I officially declare the correct acceptable spelling of Iranian new year to be "NOROOZ"

by Nosratallah

There have been many variations of the word "NOROOZ", the Iranian new year, this bring mass confussion and lack of unity.

I officially declare the correct acceptable spelling of Iranian new year to be "NOROOZ", any other variation of this word is null and void and incorrect and a misspelled word. Please stop using "NowRuz", "Nurowz", ...




you took the words....

by fozolie on

Sad Afarin, YES! I agree wholeheartedly. I don't understand why we do this. I objected years ago and someone lectured me it was not arabifying it but it had to do with a sound/vowl we lost aeons ago. So what? Do we have to impose our strange ideas on the hapless westerners but insisiting they don't say Shia and say SHIITE turning it into SHITE? What the hell is with FerdoWsi when Ferdosi will do?

Down with W!

Down with Charlatans who use Transliteration to further other agendi!

Mr. Fozolie



by masoudA on

NoRooz it is. 

Some are deliberately trying to Arabify it by putting a "W" in there.  It is "No" meaning New.