسنده نبود ولی‌ پنداری عینه پرینازه.

Flying Solo


by Flying Solo on
