Occupy Oakland!!

Occupy Oakland!!
by masoudA

To an Average American - this photo is just an illustration of crazy youth behavior in Oakland - it could have even been related to an Oakland Raiders victory....but to us Eyranians....!!   We get a sick feeling as soon as we see the Moslem Brotherhood scarf the white kid is wearing.    RIP Mohammad Reza Shah warned us all about the coalition of leftists and the Islamists......we did not hear him and lost Iran...


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Hooshang and Roozbeh Jaan

by masoudA on

Hooshang Jan  - Love Colbert -  Just like You and Roozbeh, I too think presense of many American youth there is the direct result of a the bad economy, capitalism, corruption,.........but there are others behind these scenes which have and/or will enter the picture.   It is no coincidence Acorn, UWA and other Unions, Farakhan, CAIR, Jessie Jackson, ..........even Keyhan and the Hezbollah in Tehran are all well established and behind this movement!!!  As much as the youths up front want to help America, there are enemies aligned with them who wish to hurt America.   Stand posted - Van Jones and the revitalized Black Panthers are waiting on the sidelines. 


Roozbeh Jaan - as you may see, my whole argument/theory is that the cold war did not end...... I put all of this on the anglo-russian aliance which this time has Norway also as ally!!   as you may know, because of our oil - Norway is now the 2nd or 3rd larget exporter!! of refined oil!!!


Stephen Colbert's Plot to Co-opt Occupy Wall Street Foiled

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

Masoud jan, though this is a comical piece, but it will give you and idea who you're dealing with and the process they work with. Cheers

Stephen Colbert's Plot to Co-opt Occupy Wall Street Foiled by Ketchup and Justin



For a documented account of all  the activities in Oakland General Strike, please see:

Oakland General Strike



Dear MasoudA, on remaining blind...

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

 If you for one moment ignore the politics of the cold war which finished about  quarter of a century ago, and had indeed nothing to do with daily struggles and aspirations  of ordinary people,  and isnstead focus on the real issues that people from Oakland to London, Moscow Tel Aviv, Tehran  and Bejing are facing today, then my comments would make a bit more sense to you.

All that this  red star says is observation of this fact, that there exists and shall remain to exist a universal demand for social justice, peace and true people's democracy which knows no religious, ethnic or geographic boundaries.  

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."



by masoudA on

You wish to keep your eyes blinded ......If anyone wishes to fight corruption in America - I can give them 100 locations to go for protest before Wall Street......but this is neither about corruption nor is it grass roots......the lead financier is Soros and all activities and even financing is directed from Vancouver, Canada!!!

but you may also be trying to keep others from opening their eyes!!   After WW2, America and it's new found allies (Germany, Japan, Iran, Korea,....) grew termendously - while economy of England and Russia went south.....Russia did not even intend to leave Iran at the end of WW2, and if it was not for Truman's nuclear threat, they woul;d have nevre left.  Now - your red star suggests you are a leftist and that is fine - but that does not mean you must remain blind, even if you do not live in America. 


Genuine grass root opposition to economy & finance system

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Is at the core of this occupy movements. That is why you see labor activists, young and old and in general a high level of participation by "blue collar" americans.

Now if the islamist fascists running our beloved homeland Iran  shed crocodile tears of support over these protesters, or try to link these events to their own hatred of Jews, that should not by any means diminish our support for the just cause of these demonstrators. Quite the contrary. 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."



by masoudA on

If I dare play roshanfekr here...

Anytime-Anywhere you see Socialists and Islamists team up - automaticaly know Russia and England have teamed up.   Please so some research on Anglo-Russian alliance (Entente) which is the worst thing that happened to our country after the Arab and Moghol attacks......in fact it was this alliance that too Iran back from USA in 1978.   You can also read "Stranggling of Persia" - a great book written by the American Morgan Schuster (sp?) who by invitation from our Majles went to Iran to get our financial affairs together and was run out after a few months by in his words: The anglo-russian aliance!!!

Good luck - and I especially hope the mullahs read this, before the next Friday Prayers where everyone is required to shout: Death to America!!  Know where you are getting hit from before you can defend yourself.  


There is a high correlation betwn banking lobby & Israeli lobby

by Disenchanted on


         in US! Just check the facts for yourself.

Oon Yaroo

Are these rioters pro-Palestinians or anti-bankers or both?

by Oon Yaroo on


Maybe this is the reminiscence of 1978 where the PLO thugs were rioting on the streets of Tehran!


Bankesters time has arrived...

by Disenchanted on


         People of United States (so are Greeks and rest of the world) are sick and tired of being exploited by banks for decades. Finally people are speaking.