Draconian Anti-Gay Ugandan Law supported by American evangelicals, Muslims & Baha'is

by Nur-i-Azal

A draconian Ugandan law would criminalize homosexuality and make anyone knowing a gay person and not reporting it to authorities an accessory to a crime. This law is supported by American evangelical Christian fundamentalists, Ugandan Muslim groups and Ugandan Baha'is. The Ugandan Shi'ite Isma'ili community are so far the only significant community holding out against this.


See as well, Ugandans Hold Anti-Gay Demonstration 

Welcome to the New World Order.


more from Nur-i-Azal

Anvar/sag koochooloo

by Nur-i-Azal on

You two really ought to be ashamed of yourselves. That you are this deluded about a wrong your creed is involved with, and pull rank no matter what, really demonstrates to the world at large how incredibly dangerous your organization truly is.

Now allow me to refresh your memory on this case:




Surely the Guardian UK and the BBC aren't part of some global Azali conspiracy against you, are they?

As for your wackopedia links: you know what you can do with them, since wackopedia has even less credibility these days than you.

Now if you are brighter than I in more ways than one, please show it. Words are cheap. Begin by unequivocally and without waver denouncing the involvement of the Ugandan Bahai community and administration, and the public silence of the Bahai World Centre, in this criminal hysteria. Do that, and you are worthy of your handle in my eyes. Fail, and you know the rest...

[Crossposted to USENET]


Thank You Nur-i-Azal!

by Anvar on

In your blind zeal against anything Baha’i, you’ve provided me with yet another opportunity to learn something positive.  

Backward Amin (Nima) - you conflate a supposed demonstration by Ugandan homosexuals in 2007 with a proposed anti-homosexual act in 2009 (Bill #18) and, in true form, conclude that Baha’is are somehow culpable!  Such a disgrace!

Show me any free country and I’ll show you selfless Baha’is doing their best to promote gender equality, race unity, and welfare of humanity.  Uganda is no exception.  

Here are a few examples of ongoing Baha’i projects in that country:
- Building schools for children and adults
- Importing and implementing technology
- Manufacturing
- Clean water
- Agriculture
- Promoting peace & justice
- Promotion of multiculturalism
- Teaching of arts and craft
- Healthcare
- Promoting social and economic justice
- Etc.

What are you doing with your life?

Your disinformation and baseless accusations do not harm the Faith, however, they insult the intelligence of all fair-minded people – Baha’i or not.  

The title of your blog is a blatant lie.  Baha’u’llah said: “Truthfulness is the foundation of all human virtues.”  Do Azalis (or whatever you happen to be this week) have a similar teaching?

The next time you find yourself in Uganda stop by the Baha’i House of Worship, that is considered one of the Wonders of Africa, and ponder your spiritual fate:

Brighter than NUR, in more ways than one


Next target for anti bahai rantings

by sag koochooloo on

bahai discrimination against ... dwarves.


Speak Up Against Baha'i Discrimination Against

by Nur-i-Azal on

Online Petition



The Baha'i Faith, a world religion that espouses many beautiful, forward thinking ideas, also unfortunately overtly condemns homosexuality and teaches that it is a spiritual "handicap."  Gay Baha'is face the loss of their Baha'i administrative rights if they are open and honest about their sexual orientation and lifestyle.

Recently, the Baha'i community of Uganda participated in an interfaith effort to deport an American journalist for covering a LGBTI  human rights event called, "Let Us Live in Peace."  The Baha'is of Uganda also advocated the arrest of all LGBTI individuals in Uganda for their "immorality."  Please see the following links for more information:




who disagree with this blatant discrimination face administrative and
spiritual "sanctions" from their religious authorities.

It is time to speak up.

If you find the Baha'i position on homosexuality offensive and discriminatory, please sign this petition.

If you are a Baha'i, and you sign, please be aware that you risk administrative sanctions from the Baha'i institutions.*  But ask yourself why you should have administrative rights, when they are denied your gay brothers and sisters.  Perhaps
it is time to demonstrate your commitment to justice, fairness, and the
oneness of humanity by risking your own administrative rights in a
stand for justice.  Do not let the type of actions that happened in Uganda be done in your name.  Take a stand.

For more information about the Baha'i Faith's stance on homosexuality, please visit:


you are a Baha'i and receive warnings, counseling, or sanctions due to
your voicing your disaggreement with Baha'i discrimination through this
petition, please consider informing us so that we might inform the media, anonymously if you prefer.  Consider the words of Martin Luther King, Jr:

submit that an individual who breaks an unjust law must do so openly,
lovingly, and with a willingness to accept the penalty.  I submit that
an individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and
who accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the
conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality
expressing the highest respect for the law."
(Why We Can't Wait, Page 83) [Crossposted to USENET]


Speaking of Draconian......

by sophia on

 1995 statement by the Universal House of Justice:


Extract from letter to the the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States."1 It stated (in part) that:

"It is important to understand that there is a difference between the Baha'i attitude toward, on the one hand, the condition of homosexuality and those who are affected by it and, on the other, the practice of homosexual relations by members of the Baha'i community..."

"The view that homosexuality is a condition that is not amenable to change is to be questioned by Baha'is...The statistics which indicate that homosexuality is incurable are undoubtedly distorted by the fact that many of those who overcome the problem never speak about it in public, and others solve their problems without even consulting professional counselors..."

"...the kind of sexuality purposed by God is the love between a man and a woman..."

"If, therefore, a homosexual cannot overcome his or her condition to the extent of being able to have as [sic] heterosexual marriage, he or she must remain single, and abstain from sexual relations..."

"The condition of being sexually attracted to some object other than a mature member of the opposite sex, a condition of which homosexuality is but one manifestation, is regarded by the Faith as a distortion of true human nature, as a problem to be overcome... Any Baha'i who suffers from such a disability should be treated with understanding, and should be helped to control and overcome it..."

"If the individual fails to rectify his conduct in spite of repeated warnings, sanctions should be imposed. Assemblies, of course, must exercise care not to pry into the private lives of the believers to ensure that they are behaving properly, but should not hesitate to take action in cases of blatant misbehavior...A flagrant violation of this standard disgraces the Baha'i community in its own eyes even if the surrounding society finds the transgression tolerable." 1


  • Universal House of Justice, "The Baha'i Teachings on Homosexuality", Letter to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States, 1995-SEP-11. Reprinted in "The American Baha'i," Qawl 152, 1995-NOV-23, P. 11. Available at: //bahai-library.org


    Ugandan Bahai demonstrators represent Baha'i institutions

    by Nur-i-Azal on


    Ari, the Baha'i Universal House of Justice in Haifa represents the Center of the Haifan Bahai Covenant and is considered to be infallible. They are the Pope and Vatican rolled into one. Their delegated powers to their Councillors and National Assemblies also means that their is a trickle down doctrine of infallibility involved. To disagree with either one for Haifan Bahais means you have disagreed with God and are thus outside of the pale. As such every Bahai activity in the Haifan community is micromanaged, and who gets to do what is vetted beforehand. No Bahai individual or community does anything without the assent and explicit consent of the Bahai authorities. Nada! You don't believe me, just ask your fellow Israeli Professor Moshe Sharon who heads the Baha'i Chair at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and is considered an international expert.

    As such the Baha'i protestors in Uganda clearly represent the views of the Bahai institutions in Uganda, and by direct implication the international Bahai authorities in Haifa, since without their go ahead the Ugandan Bahai authorities would never give their own go ahead. If you have any other explanation, or have documentary proof to the contrary, let's see it!

    [Crossposted to USENET]


    Talk about homosexuality in any context

    by Nur-i-Azal on

    And be sure that JJ will always be around the corner. Show the egregious double-standards and political hypocrisy of the Haifan Bahai organization and its continual strategy of playing both sides against the middle everywhere, and be sure that the Iranian.Com peanut gallery will suddenly pop up to the defense of their continued financial investment in this site and its Haifan Bahai benefactors/shareholders.

    Q, go ahead and put up any blog you want. Obviously this story has hit a raw nerve with you all, and it has hit precisely the nerve needing to be hit. When you have a mass, wag-the-dog advertising campaign in North America advocating for Bahai rights in Iran and painting them as demure victims of religious tyranny, these fascists are running around in Uganda wanting to take the rights of others away in a far more precarious situation than Bahais in Iran. This is about night and day hypocrisy! But, hey, hypocrisy makes this site go around.

    No, I am no gay rights advocate, nor do I agree with the lifestyle or its over-politicization by Western liberals. However the civil libertarian in me cries bloody murder over such things. Having or not having gay marriages accepted by law, is one thing. But when not only the orientation is criminalized, but also knowing about someone who leans in that orientation is likewise criminalized,  and with the Baha'is leaning on the side of criminalization, then obviously palms are opened up and the Haifan Bahais are revealed for the dangerous fascists I have been saying they are.

    And JJ, if you spent half the time decrying Islam-bashers like you do ex-Bahai Baha'i ones, perhaps you would actually have credibility to say anything about all this and have a leg to stand on. But since you and I both know that one of the policies of the IRI is to foment Islamophobia amongst the opposition in order to divide and conquer it, fat chance you will ever open your mouth about the Islam-bashers and Islamophobes here who maintain your business, livelihood and continued revenue.  

    Haifan Baha'i basher and Proud! Kudos to the Isma'ilis and the Agha Khan!!!

    [Crossposted to USENET]

    Jahanshah Javid

    Gays good, Bahais bad?

    by Jahanshah Javid on

    It is absolutely horrendous how Uganda has criminalized homosexuality. And all those who pushed for the passage of this law should be ashamed, no matter what faith or agenda they may have.

    However it's blatantly clear that Nur's number one concern is not the plight of gays but to find another reason to bash Bahais. If Uganda had instead passed a law to persecute Bahais, he would be the first to write letters of congratulation to the country's leaders.

    Nur's mission is far from humanitarian. He is not against persecution of human beings based on race, gender or religion anywhere on the planet. Has he addressed what the Islamic Republic or other Muslim nations do to homosexuals? That'll be the day.

    Yes, Uganada's anti-gay law is draconian and if local Bahais have supported it, their leaders should be held responsible. But a champion of gay rights Nur is not.

    Ari Siletz

    Ugandan Bahai demonstrators do not represent Bahai teaching

    by Ari Siletz on

    The Bahai doctrine does not approve of homosexuality, but life imprisonment and death by hanging are not part of the deal:   


    The condition of being sexually attracted to some object other than a mature member of the opposite sex, a condition of which homosexuality is but one manifestation, is regarded by the Faith as a distortion of true human nature, as a problem to be overcome, no matter what specific physical or psychological condition may be the immediate cause. Any Bahá’í who suffers from such a disability should be treated with understanding, and should be helped to control and overcome it.

    The Universal House of Justice, 11 Sept 1995



    by Rostam on

    The IRI mouth piece has spoken again.

    You should be nominated for an award based on your last comment. Nobody but your own self could have described YOU any better!

    Now go read your last comment and learn who you are. Kind of like looking in the mirror. While you are reading it, think of yourself, and I promise you won't be able to stop saying Wow... again and again.

    They say there is no cure for liars, but here is a truth syrup that might just do the trick for you, but be sure to read the label first:



    Case studies in fanatic propagandism: Nima and Fred

    by Q on


    Thanks for giving me the idea and the title for my next article here on Iranian.com.

    You and Fred really have a lot in common. You are basically both propagandists who for different reasons are essentially doing negative campaigning against some group you have identified as evil. For you it's Bahai's or "haifan bahais", for Fred it's "NIAC" or "rapists' agents" or whatever.

    The reasoning is not important and you don't really care to share the true reasons for this dogged hatred. You only care about using every possible means at your disposal to slander and attack your opponents. Anything to get a rise out of normal people reading this and create a negative image in their minds about the victims of your attacks.

    You engage in the most biased and one-sided historical debates and retelling of facts.

    You find the smallest hint of your victims' involvement in something negative and you blow it out of proportion.

    You are oblivious to all kinds of logical fallacies you exihibit continuously, especially guilt by association.

    In absence of solid proof, you find and create fantastic conspiracy theories to explain to your audience why your victims are really evil, despite appearances.

    You follow the first rule of any good fascist propagandist: repetition, repetition, repetition, which also shows your complete lack of respect for your audience.

    You exhibit increadible arrogance and self-righteous attitude that would put the most ardent evengelical theocrat to shame. Your deity-like vision of reality cannot possibly be flawed, while most people are idiot sheep whose eyes you open due to your selfless cherity.

    You devote your exclusive time to your primary activism (attacking your opponent) that's why there's never any other topic or any unrelated aspect of humanity in your propaganda pieces.

    Naturally, anyone who opposes you is part of the same conspiracy you are trying to expose.

    You and Fred, and a few others who behave like this might occupty different bodies but you have the same mind.

    You think no one notices, but dadash, take it from me everyone knows which means, you are not getting through to anybody with your attacks.

    I know... I know... I must be bahai to say this (just like I'm an "islamist" to dare talk back to the other verraj, Fred), but that's the reality. The sooner you realize it the sooner you have a chance of living a normal life at peace with yourself.


    Areh, anonymous111.2

    by Nur-i-Azal on

    Ta cheshmet...



    by anonymous111.2 on

    Een dobareh blog nevesht?


    [ Crossposted to Klingon Home Planet ]


    You first

    by Nur-i-Azal on

    Tell us what your uhj says regarding this,

    "Demonstrators at Tuesday's event, organized by a coalition of Christian, Muslim and Bahai groups, accused Roubos of advocating for gay rights in the country. The coalition said it was writing a protest letter to the Aga Khan."//bahaisonline.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1323&Itemid=2


    baatoon ham tu maghzet!





    by Seagull (not verified) on

    "To regard homosexuals with prejudice and disdain would be entirely against the spirit of Bahá'í Teachings. The doors are open for all of humanity to enter the Cause of God, irrespective of their present circumstances; this invitation applies to homosexuals as well as to any others who are engaged in practices contrary to the Bahá'í Teachings.

    Associated with this invitation is the expectation that all believers will make a sincere and persistent effort to eradicate those aspects of their conduct which are not in conformity with Divine"

    (Compilations, NSA USA - Developing Distinctive Baha'i Communities)

    Now tell us what your godhead says, and pehhlease dont make stuff up. 


    Farshadjon 'azizam

    by Nur-i-Azal on

    Jeegar, this issue is about a case where religious groups with one notable exception have gone completely (nay, hysterically) overboard proposing a law that makes a certain sexual orientation illegal and anyone who knows about it without reporting it to authorities an accessory to a crime. My issues with the Haifan Bahai organization are one thing, but that the Ugandan Bahai community has supported all this makes this issue especially disturbing. I am not gay, and fundamentally disagree with the lifestyle for multiple reasons. But such laws are completely ridiculous, over the top, nay dangerous and Orwellian from start to finish, and whoever supports such BS must be exposed and confronted mercilessly, be they Muslims, Evangelical Christians and Baha'is. Kudos, once more, to the Isma'ili community for drawing a line in the sand against the rest of the religious fascists who support this nonsense.

    Now don't change the subject and make me the issue, i.e. shoot the messenger. The issue is that this law in Uganda has been publicly supported by the Bahai community and administration over there. Do you understand? If you find this all embarrassing, instead of  just pulling rank, then have the honesty and integrity to distance yourselves in North America and Western Europe from the actions of your Ugandan co-religionists and say it.

    In any case, rooto az door meeboosam! And please continue the praying on your end as I will on mine. xxxx


    Nima jan:

    by farshadjon on

    If you want to find something against Baha’is, this is your choice!

    But you will undermine yourself with this kind of posting! So what! What was really important in this blog?

    P.S. I wanted to tell you something for awhile as a friend! I understand that you did not have a good experience with Baha’is and you may be right or wrong about that, but just move on with your life! You are growing so much hatred in yourself for no reason, Nima jan!

    There are good people and bad ones! We have a good Baha’is and others who don’t care about anything! You can’t generalize all the people and blame the whole group for what happened to you in the past!

    Having said the above, I believe that you have been hurt and I blame myself as an individual who does not know at all for not being able to help you out!



    I have no problems with heat

    by Nur-i-Azal on

    As you can see. But I have specifically asked Mansouri not to communicate with me in any form and have cited him his own religious directives that he is not to communicate or interact with covenant breakers or enemies of his faith, which his organization considers me to be. These are directives from Abbas Effendi 'Abdu'l-Baha Mr Mansouri as a claimed Baha'i should be meticulously following to the letter, but is brazenly violating in his continued communications and interactions with me. Since he does so and has no regard for the directives of his own religion and that of the center of his religion's covenant, Abbas Effendi,  this should tell us explicitly that Faryar Mansouri is actually a bad Baha'i with no regard for the directives and injunctions of his own claimed faith and as such should be considered a generally insincere individual with a chip on his shoulder that has nothing to do with religion or the Bahai faith. Bring on the heat!



    by Nur-i-Azal on

    And you know this, how? You said you weren't a Baha'i. So how would you know whether Bahais Online is or is not a Bahai site? In fact the site is owned and operated by a Baha'i in New Zealand named Steve Marshall. You would be correct if you said it wasn't an official Baha'i site. But it is very much a Baha'i site because Steve Marshall is a Baha'i in good standing and his site is about Bahai related issues. And what about the Associated Press who reported the story? What's your spiel gonna be there??

    My, it appears the sensitivity factor to this story is 3000 degrees+. Let's see an official statement by the Baha'i World Centre in Haifa categorically denying any involvement by the Bahais in this affair in Uganda before anyone should believe your plausible denials here.

    Kudos to the Isma'ili Shi'ite community and His Holiness the Agha Khan. These people have always done the right thing.



    Mr Nuri-i-azal

    by F.yekta on

    If you write a blog, then you can't choose who responds or does not respond to it.  If your agenda is to write material against the Bahai's, then Faryarm and anyone else - Baha'i or not - has the right to respond to you.  If the heat is too much for you then just leave or stop writing stuff.  



    by Nur-i-Azal on

    Qorbooneh harf o kalimat, 'aziz. You pray for me and I will pray for you. How can anyone go wrong when we are praying for each other?


    Hazrate Nur-i-Azal

    by farshadjon on

    I will continue to pray for your fast recovery, Nima jon!

    So it seems that you couldn’t find anything interesting this week!


    Faryar khan, with your permission

    by Faramarz_Fateh on

    www.bahaisonline.net is NOT a Bahai web site; official or otherwise.



    Bahai Groups Supporting law reported by Bahais Online & AP

    by Nur-i-Azal on

    "Demonstrators at Tuesday's event, organized by a coalition of
    Christian, Muslim and Bahai groups, accused Roubos of advocating for
    gay rights in the country. The coalition said it was writing a protest
    letter to the Aga Khan


    I am paying for Nima's plane ticket to Uganda

    by Faramarz_Fateh on

    I hereby volunteer to pay for a one way first class plane ticket to transport Nima Hazini from Australia to Uganda.



    Bahai faith would never stand for such ..

    by faryarm on

    It seems someone has decided to indiscriminately include every major religious community in Uganda, including the Bahai faith in militant opposition to this inhuman legislation.

    Cleary Bahais have never stood for such  assault on fellow human beings.

    You, with your indecent record of lies and distortions can corrupt the minds of the odd person here and there, but the majority know what you are up to... 

    There are all sorts of people in the Bahai Faith, including Gays; they face challenges within themselves s as well as with society in general, which must learn to love and tolerate everyone regardless of their persuasion and belief.

    You Nima Hazini / Wahid Azal will no doubt continue with your malicious agenda; luckily most here know your character and your hateful rantings.
