گنجی و حقیقی در برابر روشنفکر نماها


by oazadi
در هفته گذشته دو اتفاق افتاد که توجه من را خیلی جلب کرد به بحثی که اسم آن را "جدال روشنفکر و روشنفکر نما" می گذارم. یکی از این دو اتفاق سخنرانی گنجی بود در دانشگاه تورنتو. جایی که سخنان گنجی که انصافا درست هم بود با مخالفت عده ای روبرو شد که اساسا از شرایط ایران بی خبر و ایران را از دریچه گفته ها و شنیده های نیمه درست(و نه نادرست) می بینند. واقعیت این است که جمهوری اسلامی گر چه از خیلی لحاظ در حد انتظار نبوده است، اما انقلاب اسلامی میراث های غیر قابل انکاری برای ایران داشت که فراموش شدنی نیست. ما اگر چه امروز در ایران یک دمکراسی کاریکاتوری داریم اما خیلی از آزادی هایی را داریم که در دوران شاه نداشتیم( از آزادی هایی مثل حجاب و دنسینگ رفتن فاکتور بگیرید و بیشتر ذهنتان را معطوف به آزادی های سیاسی کنید). سخنان گنجی با اعتراض روبرو شد و گنجی هم الحق خوب جواب کسانی را که مثل ضبط صوت واژه هایی مثل ارتجاع، لیبرالیسم و حکومت ایدئولوژیک را تکرار می کنند داد.
در یکی از برنامه های میزگردی با شما در صدای آمریکا یک بار دیگر این دو گروه روشنفکر و روشنفکر نما به هم برخوردند. جایی که یک بار دیگر موضوع قدیمی تحریم یا مشارکت در انتخابات به بحث گذاشته شد. یک طرف بحث را دو روشنفکر کروات زده که از ظاهرشان معلوم بود از کجا پول میگیرند و طرف دیگر را دکتر علیرضا حقیقی استاد دانشگاه تورنتو تشکیل می دادند. مسئله جالب این بود که مجری برنامه اصلا نگذاشت دکتر حرف بزند. این را بگذارید در کنار این مطلب که این آقایان می خواهند برای ما آزادی بیان بیاورند و این در حالی است که در برنامه عالی خودشان...
من اسم جدال مسخره ای را که در فضای روشنفکری ایران اتفاق افتاده می گذارم روشنفکر در برابر روشنفکر نما. از آنجا که در نظر گرفتن واقعیات از خصوصیات روشنفکر است، می توان خیلی راحت بین دار و دسته لس آنجلس و گروه تورنتو تفاوت گذاشت و حساب روشنفکر را کوچه بازاری جدا کرد.


more from oazadi

Ghajar is Besavaad!

by Critic (not verified) on

did you say:

get your "monitory contributions" ready? You mean you want us to send you our monitors??? With such low degree of culture, you are more suited to the same Akhund and Mullah who were hand in hand with your lot right from the moment go! Forget about the return of your rotten dynasty. IT IS ALL GONE TO THE WIND :)))


Quajar Again

by Manuchehr Ghajar (not verified) on

Let’s get rid of IRI and bring back the Quajar dynasty.
We need them now. I will self nominate myself now to create a front for manifestation of this divine goal. Please get your monitory contributions ready to be transferred to a bank account that I will post shortly. We all together can do this vital task. We are a noble nation and worthy of better. I want your total support not just your money.
Are you all with me now?


Where is this Child's Guardian?

by Anonymous. (not verified) on

What's your real name "oazadi"? Where are your parents or guarians? Where do you live? We're all concerned about your well-being. Someone call the Child Protection Authorities. This boy should be playing ball instead of writing ARAAGIFFFF!!


Hey Deraz Goosh

by Haji Agah (not verified) on

You need to do something about those long Kharish ears of yours!


Let's be civil with the wee fascists

by Anonymou.s (not verified) on

According to Ali P, we need to be "civil" with child fascists. He wants us to use a "tone" with this little Islamist. But why? Should we be polite with under-age ding-ding?


Dear Irandokht: thank you

by notanon (not verified) on

Dear Irandokht: thank you for informing us about a part of Iran's history, we did not know about. I absolutely agree with you. The Shah was a Saint in every way compared to these immoral and greedy ruling class.

What people forget to mention is the horrific shape of the country before the Pahlavis took over. If one does a comparitive analysis of both pre Pahlavi and Post Pahlavi, the Shah will come out ahead in all instances of social, economic, and political progress. However, the Shah was also a coward who at the end chose to flee.


Ok...we saw your real face

by real azadi (not verified) on

You made the big mistake of dismissing the women's freedom by putting the forced Hejab law and going to dancing in the same plate...wow...not only you copy your blogs from your iri school book, but you have also been brainwashed by something named stupidity dear.

Wejust saw your real face, your mission, your corrupted stench...how disgusting, how ugly, how pointless.


Political Prisoner

by IRANdokht on

Dear Oazadi

I thought you might like to watch this video of Khosro Golsorkhi. Since you can login to iranian.com, you're either not in Iran or you have found your way through the filters....

You might not know who he was, but as theatrical as it was, he did have a trial that was broadcasted on TV. As highly as you think of the current regime would you even imagine someone speaking up like that in front of a "dadgah eslami"?

Yes he was also wrongfully executed because of his political views, but do you even hear from the ones who have spoken against the current regime? even in this day and age of information and the internet!

Shah was criticized for the human rights violations in Jimmy Carter's time, but the number of political prisoners was only a small fraction of what this regime has captured and killed. the violation of human rights during the current regime has reached such outrageous levels, from the political prisoners, juvenile offenders, people accused of adulterous behavior, to mofsedeh fel-arz and anti-Islam, they have captured and killed hundreds of thousands people in the 29 years of their reign.

Please don't defend them. It only makes you look immature and unaware.





I am sorry

by IRANdokht on

Dear Oazadi

Although I disagree with the folks who have dismissed your view based on your age, I have to say that it seems like you have believed the horror stories about Shah's time and have not experienced it for yourself.

I am sorry about some of the very rude replies you received for this post. But please realize that most of us have experienced "political freedom" more than you have. What you have in Iran now, is a theocratic totalitarianism and not a democracy in any way.

I am sorry to see how brainwashing methods have worked for the youth of Iran and I hope the misguided find a way to educate themselves about the reality of the world they live in.



Kheyli az marhaleh parti.

by Man (not verified) on

Kheyli az marhaleh parti.

Ali P.

Why the tone?

by Ali P. on

I totally disagree with the author's point, but can't we be a little more civil towards him? I mean , for all we know, he is another fellow Iranian who loves his country; we just happen to think he's wrong. Calling him a "joke" or a "child" takes the discussion way below this forum.

Respectfully submitted,

 Ali P.


This child's mother is a ????!!!

by Kazem (not verified) on

This childs mother is practising the latest moves for Hajiagha!!!
Otherwise she would not let thia bacheh to get ridiculed!!!!


Where's this child's mother?

by ConcernedMother (not verified) on

Son: you still smell of milk. Go play football. Your brain is not developped yet! Where's your mother?


What freedom!!

by mahmoudg on

Dear Oazadi;

Exactly what type of freedom are you talking about?  The fact that one can criticize the president of the Rahbar in public and not see the light of the day the next day? or that some one like me who does not believe in religion would have a venue such as iranian.com (which incidently is blocked in Iran) to air his comments.  Not sure what you mean by freedom and how you are measuring it, but as it stands there was more freedom under the shah's regime than there is today.  It is an undispputed fact, and unless you can corroborate  point by point the Shah's regime was worse than these guys, the consensus will stay that we were much better off under the Shah. 



by Honest Hassan (not verified) on

Forget about the social freedoms, standard of living , international image,..etc. Take one of
میراث های غیر قابل انکار !
I don't know where you get your information.What makes you think there are more political freedoms today, than there was under the Shah?
Look at the number of political prisoners (official and unofficial), and the number of executions (official as well as unofficial)under the two regimes, and tell me if there is even a comparison.


Boy, you're a joke. You

by shame on you (not verified) on

Boy, you're a joke. You suffer from extreme lack of self-esteem. Your slave mentality is so pathetic...You're blind to realties because if you did see them, you will not like yourself and your ilk. It must be hard to try to convice good is evil and evil is good...Ganji should be brought to trial and charged with crimes and treason. Who the hell do you think Ganji is? Shah of IRan? We got rid of the Shah and we will get rid of Ganji et al too.


آزادی های سیاسی

Fred (not verified)

افاضه فرموده اید که " ما اگر چه امروز در ایران یک دمکراسی کاریکاتوری داریم اما خیلی از آزادی هایی را داریم که در دوران شاه نداشتیم( از آزادی هایی مثل حجاب و دنسینگ رفتن فاکتور بگیرید و بیشتر ذهنتان را معطوف به آزادی های سیاسی کنید)". در نبود آزادی سیاسی در دوران رژیم سابق بجز مدافعان نستوه آن کمتر کسی اهل بحث و جدل است حتی اهل رقص و پایکوبی و یا به کلام شما " دنسینگ" ، ولیکن ایکاش مشتی نمونۀ خروار از "آزادیهای سیاسی" دست آورد نظام مقدس اسلامی که همچو شمای مسئله آموز صد مدرس تربیت کرده است را میفرمودید تا دلهای لک زده از فقدان آزادی از عزا در بیایند. بنویس ولی پند سعدی را هم آویزه گوش کن که: تا مرد سخن نگفته باشد


OZADI, just look at trasures!!!!

by Tahirih (not verified) on

واقعیت این است که جمهوری اسلامی گر چه از خیلی لحاظ در حد انتظار نبوده است، اما انقلاب اسلامی میراث های غیر قابل انکاری برای ایران داشت که فراموش شدنی نیست.

These are all the treasures!!!!


the previous post was

by shameonyouaghazadeh (not verified) on

the previous post was from:



دوما جونم

shameonyouaghazadeh (not verified)

دوما جونم براتون بگه که بعد از مطلب گنجی گرامی فکر
کردم کمی برای کسانی مانند او و رفرمیست ها
سخن چرانی کنم

جونم براتون بگه که شماها همگی فرزندان انقلاب اسلامی
ایران هستید

خوب خیلی ساده اگر من این نظام را یک مار سمی و یک مار
پیتون میدانم که ماران پیتون فقط اقتصادی سود میبرند و ماران
سمی حتی اقتصادی برایشان پول ارزشی ندارد بلکه پول را
برای دادن به مشتی مانند خود و ارضای جاه طلبی های خود
میخواهند و نابود کردن هرکی مانند آنان نیست

و از این فرض بروم بر سر این که تمامی گره و گوله نوکر صفتی و
خایه مالی شما رفرمیست ها هم همان (( کاغذ لعنتی سبز))
است که از شما مشتی خواجه دربار و به قول خاتمی پادو ساخته

خوب حال سئوال من اساسا از گنجی و شما رفرمیست ها این

مگر همگی شما از شکم این ماران سمی و غیر سمی بیرون
نیامده اید ؟

یعنی فرزندان خلف انقلاب اسلامی

من به عنوان سخنگوی مردم شهروند ایران که میخواهیم این کابوس
را پایان دهیم به همه شما اعلام میکنم :

همگی شما از شکم ماران بیرون آمده اید و اکنون دیگر مار نیستید ولی
یادتان باشد حیات همگی شما از این نظام اسلامی است .

بنابراین برای شما هم لحظه تصمیم است

اگر فکر میکنید این نظام مورد علاقه شماست و کمی باید رنگ و لعاب
بخورد که دیگه بشود بهشت موعود

خوب شماها هم همگی برای ما دشمن هستید

زیرا بسیار ساده

میخواهیم از هیچ ملا و عبا و عمامه و نعلین در شهرها نشانی نبینیم
و راستش میخواهیم از گنجی تا دربان رفرمیست ها را همگی به قم
و مشهد برفستیم تا خلاص بشیم

یعنی برو و بچه های رفرمیست .........با شما هم شوخی نداریم اگر
نظامتان را دوست دارید مجبوریم با عرض معذرت شماها را هم یک
کمی بکشیم با تاسف