Those of You Who Oppose Changes in Iran


by masoudA

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Yes to Changes……. But not via USA

by just one iranian (not verified) on

Masoud jan I am sure if the changes happen after US attack Iran, the pictures (although I have not seen them) will not get any prettier. I for one am for changes but the changes cannot happen via American attack.

As for you guys attacking each other by implying that the other side “works for the enemy”, do you really know each other and you know or guess these things or is it a “pissing” contest?



by Someone (not verified) on

Will you send the pictured to JJ to include them here please. I cannot see them thru the link that you have provided.
P.S.: javad agha, who cares about what is going on in the west. That is up to their citizens to like or dislike, to praise or to complain about. But an iranian should care about iran and iranians irrespective of how good or bad the west is. Had we had a caring government in iran, this discussion would have not been necessary at all. The question is why, why are they doing this, for what end, and for what purpose, and for what justification. For god's sake, iranians are all human beings and should be treated as such, without any justification otherwise. Justifying brutality is diversion and irresponsible, no matter for what reason.


You need to log in to access

by Anonymous-today (not verified) on

You need to log in to access to these photos.


My Brothers Iranian "Patriots"

by Shaer on

I Have "No" Intentions of "Besmirching" masoudA ..


Please Read This:




Whether You "Agree"or "Disagree", Please "Leave" A "Comment" ..

Would "Appreciate" If You Are "Respectful" ..


"Thank You" ..


Javat - I am having a hard

by masoudA on

Javat - I am having a hard time keeping my anger in.   First of us - you ask me : Do you want us to post pictures of brutality in America.....?   First of all who is us ?  dom e khorous ? isn't it ?  didn't I tell you other members these are pros posting here.  Probabaly from the mullahs ministry of information.  

I have a job javat agha - a great and productive job - one in which I have to use my brain - do you ?  I just cut on my leaisure to make sure the likes of you don't go unheralded.  Now go check with your bosses on what to write in response.   

and yes - I dare you to do it - I dare you to post a picture of American Police brutaly beatiung up a father in front of a 3 year old child.  I dare you.   But I am not surprised that these pictures do not raise your concience - you probabaly raise your own children with terror.    jee weez - up your stupid ars.

I wish others could see these photo to see the face of terror in a terrorized child.    



by masoudA on

Masked mullah police beating up some guys - in front of the wife and a 3 year old daughter.   When "terror" is discussed people think of 911 - although this is the real terror.  You can see terror in the wide eyes of this 3 year old Iranian girl - she will keep this memory for a lifelong - she will never be a normal child again !!  


Use your time to help people . . .

by Javad agha (not verified) on

Masoud you might become another Ahmed Chalabi. Where is he now? Does he know that Iraqi's oil is pumped WITHOUT any counter to pay the ALLIES?


WHY Masoud you HAVE NOT mentioned ONE word about companies such as Halliburton and Blackwater? Are you afraid to be kicked out of the so-called FREE country?


Do you want us to show you pictures of police brutality in the U.S. or Canada? Would these photos make you shut up and use your time and energy productively?

Gee Weez or Geez Weez?


Hey Masoud

by NONO (not verified) on

Photos cannot be accessed. Can you explain what they are, or maybe repost them on this site? Thanks.


Those of You who Oppose Changes in Iran !!

by masoudA on

Get out of the way!