Video: difference between support for ENGHELAB and HOKUMAT!!!

by MaryamTabrizi

University of Tehran Professor Sadegh Zibakalam makes distinction between people in 22 Bahman rallys supporting revolution, not neccessarily government!


 Interesting to see such a comment made on Iranian State Run TV!


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Marg bar jomhoriyeh Ertejai!!!!

by Kazem (not verified) on

What a show!!!!!!


Khar Khodi?

by Really (not verified) on

I dont think thats what she is trying to do, but apparently thats conclusion you drew, that its possibly democratic. LOL. Yeah it must be an IRI operation even though it has cingular and sexy iranian singles ads on the site. In fact I heard Rafsanjani contacted those companies directly lol.



by khar khodeti (not verified) on

So what? Are you trying to sell the idea that the IRI is democratic? Who do you take us for?
. is an IRI operation, specifically targeting Iranians living abroad, trying to sell the IRI to them. Shame on you and shame on all of the IRI's supporters like yourselves.