

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez
by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

Negative societal norms impose themselves in dating, marriage and once again parenting. The cycle has to be broken. Many of the dehumanization is brought about by a societies need to label people as the "other". Sadly, women and children are sometimes treated like objects or property. They are dehumanized and marginalized which allows sexual, physical, emotional and mental abuse to occur.

The women, children, and sometimes-even men are made to believe they are inferior, and unworthy. Many say, "Well how can they allow themselves to be victims? I would never let that happen to me." So much for their empathy.

I believe the socialization part begins at a young age. Usually victims of abuse have seen or been subjected to abuse early on and develop a low self concept which in turn causes them to be susceptible to accepting abusive relationships.

They honestly do not know how to break the cycle or in many cases are not aware they are doing it. It is so much easier to pass judgment on them than to help them. People are always trying to stereotype these people based on societal norms but honestly, if you do some research there is no stereotype. You will find that gender, ethnic group, educational level and social class does not determine if you are a victim of abuse or not.

How do we break free from our socialization? It is through education and making a conscious effort to make friends from other cultures. The more culturally diverse our friends are the less narrow minded in our way of thinking we will be.

We will be less likely to dehumanize others simply because they are not of our own gender or ethnic group. We will actually be able to see the person for who they are and not what society may think they are because of their physical appearance.

I guess you can say that we can become accultured to our culturally diverse friend's culture. We develop a social conscious and increased level of compassion for others.


Recently by Natalia Alvarado-AlvarezCommentsDate
Dec 30, 2009
Beloved One
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Writing Young Love: Lost love
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more from Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez
Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

Gracias!......y de nada

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

Mis padres me nombraron Natalia por mis dos abuelas. ¿Canción de Julio Iglesias? No, no la he escuchado. Muy interesante.:o)  Tendre que buscarla. Me has intrigado.

Solh va Doosti (paz a vosotros)

Nadia (AKA)

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

Natalia me gusta mas ... Me recuerda a aquella cancion de Julio Iglesias, te la recuerdas ?

Pues,es muy intresante ver a una señora hispana en una pagina de los iranies, normalmente nadie nos conoce ,ni siuiera saben donde esta Iran y eso es grave pero veo que tu lo sabes y te lo agradezco mucho :=) .

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

Response to comments........:o)

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on


Thank you so much for you kind comments. Yes, I think I finally have the best avatar. :o) It was also, time to come together as one. hahaha :o) Finally, I am complete and at peace with myself..... it shows in my name.




Thank you for your most excellent comment.... very impressive indeed.




 So, that through life experiences we develop into hopefully compassionate and understanding individuals. It is sometimes a long and painful journey of self discovery. Education is the least painful.......path. :o)

I almost left completely but a very tragic event in my family, made me realize that life is precious.........I remembered why I began to write on this web-site. I regained my joy for writing. I decided what better way to return than as all of me. :o) However, my real name is soooooooooooo long. hahahaha



 Aye! Redwine,

Claro que soy mexicana. Nunca lo he negado. ¿Hombre, dónde has estado tú? ¿Cómo me llamo? Me llamo Natalia Nadia Alvarado-Álvarez.

Dudo que tú nombre sea Redwine. hahahaha


Solh va Doosti (paz a vosotros)

Natalia Nadia Alvarado-Álvarez

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

Umm..Por fin te llamas Nadia o Natalia ? estoy un poco confundido por ello :D .

Aproposito,Eres Mejicana ?


Dear Natalia

by IRANdokht on

I liked this piece a lot, it reminded me of myself as a young inexperienced person blaming the victims of abuse for allowing it to happen to them.

I believe most people who react to these situations in that manner are just naive or in denial. I admire the ones who have the natural insight to the human heart and soul. It takes some of us a real personal experience to get to their level of understanding and empathy.

some people do have an open mind and a caring heart, for the rest of us, those doors can open by expanding our horizons, education (as you mentioned), or unfortunate personal experiences...

It's great to see you back on blogs. :0)



Progressive societies such

by Anonymousmm (not verified) on

Progressive societies such as the US are ruled by laws not 'men'.

Take the prevailing laws in the US, the Americans will act like people and government in any other third world country in regards to women's rights, human rights, racism, corruption, discrimination against minorities, looting, stealing and a whole host of other atrocities.


These problems will remain for ever

by Anonymouse on

Certain group of people in power live and prosper on the backs of dehumanization and trampling on people's rights.  This is true in every country and every culture one way or another.  It is going to go on for as long as we live and generations after us.

I think the best we can do is to identify the problems and let people know that they exist and do NOT get discouraged with those people in power who dismiss the problems.  After all we're trying to highlight the problems of people in need, not those who put them there to begin with! Spotlighting bigots and bigotry goes hand in hand in defining the problem.

We can start by educating our children, our friends and families.  It is not easy, people get offended easily, but when the dust settles a light has been lit.

Nazy Kaviani

Open Windows

by Nazy Kaviani on

Excellent points, Ms. Natalia! I tell my children that when you go through the trouble of opening one window in your mind to an issue, you should just keep going back and opening as many windows as you can because the landscape beyond those windows is so beautiful and so vast and so diverse, you will never regret having opened those windows, enriching your life forever!

I like the new appearance AKA Nadia Jan. You sound delightful no matter what the look!

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

Yes, sociology...

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

Yes, sociology is very fascinating and diverse. It takes a holistic approach to societies dilemma/issues.  Sociology includes the follwoing areas : psychology, anthropology, cultures, education, economics, and politics just to name a few areas.

I wanted to major in sociology at the university but instead chose to pursue a career in Bilingual education. I still study independently different topics on sociology.

Solh va Doosti (paz a vosotros)

Nadia (AKA)


I'm taking a sociology

by lelakoopal on

I'm taking a sociology course right now.. I really enjoy it!! I want to study it further, I find it very interesting.

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

Thank you

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

My writings are a combination of psychology, sociology and education. They are my favorite areas of academic study. :o)

Solh va Doosti (paz a vosotros)

Nadia (AKA)



by lelakoopal on

I agree 200%! We learned about abuse in Psychology this year and it discussed the various issues you wrote about. Abuse can happen to anyone, and it's not their fault. Half the time they don't even realize they're being abused they're so accustomed to it. They are conditioned to believe it's normal.



by lelakoopal on

I agree 200%! We learned about abuse in Psychology this year and it discussed the various issues you wrote about. Abuse can happen to anyone, and it's not their fault. Half the time they don't even realize they're being abused they're so accustomed to it. They are conditioned to believe it's normal.