Bruno: Starring Sacha Baron Cohen (SBC): Film Comment


Bruno: Starring Sacha Baron Cohen (SBC): Film Comment
by Omid B

I eagerly rented this film yesterday.

I am familiar with all of SBC's work, especially his Ali G series on HBO. I find his ability to improvise and to create humor unmatched. My college friends and I would repeat his phrases, snap our fingers in his style and fall over in laughter. This man is a comic genius; that's a subject not up for debate.

But I have mixed feelings after watching Bruno twice; once with SBC's commentary. I watched all the bonus material, too.

My expectation was that SBC would have a difficult time finding novel sitautions and humor, after doing this character for such a long time on HBO and originally on UK's channel 4. But there was no shortage of new, funny material. I almost split my sides laughing at the swinging penis at the focus group show screening. I found the swingers group and the hunting group to be creative and fertile settings for Bruno. And SBC took full advantage of every comic opportunity. I'll leave details to your imagination, hoping that you rent it and see for yourself.

But I have one major criticism. The creation of the Borat movie introduced a rather unfortunate element into SBC's already successful comic model. A story line. Bruno and Borat were originally just interviewers, like Ali G. However, Bruno continues the attempt at a story, which I think was executed very poorly. I agree that to make the film cohesive (something not necessary on HBO or Channel 4), there needs to be a chain throughout the hour and half of the film. But as revealed by the commentary on the DVD, the task of capturing the footage is so overwhelming; stitching together individual scenes is already daunting. Add to that the need to create real characters, with relationships, who develop and the project inevitably faces prejudice.

The supposed love story with Lutz, the brief experience with OJ (the child)... these opportunities had potential but were misfired. I do not feel like Lutz, and especially not OJ, had a chance to become real, funny or adequately portrayed. I understand the challenge, however. I just wonder why the creators made themselvesso vulnerable to this weakness.


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Jahanshah Javid

Mr. B

by Jahanshah Javid on

Ali G. movie was made a long time ago and no one really remembers the character other than through thr HBO series. So I wouldn't be surprised if he came out with a new version. Or maybe he'll do Borat II :)


Ali G

by Omid B on

To Mr. Javid and anyone: I'm curious. Since SBC already made an Ali G movie (//, do you think they'll make another? The first was a complete comic failure. 





Thanks JJJ I'll try to reduce the next pic to < 440 pixel wide

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on


Photos wider that 440 pixels will automatically get reduced to fit the page format.


JJJ why is this blog's "big" pic allowed through the system?

by Anonymouse on

Is it because it is portrait (as opposed to landscape) and long instead of wide?  Every time I post a pic to my blog it gets reduced.  So based on this pic, if I edit the pix size to be longer than wider it'll be better?

Everything is sacred.

Jahanshah Javid

My thoughts too

by Jahanshah Javid on

Yes SBC is a genius. And I also think that he put himself into a trap by trying to copy the Borat movie style. You're right, they couldn't patch things together in a cohesive way like they did with Borat. The video cinematography is not very appealing either and it's only bearable when the content is compelling. I hope lessons will be learned before he does an Ali G flick. I so want it to be good.

Niki Tehranchi

Gross but funny

by Niki Tehranchi on

I think it was Steve Martin who said real humor is the ability to make you laugh without throwing up.  In this very funny film, there were however some gross out moments that went really too far and I had to look away from the screen.  Not for the squeamish!  I totally agree with you that there were several sketches with good potential and one scene at the end that was just genius but it seems the story was very poorly stitched together as compared to Borat.  That happens to a lot of sequels because the producers, and studio, want to maximize their bucks based on what they perceive is the fickle memory of the viewing public.  The resulting "strike the iron while it's hot" usually makes for a poor follow-up to the original film.