Future Glory of Iran - by Baha'u'llah


Future Glory of Iran - by Baha'u'llah
by muscle-defender

I have intentionally refrained from giving you my opinions on what the Iran of the future will look like. It is up to the Iranian people.  




"O Land of Tá (Ṭihrán)! Let nothing grieve thee, for God hath chosen thee to be the source of the joy of all mankind. He shall, if it be His Will, bless thy throne with one who will rule with justice, who will gather together the flock of God which the wolves have scattered. Such a ruler will, with joy and gladness, turn his face towards, and extend his favors unto, the people of Bahá. He indeed is accounted in the sight of God, as a jewel among men. Upon him rest forever the glory of God, and the glory of all that dwell in the kingdom of His revelation.” 


 “Rejoice with great joy, O Land of Tá (Ṭihrán), for God hath made thee the dayspring of His light, inasmuch as within thee was born the Manifestation of His glory. Be thou glad for this name that hath been conferred upon thee—a name through which the Daystar of grace hath shed its splendor, through which both earth and heaven have been illumined. Erelong will the state of affairs within thee be changed, and the reins of power fall into the hands of the people. Verily, thy Lord is the All-Knowing. His authority embraceth all things. Rest thou assured in the gracious favor of thy Lord. The eye of His loving-kindness shall everlastingly be directed towards thee. The day is approaching when thy agitation will have been transmuted into peace and quiet calm. Thus hath it been decreed in the Wondrous Book.”






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Dear Admin, Aryana Zulfiqar Azal , THE GODHEAD Needs your help..

by faryarm on

Dear Admin,Please could you either privately or publicly inform Mr Aryana V.

that Truthseeker9 is not yours truly, so that Mr Nima Hazini/Wahid Azal/NUR/Zulfiqar110/varuneh vasspan/ Godhead/Aryan-Vay vay vay  has ONE less "unflinching" conspiracy to stress about...

Many Thanks

the very "dangerous" faryarm :) 


Truthseeker aka Faryar Mansouri

by Aryana-Vaeja on

Not to worry, there is even a more extensive record in the public domain of the vile and abusive behavior of your cult and the operatives of its Bahai Internet Agency towards the critics of your organization: a record that now with two court losses in the United States will begin to take the mask off and so more extensively reveal the kind of dangerous, abusive and decietful cult that is Haifan Bahaism to the public at large and the even more dangerous and decietful individuals associated with it. That said, if at any time in your persona as Faryar Mansouri you feel you have legal cause, I am happy to engage you in it. 

Finally, my record of standing unflinchingly up to you vile fascist thugs and cyber-terrorists speaks for itself from the north to south poles, and it is a record with wide appreciation where it counts, especially since I do not need to pay for it as you do with your various corporate and big lobby friends for hire.


May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Yasna XXX 9


Dear Truthseeker..

by faryarm on

Mr Nima Hazini / Wahid Azal and numerous names that he has used in the past, Thinks that just because he has mastered the art of  writing for himself under several names, others are guilty of it too...

One hopes that he will rid himself of the influences that are manifested in his words, behaviour and character.


Wahid Azal

by Truthseeker9 on

This is my last response to you because I do not want Mr. Mansouri to be further libeled by you. If you are insinuating that Faryar Marsouri and I are the same, please report it to Admin  to checkIP addresses. You will find that we are not even in the same continent! What your "superior intellect" fails to comprehend is that those that do not support your morals and general abusive behavior do not have to be the same person, Iranian or even a Bahai. Although to you propoganda strategy it is necessary for you to say so. Any disagreements inside organisations can be solved legally, my concern is purely for Human Rights and the international community support Bahai Human Rights (and other minorities) in Iran. What you have consistently worked for on IC and the internet worldwide is against Bahai Human Rights.


One thing I suppose Mr Javid has done by tolerating your abusive behavior on IC and  continuous personal attacks on individuals of this faith is to keep a record of your behavior and character.


Faryar, how many accounts do you have here?

by Aryana-Vaeja on

The Haifan Bahai organization regularly violates the human rights of individuals and other groups. Now that two US courts have opened the pandoras box revealing how much the Haifan Bahai organization actually believes in human rights, we will see how successful your lobbying efforts will be in the future. Not much, since two American courts (and not Iranian ones) have revealed you twice in a row now to be hypocrites.

Wish yourself peace and happiness. You're going to need it.


May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Yasna XXX 9


"Besides your own, no one here is coming to your aid anymore."

by Truthseeker9 on

IC is what it is, and material and comments permitted on this site as Free Speech is controlled by its Editor. That is where standards are set, and each site acts according to their own policies and values. It suffices for Bahais and impartial observers that the international community and Human Rights groups support the Bahai's Human Rights - the civilised world.

I still wish you find happiness and peace.


Wish yourself some peace & a spine & intellect in the process

by Aryana-Vaeja on

LOL! You are joking, right? Most of the acerbic comments and below the belt jibes on that whole blog are coming exclusively from members of your own community, and no one else, not to mention that the actual subject of the blog casts your community as outright cyber-criminals, in case you haven't noticed! It was  also that blog which was the clincher here proving to quite a  number of people the gutter depths of your organization's spineless nastiness, malice and core dishonesty. Go ahead and quote it because you are proving my case for me here since that whole blog casts you lot as the creeps, not I. But, hey, hand them a rope...

Now take a good look around you. Besides your own, no one here is coming to your aid anymore. The penny appears to have dropped far and wide while backfiring into your collective faces; this, besides the fact that your community has officially lost enormous face, not to mention credibility, following the US 7th Circuit Court's ruling last week.

Thanks again, especially for the good laugh and free advocacy on my behalf and at your own collective expense!


May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Yasna XXX 9


Here are a few other quotes from others

by Truthseeker9 on

Example of Baha'i Defamation on the Online Dating Rights Site in

People at IC are not the only witnesses to your character. And with regards to "Haifan" or other Bahai groups you mention you speak for, you do not give a damn about them except that they share your resentment of Bahai Administration. You are not humanitarian, just a bitter young man. I wish you peace.


The boundless hypocrisy of Haifan Bahais

by Aryana-Vaeja on

And let them make of your blatant double standards what they will. You Haifan Bahais have done far worse here, called people worse things and defamed them in worse manner and on more occasions than anyone; much worse than a measley and accurate prognostication regarding someone's apparent mental illness. Yet when the shoe is turned on the other foot and you are responded to in kind, you cry foul. Right on this thread Mr Mansuri has explicitly defamed two individuals. But not a whimper emerges from you or other members of your community regarding such behavior by one of your own, yet you expect (nay, arrogantly demand) that the whole world comply uncritrically with you against your ideological enemies. Indeed, people can see such double standards for themselves and so amend their views of you accordingly when they speak their minds in various venues about you people.  But  just as in the two US courtrooms where you lost, here you also have no one else to blame for this change of attitude but yourselves, especially when such duplicitous behavior on your part unequivocally proves the eternal words of Dr Said Khan:

"...There is no conscience with them [ i.e. the Baha'is], they
keep to no principle, they tell you what is untrue, ignoring or denying
undoubted historical facts, and this is the character of both the leader
and the led...As to morality and honesty, the whole system has proved
disappointing...I have been in contact with many Baha'is, and have had
dealings with many and have tested many, and unfortunately I have met
not a single one who could be called honest or faithful in the full
sense of these words..."


I speak for a lot of different folks against your organization and cult, including some of the non-Haifan Bahai ones.




May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Yasna XXX 9


to the Moderators

by Truthseeker9 on

Your Policy states that comments containing profanity or personal attack will be removed.

Please will you be kind enough to clarify why comments calling someone mentally ill and general bullying tactics are not deleted but remain even after being flagged. I refer to JJ's comment in the following blog:


"… there has to be a minimum level of civility to be able to have a discussion in the comments. It's always a moral dilemma to judge people and their views and trying to decide whether to delete or ban or just let them slide. … "

What is the moral dilemma here when accusing someone of being mentally ill is acceptable? By showing to some that this is allowed on this site you set an uncivil standard where abuse is allowed towards certain people. This is not free speech but abuse.


Let the allegedly silent haters speak for themselves

by Truthseeker9 on

Wahid Azal says: "… if you were to honestly gauge the silent consensus on this site, you would find out pretty fast that almost unanimously the non-Bahais here consider you to be a complete idiot and a total creep. They're just being polite and allowing me instead to express the fact. 

… You don't want to know what people who post on this forum privately think of you, Faryar. They are being polite but they say they believe you are one and all truly sick, mentally ill psychotics (in my diction you are 'demon possessed') to the last of you! This is what folks privately think of you…."

I am sure people can speak for themselves, and if they gossip with such malicious remarks about an individual who happens to believe in a different faith behind their back and lack the guts to say these ugly words to their face - what does it say about them?

You have on many occasions talked on behalf of all Zoroasrians that they allegedly hate Bahais, and now claim to speak for all non bahais on this site. Let readers make of your behavior and spiteful remarks what they will.


Yes, Faryar

by Aryana-Vaeja on

You are mentally ill. No doubt about it. You are in a world of denial and are standing up for nothing other lies and half-truths fed to you.

Seek help! 

May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Yasna XXX 9


Really ? "truly sick","mentally ill? psychotic" ?

by faryarm on

 OK Nima Hazini/Wahid Azal/ NUR/Nur Azazl/ Zulfiqar110/Varun 

Fortunately, my behavior does not care about popularity, as long as i speak truthfully and  stand up to inform people using credible respected sources, as opposed to your stated mission of hate and personal campaign of lies, using debunked conspiracy theories, that perhaps might be more deserving to question your mental status........  especially when i am not the one who writes 19 commandments , and swears by his favourite mind altering substances....

In any case i am quite open to any open public criticism,If  as you put it my behaviour  has at any time has deserved to be called  "truly sick", "mentally ill psychotics" and in your  "diction"   'demon possessed'...

It would be interesting to know the reasons with reference to specific instances of behavior.. 

Then again you just might be making all this up...

It wouldnt be the first time, would it now?




by Aryana-Vaeja on

There is a hadith that says whosoever has no kindness has no faith. From the level of malice and spite you and your fellow Haifan Bahais here have shown to me and various other people who disagree with you, it is abundantly clear to any discerning, objective eye that not only you have no real faith (ergo your spiteful malice), but that the substance of all the accusations you hurl at other people are actually judgements that apply exclusively to yourselves alone and no one else. You don't want to know what people who post on this forum privately think of you, Faryar. They are being polite but they say they believe you are one and all truly sick, mentally ill psychotics (in my diction you are 'demon possessed') to the last of you! This is what folks privately think of you. Your choice what you think about it, but your behavior is generating the very opposite image of what you think.

My commitment is to the Truth, not to any popularity contest which you people have lost in any case. Yours is to the inversions of your demonic cult which you are under the illusion is truth when it isn't anything more than a massive lie masquerading as something else. Since I have stood up to you fascist lunatics over the years without wavering, that should tell the objective minded the difference between you and I. Luckily the universe has begun answering you lunatics for all your spiteful malice and the answer is anything but flattering in your regard. 

Nadeem have a look at this below. They can't even travel to Israel without seeking permission. Total control. Are you aware of the Vatican ever telling Catholics they can't travel to Rome without seeking permission of the Papal See?


21st January 2010

To All Baha'is in Australia

Transmitted by Email

Dear Baha'i Friends,

Visits to Israel

Following the unauthorized visit to the Holy Land of several Baha'is from Australia in recent weeks, the Universal House of Justice has requested the National Spiritual Assembly to remind the friends that no Baha'i is permitted to visit Israel for any purpose, without first seeking and receiving consent from the Universal House of Justice.

The friends seeking permission are to send their requests to the World Centre either through their Assembly or by post, fax at 972-4-835-8280, or email at visit@bwc.org, stating their full names, Baha'i identification numbers, addresses, passport information, and the dates of their proposed visits. It is suggested that their requests be sent approximately one month before their intended visits.

For additional information regarding brief visits, the friends may wish to contact the Department of Pilgrimate at telephone number 972-4-835-8438 or visit its Web page <

https:://bahai.bwc.org/pilgrimage/main/visit.asp .

With Loving Baha'i Greetings,

Barry Anderson,

For the Secretariat

May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Yasna XXX 9


The difference between You and me, Aryana is...

by faryarm on

Nima Hazini/Wahid Azal/Aryana , etc

Listen to your self...

"silent consensus" ? 


what does that say about you? 


I am certain, there are many who are sick and tired of the negative atmosphere created when people like me have to respond to your delusional conspiracies, like your latest "gem" that the persecution of Bahais is actually all made up andfake , that  all the suffering is actually exaggerated.

That two Hundred (200) Bahai executions is not enough ; is this some kind  of proof for your self inflicted conspiracy?


The difference between you and me, Nima Hazini /Aryana is.the Cause we espouse.

My Cause is and has been abundantly clear. 

Your Cause is You, even when it is veiled behind every excuse to feed that ego..From your almost prophethood and 19 commandments, your religion of the weed, to what ever makes you go from Zulfiqar110 to Vasspan Varuneh to Aryana...  :)

In contrast what ever has been my limited contribution here on Iranian.com under my own name,  since its inception has been out of my love and a sense of duty and limited knowledge to first and foremost, dispel, inform, correct and defend against the damaging 150 years of negative propaganda against the Bahais, and what they believe  and stand for,  by its enemies.


I have done this independently of any position or rank in the Bahai community, as much as you like people to believe that the Bahai presence here is the work of some internet agency.


I leave you with the best example and illustration of how much you think of your self with such assumptions! 

Who could have painted a better picture than your self?

You like to believe:

 "But if you were to honestly gauge the silent consensus on this site, you would find out pretty fast that almost unanimously the non-Bahais here consider you to be a complete idiot and a total creep. They're just being polite and allowing me instead to express the fact..."

Actually Aryana :) 

I should be really offended by the above, but happily  I am not. 

If being a "complete idiot and a total creep"  means confronting your poison, questioning your personal agenda, logic, the hate filled bias, and the phantom sources you base your theories on, then I am much more of an "idiot"  and even more of a "creep" :)

Thankfully I am on a daily basis humbled by being blessed, with a wonderful loving family and children, a passion for the work I do,surrounded the world over with longstanding loving, sincere friends of every religion and nationality, whose love and support compensates for the negative after effects, of answering your hate and the dark unsettling sadness , that envelops my soul.


Unfortunately I can not say that about the IR thugs and its jokers and most of the ignorant opposition against Bahais.


Sad indeed...





by Aryana-Vaeja on

Mansuri: Yes, my record of standing unflinchingly against you corrupt fascists speaks for itself so no one will ever be able to say that I ever reneged on my duty to stand up to you so and sos. But if you were to honestly gauge the silent consensus on this site, you would find out pretty fast that almost unanimously the non-Bahais here consider you to be a complete idiot and a total creep. They're just being polite and allowing me instead to express the fact.

Nadeem: You and I will have to disagree about Israel. I do not believe the problem is Jews or Israel. The problem is much, much bigger and far more sinister than that. I also believe that it isn't so much the fact that the Jews and Israel have a hold over the Haifan Baha'is. I believe the dynamic is actually the other way around. Believe me, most Israeli Jews consider these Haifan Bahais to be totally creepy and to be a cult. In the long run, as I have said here before, the Haifan Bahai organization is potentially a serious 5th columnist threat to Israel itself. Also the older I get, the more pro-Israeli I get, because without the existence of Israel in the region Iran (and all non-Arabs) would be totally at the mercy of the Arabs who passionately hate all of us non-Arabs! Go to the Gulf (like the Emirates) or Sa'udi sometime to see how much these "Arab Muslim brothers and sisters" love their non-Arab Muslim brothers and sisters, let alone non-Muslim non-Arabs!

May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Yasna XXX 9

nadeem khan


by nadeem khan on

If Israelis really want to stop you. They will really not stop you because you guys are serving their interests. They can kick you out just like those poor Palestinians. The lands that belong to poor Palestinian farmers is being usurped by the Israelis and the Baha'is are given freedom to construct Billion Dollor Gardens on Carmel.

Remember a day will come when these Israelis will kick you out just like those poor Palestinians. They already know that this is a cult and till the time it is useful for them they will keep you and afford you. The time when their interests are over. The Kick is ready for you Haifans.

I think, this is the reason that Israelis are not allowing you or Baha'u'llah did not allowed you guys to teach to the israelis. They already know that this is a cult and this is not good for the 'intelligent' Israeli people.

I am sorry Mansoori you were not getting me.

The world is watching the double standards, the dubious policies of the real followers (?) of Imam-i-Zaman (The Baha'is).


Nadeem :"Israel is not a state of Fools to give you a land .."

by faryarm on

Nadeem: "Israel is not a state of Fools to give you a land and favour you so much for FREE..."

to which "land" are you referring? 

Do you mean the land purchased by Abdul Baha and Shoghi Effendi between 1890s and 1948? before there was a State of Israel?

Please ask the "guys" back home to stick to their new scenario, your 100 year old Mullah powered Bahai/zionist scenario has become really boring and confirmed as DEBUNKED by those who can read...




Nasty ?Aryana/ Nima/ Wahid Azal:Your record speaks for itself :)

by faryarm on

The Ego does strange things to a person's sense of Reality ..

Take a good look at yourself and all the accusations and see who is who?

Baseless Name Calling has not and will not get you any where...it only shows off your utter bankruptcy and lonely existence in front of the computer.The Nastiness you speak of is illustrated by your own actions, Aryana :) 

Let anyone google your various Names and aliases:

NIma Hazini, Wahid Azal, NUR , Aryana , and countless others to see how "pleasant", and without "malice" you really are.


Nadeem , who ever he is, is quite consistent in proving his agenda, without realising the foolihness behind trying to quote from bogus IR sponsored sites  like "jewBahais".. The idea of linking Bahais to Zionism is one , that no fair minded intelligent person without a malicious agenda would accept.

The Problem is not quoting from The Esslemenot Book,; it is the loose use of heresay plus his obvious animosity of a dishonest agenda to promote sectarian divison.

Who else but an IR devotee would spend the kind of time to promote the Islamic Republic's latest tactic in its effort to justify persecuting Bahais.

as in Persecuting Baha’is on the basis of the “Cult Scenario”




nadeem khan

I have quoted purely

by nadeem khan on

from the Baha'i writings approved by the Haifan ITC.

There are two types of Baha'i writings. Some that serve the interests of Haifan Organisation and this approved by the Haifan ITC and some writings that does not serve their interests are censored.

I have quoted from the haifan approved sources.

Thank you dear Wahid for your clarifications.

I believe, some Baha'is to be really the agents of Israel. All the data collected from every country is forwarded to the UHJ in Haifa from where it is very easily accessable to the 'brothers' of Musad. Israel is not a state of Fools to give you a land and favour you so much for FREE.

Our Jew Brothers are very intellegent in terms of Business. Baha'ism is a matter of business to them. The time will show that.

Anything if they (Israeli Brothers) want from anyplace of the world, even if they want the information of any individual for a very small village of any country, they can get it. It is easy, the network of ABMs is very vast. They server as the religious police of Baha'u'llah (Imam-i-Zaman?).

So the promissed messiah (Imam-i-zaman?) is praising, America, United Nations, Israel, United Kingdom etc.

The Peace to the Islamic World will be brought by Imam-e-Zaman(?) by killing all the moslems of the world. The America will do that and Abdul Baha is talking about it?? I am not sure.

The ABMs are the Police of Imam-i-Zaman(?) and they are  helping to bring the World Peace by sending all the information to the Blessed Israel to the Office of Imam-i-zaman(?) in Haifa.


Good Luck to the followers of Imam-i-zaman, the new manisfestation of Allah and the office bearers of Imam-i-zaman in Haifa who are again the manifestations of Allah on the earth.



Faryar's nastiness while on the back foot. MODERATORS attention

by Aryana-Vaeja on

Moderators: the nastiness of this individual to other members of this forum needs to be addressed by you otherwise the accusations of double-standards regarding this site will continue because the rules are being selectively applied.

@Faryar, Nadeem has quoted directly from Esselmont. Are you saying the quotations are made up? If so, on what basis are you claiming this since these quotes have been part of the various editions of this book, and they are in there now.

Your below-the-belt attack on Nadeem also says volumes about the depth of your sectarian malice and the utter unscruplousness of your character - go figure. Nadeem has denounced the IRI and its system here. Unless you have fool-proof documentary evidence proving Nadeem to be an agent of the regime, you need to quit your fascist McCarthyist mud-slinging tactics here and apologize. Nadeem is not an agent of the regime.

That said, I can testify that the quotes offered by Nadeem are authentic and are part of official Bahai literature.

May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Yasna XXX 9


Quote Authentic Bahai Writings...

by faryarm on

Quote Authentic Bahai Writings...

Not distorted versions of material probably stolen from Bahai Homes in early morning raids by IR Intelligence Thugs... 

In any case, The late of widow of Shoghi Effendi's words or opinion, although  respected, it is not considered Bahai'i scripture. Whatever The respected lady had to say about Israel, would not be partisan or poltical...It is unfortunately your malicious intention that twists facts to sustain your ongoing anti Bahai campaign.

A futile and  foolish campaign tolink the existance of the Bahai Holy Shrines in Israel to Israeli politics, as the Islamic Republic has tried to do to justify its persecution of Iranian Bahais, from school children and up.

This lady had lived in Palestine then Israel ,from the late 1930s to 2000, witnessing first hand the arduous task and challenges ,her husband had to overcome in order to protect its Holy places , secure the recognition of religious independence of the Bahai faith as distinct from Islam.

Fortunately, she has written extensively about her life as the wife of Shoghi Effendi, in The Priceless Pearl, which is a biography of Shoghi Effendi.

nadeem khan

Where is distortion?

by nadeem khan on

I just quoted the Baha'i writings as it is. Where is distortion? Do you want me to put the wordings of widow of Shoghi about Israel?




Please do not try to distort and mislead...

by faryarm on

Please do not try to distort and mislead...

Neither Baha'u'llah, His Son Abdul Baha or Shoghi Effendi have ever written or favoured any one political system or government.

According to the Bahai writings, Bahais believe that in the future, nations of the world , as a matter of necessity will eventually recognize the need for a more just,equitable and repreentative  system of governance, where nations of the world will unite to form a world commonwealth to deal with pressing global isues. This Lesser Peace ,Bahais believe to be the precursor to the age old promise of the Most Great Peace, awaiting mankind in the distant future.

The quote above refers to the distant  future role of the American nation and its role in " raising the flag of brotherhood and International Peace"

The other regarding the future of Iran, prophecies the eventual rebirth of Iran as the land of Baha'u'llah's birth and promises of the day when peace and tranquility returns, when: "Erelong will the state of affairs within thee be changed, and the reins of power fall into the hands of the people."

"O Land of Tá (Ṭihrán)! Let nothing grieve thee, for God hath chosen thee to be the source of the joy of all mankind. He shall, if it be His Will, bless thy throne with one who will rule with justice, who will gather together the flock of God which the wolves have scattered...." 

 “Rejoice with great joy, O Land of Tá (Ṭihrán), for God hath made thee the dayspring of His light, inasmuch as within thee was born the Manifestation of His glory. Be thou glad for this name that hath been conferred upon thee—a name through which the Daystar of grace hath shed its splendor, through which both earth and heaven have been illumined. Erelong will the state of affairs within thee be changed, and the reins of power fall into the hands of the people. Verily, thy Lord is the All-Knowing. His authority embraceth all things. Rest thou assured in the gracious favor of thy Lord. The eye of His loving-kindness shall everlastingly be directed towards thee. The day is approaching when thy agitation will have been transmuted into peace and quiet calm. Thus hath it been decreed in the Wondrous Book.” 

As for Shoghi Effendi who as a young man, according to the will and tetstament of Abdul Baha,  became the Guardinan of the Bahai Faith and the architect of its future administrative system; 

Shoghi Effendi had the difficult task of dealing with the chaos and the war that overtook Palestine, during the war that led to the formation of the State of Israel.

Whether during the time of British rule, or later after the formation of the state of Israel, his only communication with officialdom was his sole concern and tireless effort  to secure the official recognition of the Bahai Faith as an independent religion and guarantee legal protection of its Holy places against the claims and assault of ambitious relatives after personal gain.


Please do not try to distort and mislead people without proper reference and context; but then again, what can one expect of the insincere intention behind this IR sponsored anti Bahai sentiment !


nadeem khan

CB Muscle - You Said

by nadeem khan on

"Bahaullah is only saying that the future is more glorious than ANY other country on Earth."

But Mr. Abdul Baha Says :

Abdu’l-Bahá in His addresses in America and elsewhere frequently expressed the hope, the prayer and the assurance that the banner of international peace would be first raised in America. At Cincinnati, Ohio, on November 5, 1912, He said:—

America is a noble nation, a standard-bearer of peace throughout the world, shedding her light to all regions. Other nations are not untrammeled and free of intrigues like the United States, and are unable to bring about Universal Peace. But America, thank God, is at peace with all the world, and is worthy of raising the flag of brotherhood and International Peace. When the summons to International 243 Peace is raised by America, all the rest of the world will cry: “Yes, we accept.” The nations of every clime will join in adopting the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh, revealed over fifty years ago. In His Epistles He asked the parliaments of the world to send their best and wisest men to an international world parliament that should decide all questions between the peoples and establish peace … then we shall have the Parliament of Man of which the prophets have dreamed.

(Dr. J. E. Esslemont, Baha'u'llah and the New Era, p. 242)

Father praises Iran and Son Praises America, shoghi and his wife praises Israel. Strange.


Dear Cost...

by faryarm on

One can understand the opinion against "organised" religion in its current sense of the word and form, where organized religion is all about  the preservation of an established set of rituals and dogma, without any relevance to the average person's spiritual needs or lifestyle in the global age.

But not a new set of beliefs that is at heart forward looking ,with the sole purpose of creating a better society through individual understanding and transformation.

Any effort for Unity can not have anything but an organised effort with a common set of goals for humanity.

Can we as individuals with all our diversity ultimately achieve anything without being organized?


10 Parsecs

by Cost-of-Progress on

That's the desired minimum distance between politics and religions. SO, the future Iran will hopefully have nothing to do with yet another organized religion, pilitically speaking.

People have got to learn to think forthemselves for crying outloud.





Intentional silence

by muscle-defender on

Dear admin, I intentionally left out my thoughts on what the Future Iran will be like because it is up to the people to decide. Bahaullah is only saying that the future is more glorious than ANY other country on Earth.


The future Glory/Farr-Xvarnah of Iran

by Aryana-Vaeja on

Will have to do with the restoration of the Farr-Xvarnah. This will mean the restoration of the monarchy and the restoration of the Mazda Yasna (however this comes to be defined, since Sufism can be defined as Mazda Yasna). Bahaism nowhere enters the configuration because Bahaism by its nature represents the ahrimanic forces of the druj (chaos), the lie and the darkness. 


May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Yasna XXX 9



by muscle-defender on
