One Day to Change the World

by Obama2008

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Jan 20, 2009
Open letter to my daughters
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A Call to Service
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I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

McCain's Expiration Date is Coming up! in the GOOR of his choice

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

Anyone who calls people "my fellow prisoners" and has the mental slipups that McCain has had during this campaign is sick. I think that expiration is more important. He's too old! and sarah is TOO DUMB!




Obama's promises has expiration date

by Anonymous on

Please watch the following link and send it to all of your "undecided" friends. This will get them decided in a minute.

I was for Obama but the more I watched him how he changed his promises the more I got discouraged. Someone has put all of his own words in a nice package here. I am surprised why McCAin people have not used it to their own advantage.

Or you can see more of Obamas gaffes here: