Yachov, Don, and other quality music lovers, now that we talk music...

Yachov, Don, and other quality music lovers, now that we talk music...
by MeyBokhor_Manbarbesuzan

I don't know about you but my first encounter with good music was in 1978. I was 15 and had arrived in the US, and Norman, OK of all places :)

What saved my soul was the genius of Super Tramp with their wonderful songs: dreamer, give a little bit, school, hide in your shell, and their just newly out album, Breakfast in America. Actually It was my wish to understand their lyrics that made learn english in no more than 3-4 months.

I have all their records, and I mean LPs, along with, yes Billy Joel's, and others of the golden era of music.


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by Mey.. (not verified) on


Youtube link to SuperTramp: Lord, Is it mine?

by Meybokhor_Manbarbesuzan (unlogged) (not verified) on



by Yachov on

Supertramp had some great ones and they were able to tow the line by producing hits while maintaining quality music integrity.  There were some other great bands who did it too.  Remember Boston, Genesis, Toto, Foreigner, Journey and the list goes on.  I think we are going to have fun here.

Any Supertramp songs you want to post for us?  :)