by MaryamTabrizi

Monarchists claim they support democracy, but they wouldn't even let this recent NIAC event in Los Angeles function.




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Babak Talebi

What a lively discussion

by Babak Talebi on

I wish I could link diretly to a comment on a previous post. but if you scroll down enough I wrote a couple of comments on this thread:



there was one specific question from somone about NIAC's finances. follow this link and you will have your answer:


That link talks about our funding from 2002 to 2006. in 2007 the portion of our funds coming from Iranian Americans increased from ~55% to~70%.

NIAC has members in 44 states and we are the largest national membership based organization in the country. Thats what makes us grass-roots. This does not mean we represent all one million Iranians who live in the US.

AIPAC has only 60k-80k members, it does not represent ALL 6 million Jewish Americans. but it is still a grass-roots organization (just an example).


Finally - be on the lookout for NIAC's response to MEHR's disruption of the Amnesty event.

by the way, everyone should know - this was NOT a NIAC event. this was an Amnesty International event where NIAC was invited to be on the panel.



Babak Talebi

Director of Community Relations, NIAC


"Promoting Iranian-American Participation in American Civic Life"


Re: mani321

by jamshid on

If they are "irrelevant", why are you boiling so much in anger?

It is you who believes anyone that does not say long live the IRI must be a soldout.

If this is enough cause for you to boil in anger, then I've got bad news for you pal. There is much more of these to come, both in Iran, and outside.


The truth about NIAC

by Jamshid Niavarani (not verified) on

NIAC began in the United States. It's members are American Citizens. NIAC promotes US-IRAN Dialog. The people in this video clip are anti-American. They are opposed to free speech. Maybe, they should be deported back to Iran.

Before they are deported, please have their foodstamps, medicaid and welfare payments stopped.

Everyone knows all these pro-Shah people are on public assistance.


Re: Mani321....WELLL SAID... please refrain from foul language

by Ye Irani (not verified) on



Fucking TehranGelesees

by Mani321 (not verified) on

These idiotic assholes believe that any organization that does not say "Bomb Iran" is pro-IRI.
These geesers are old...They are ineffective...and they are irrelevent.
Let them have their Tehrangeles TV stations and fancy slogans.
They have not accomplished ANYTHING and NEVER WILL.



by jamshid on

Quote from your comment: "I bet you (Jamshid) have heard from someone or something (LA TV) that NIAC is pro IR and not even bothered to take a look and see what issues they are attacking. You are ignorant and dictatorial in mind."

So just like that you fabricate facts (me watching LA TV), then judge based on those facts, and sentence me too (me being dictator)?

For your information I don't watch LA TV. And for that matter, I don't even watch TV, any TV, period. Your premise is fale, therefore your conclusion is baseless. The only thing your comment proves is that YOU are the one with a dictatoral mind.


to NIAC supporters

by Jesus (not verified) on

Please provide the public with the balance sheet, and income statement of the last 5 years. The name of donors is not necessary, but the amounts are.
As a non-profit, you are obliged to do that, if you are a grass-root, non-profit organization. That would be greatly appreciated it.


to NIAC supporters

by Jesus (not verified) on

Please provide the public with the balance sheet, and income statement of the last 5 years. The name of donors is not necessary, but the amounts are.
As a non-profit, you are obliged to do that, if you are a grass-root, non-profit organization. That would be greatly appreciated it.


To: Behnam Sezavar That's

by anti-aghazadeh (not verified) on

To: Behnam Sezavar

That's rich, coming from an aghazadeh...


It really doesn't matter who

by wake up (not verified) on

It really doesn't matter who supports NIAC or CASMII.

Once again, it is evidently clear that non-Iranians, whether Zionists (Wolfowitz, Podhertz, Bolton, Hadely, etc.) or Realist fringe (Gary Sick, Baker, Susan Meloney, Richard Hasse,etc.) are determining the future of Iran and the Iranians.

Rest assured none of these two groups have the welfare of IRan or Iran's future in their mind and heart. What is the real motivatio of these people either pushing for "regime change" by force by the zionists or Preserving the Islamic Republic as is
the democratic/neomarxist left Realists???

I think that's where we need to focus and find out the answers if we are honest and don't belong to any of anti-IRI groups or pro-IRI groups.



by Behnam.sezavar on

who ever loves IRAN and wants to protect Iranian people and solve the problems in right manner is IRI front ...come onnnnnnn guys ..realize your time is gone ...you guys are old and stock in 30 years ago ...let the young people take over... jut to ADD MAZ JOBRANI WAS AT NIAC TOO ..so is he IRI front too lol i think IRI writes his joke for him lol


NIAC should be sued for

by shameonyou (not verified) on

NIAC should be sued for erroneously calling themselves "grass root organization of Iranian-Americans"...when the hell did any Iranian decided that NIAC should be their "grass root organization"? Or was it decided by Gary Sick and Brizienski of Council of Foreign Relations???


Your cousin: you have NOT ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

That stupid document has no evidence. It hardly even mentions NIAC. Where is the evidence? Why didn't you just copy the part that proves NIAC or Parsi is on the IRI payroll? You don't have it.

You thought just because you make people read a 25 page PDF, no one would call you on your BULLSHIT?

Daioleslam, who works for Rajavi, never has any evidence for his accusations. All he has is like "Ali said A", "Gholi said A", so "Ali must be on the payroll of Gholi". It's stupid and illogical.

Quit wasting people's time with this crap.


to David ET and the rest of the Denial Society

by Your cousin (not verified) on

Here is the evidence (unless you need audio visual recording of Trita Parsi saying I am an IRI ass-licking cunt) to show why NIAC and CASMII et.al. are IRI lobbyists:




Correction: It should be

by unitedforpeace (not verified) on



Neocons don't believe in seperation of church and state. They hate secular democracy.


شورش جوانان.تهران. پاينده ايران نابود جمهوری اسلامیTehran

Babk56 (not verified)


I'm not sure who supports

by unitedforpeace (not verified) on

I'm not sure who supports NIAC et al but I have a hunch. I think NIAC et al are supported and the chief propaganda arm of the left-wing/Realists (look up the definition) faction of the CIA. In other words, the domocratic fringe of Carter et al who gave us the Islamic Republic to begin with.
This group dictated to by US *realists* (e.g. Concil of Foreign Relations under Richard Hasse) is supposed to convince the Iranians that "reform" is possible within the framework of "Islamic Republic" system.
Please research the definition of *Realists*. In US politics, they have specific set of agenda and ideology and are represented by transnational oil corporations. I don't have the time to research the corresponding references this morning..
Trita Parsi's mentor was or is Brezinski according to his own website.
Additionally, their support of religious nature of these dictators in Iran and Iraq dovetails with the basic principles of Neocon's philosphy.
One of the main tenets of Neocon's philosphical underpinning (See Strauss) is SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE in the ME despite their rhetoric on democracy. Secular governments in the view of neocons is the worst possible. Here is a review of the principle of Neocon's philosphy.
Here is an excerpt of Strauss (father of Neoconservatives philosophy) Neocon's philosophy:
While professing deep respect for American democracy, Strauss believed that societies should be hierarchical – divided between an elite who should lead, and the masses who should follow. But unlike fellow elitists like Plato, he was less concerned with the moral character of these leaders. According to Shadia Drury, who teaches politics at the University of Calgary, Strauss believed that "those who are fit to rule are those who realize there is no morality and that there is only one natural right – the right of the superior to rule over the inferior."
This dichotomy requires "perpetual deception" between the rulers and the ruled, according to Drury. Robert Locke, another Strauss analyst says,"The people are told what they need to know and no more." While the elite few are capable of absorbing the absence of any moral truth, Strauss thought, the masses could not cope. If exposed to the absence of absolute truth, they would quickly fall into nihilism or anarchy, according to Drury, author of 'Leo Strauss and the American Right' (St. Martin's 1999).
Second Principle: Power of Religion
According to Drury, Strauss had a "huge contempt" for secular democracy. Nazism, he believed, was a nihilistic reaction to the irreligious and liberal nature of the Weimar Republic. Among other neoconservatives, Irving Kristol has long argued for a much greater role for religion in the public sphere, even suggesting that the Founding Fathers of the American Republic made a major mistake by insisting on the separation of church and state. And why? Because Strauss viewed religion as absolutely essential in order to impose moral law on the masses who otherwise would be out of control.
At the same time, he stressed that religion was for the masses alone; the rulers need not be bound by it. Indeed, it would be absurd if they were, since the truths proclaimed by religion were "a pious fraud." As Ronald Bailey, science correspondent for Reason magazine points out, "Neoconservatives are pro-religion even though they themselves may not be believers."
Secular society in their view is the worst possible thing,'' Drury says, because it leads to individualism, liberalism, and relativism, precisely those traits that may promote dissent that in turn could dangerously weaken society's ability to cope with external threats. Bailey argues that it is this firm belief in the political utility of religion as an "opiate of the masses" that helps explain why secular Jews like Kristol in 'Commentary' magazine and other neoconservative journals have allied themselves with the Christian Right and even taken on Darwin's theory of evolution.
Do your own research instead of being fooled by monarchists or MKO or the Democratic Party elite who don't give a hoot about Iran and Iranian's future except their own short-term interests in the region.


Arezu, Khafeshoo Ahmagh!

by Anonymous1974b (not verified) on

You are back again? You lunatic. Did your therapist increase your meds? Be careful, David Frum is watching.
Khafeshoo Ahmagh!


What a disgrace!!!!

by Arezu (not verified) on

Is this supposed to represent the top echelon of Iranian dissidents in the U.S.? If so, I am quite embarrassed at bunch hoodlums, who has no tolerance in sitting and listening to a lecture and then raise their hands and ask questions in a civilized manner!!

These people are not for democracy; they worship one person RP, or Rajavi and his cult, and have absolutely no respect for a democratic process. It is even more embarrassing when they conduct themselves in such a manner in front of Americans.

This was an exceptionally poor representation of the Iranian-Americans in this country. No wonder many of us have no desire to associate ourselves with their type.

I would advise these people to start practicing democracy right here in the U.S., get involved in the U.S. political process, get involved in the issues that impact this country, learn what the issues are and how you would address them, start going to some meetings and listen to how people engage in discussions before you speak about exporting democracy to Iran. This will at minimum be a good teach-in for those who think they know how democracy should work in Iran. These people are unqualified and ill prepared to speak on behalf of the Iranian people.

Democracy those not mean simply taking off the turban and replacing it with a crown, or some terrorist organization MEK/NCRI who speak about democracy, liberation, human rights when they have absolutely no clue about the real meaning of such words. Words don’t mean anything to us, action do; and these people flunked royally!!

David ET


by David ET on

I read your post (last link didn't work) and it was primarily copies of what I had already received via emails about NIAC .

If Mr. Parsi said NIAC is not a human rights organization, that was a factual comment and I do not see anything wrong with that.

As for them having to take a stronger stand on the human rights violations , I agree with you. One can not claim to be representing Iranians and be blind to the human rights violations , especially that they keep inviting human rights watch and amnesty international to their meetings. They can't use the name of the human rights organizations to promote themselves and yet not take any positions.

I also noticed they do take positions on MKO calling them a terrorist organization. If they take such positions , they MUST also take position on terrorist supporting activities of IR in Lebanon and Palestine as well as terrorizing Iranian people in the past 30 years.

It seems like they selectively chose their battles which is indeed questionable.

On the other hand and in all fairness I saw articles that do address human rights , Islamic Sharia vs. secular system such as:


As for most other allegations they seem to have already addressed them in their site:


REGARDLESS, such violent approach that LA TV and others via email take towards NIAC instead of civil exchange is NOT healthy nor helpful. 

We ALL must learn to use dialogue instead of violence regardless of point of views, OR WE ARE NOT DIFFERENT THAN THE ONES WHO RULE IRAN BY INTOLERANCE AND VIOLENCE.


jamshid And David ET

by Nasser (not verified) on

Jamshid, I bet you have heard from someone or something (LA TV) that NIAC is pro IR and not even bothered to take a look and see what issues they are attacking. You are ignorant and dictatorial in mind.
I have been a member of NIAC for a while and follow all their actions closely. They are NOT lobbying for IR but for the Iranian People. Take a look, get some literature, study all the sides and don't just repeat these embarrassing idiots (LA TV). There is no hope, future, pride, or freedom with these ass holes. You still have a chance to make your own mind.

David ET, it's very simple to find out about them. The reason some Iranian TV accuse them to be pro IR is 1)They refuse to get involve in support or denounce of ANY political parties.
2)They have been working really hard to minimize the chances for sanctions and war against Iran, and many "opposition" perceive that as a pro IR move!
Don't take my word for it, go head and find as much as you can for yourself and if you like them, join the group. It's for us Iranian Americans.


Well Said Mash Ghassem and Anonymous4

by the real Nader Vanaki (not verified) on

These LA moros want to go back to Iran and do exactly what any dumb and arrogant dictator wants to do. Just look at how these emancipated Westernized Iranians tolerate an opinion different from theirs.

Heyf az khak ke bar sareh in gousaleha rikhteh besheh. Peshghel olagh bar sareshan.

Stay in LA and continue with your stupidity. No one in Iran is going to believe a word you say even if it is the truth.



by jamshid on

One way to tell a lie is to look for contradictions. In a conference, Trita Parsi was asked why NIAC does "nothing" regarding the human right violations in Iran.

His answer: NIAC is not a human right organization...

Later in the same conference he says: "What we do is decided by the memberships of our organization, and we are the largest Iranian American grass root organziation in the country."

Decided by membership? The largest Iranian American grass root organziation? Perhaps then the majority of Iranian Americans don't give a damn about human right violation in Iran. Better yet, perhaps there are no such violations to begin with.


Amazingly, the same question was asked from an AIPAC panelist many years ago regarding human right violations against Palestinians. The AIPAC panelist answer? "AIPAC is not a human rights organization."

Besides, if NIAC is not a "human rights" organization, why then NIAC lobbies HR and Amnesty International so much and invite them to "conferences"?

Do you see the holes?

Here are some more references. I don't like these sites, but you can get some useful information about NIAC by reading these:



I urge everyone to carefully read these two articles.


With enemies like this .....

by Anonymous__ (not verified) on

You have heard the expresion: "with friends like this who needs enemy?"

Now I'd say with enemies like this, I mean with opposition like this no wonder IRI has been in power so long!!! Bunch of old, fat holigans opposing the rigime. Those same who are advising people to glue doors of everyones business!

Oh, poor people of Iran who have advocates such as these!

As for NIAC, their opposition to war and destrution of Iran is not the same as approving of IRI policies. Ofcourse if you are an Israeli supporter anyone who stands between you and Iran's destruction is with mullas!

" You are entitle to your opinion but you are noy entitle to your own facts!"




by EDS (not verified) on

How incredibly incompetent are the LA-type opposition! Even if we assumed that their protest was appropriate, they cannot even remain in sync and on note in their slogans. How do they expect to get anywhere? Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic.

David ET


by David ET on

I dont know much about NIAC , Can those who say they are pro IR etc etc,..provide a proof... I mean not just presumption but something solid, even some pro IR quotes , anything!! so the rest of us be educated too?

Otherwise  everyone is innocent until proven guilty!


I agree with Mash Ghassem

by Kamangir on

I completely agree with ghassem. This goddamn oil is our real problem, is has attracted voltures, thieves and rats killing each other and killing Iran and Persian culture as well.

Just look at who is rulling our country.....




Chi shod, Chera intor shod?

by Kamangir on

Polis nabood sheekame hamo sofre karde boodan!




Khak Bar Sareh All Iranians

by Mash Ghassem (not verified) on

To all Iranians,

Whether you are IRI basiji asshole supporters, Monarchist, taghooties, Lefty idiots, Silent majority and nationalist, I only can say KAHK BAR SAREH HAMETON! You see, we are cursed as a nation because of our oil wealth. It is apparent that whoever is in power in Iran, the corrupting power of oil money will make them idiotic things. Now we have bunch of antar akhoonds in power and blame everything on Zionists and the west.

Look at Asia. They don't have any oil or other natural resources to subsidies their stupidity, they don't have Islam and they are 1000 years ahead of Iranians. Look at the indians, with all their poverty, they seem to be much more civilized than us. Look at the Israelis who you blame everything on. In 60 years the have managed to build a thriving
society (yes, yes at the expense of other dear Palestinian brothers). Notwithstanding, the Israelis have 20 or so companies trading on Nasdaq today. What the hell have 70 million Iranians accomplished?

1) We can't refine enough oil and as the 4th largest producer have to import it from the outside and its so bad that we ration it

2) We kill our brothers and sisters in the name of God (something the Christians were doing 500 years ago)

3) We have created a welfare state that would not survive one day without the oil money. What would we do without the oil money? Jack shit. Kill eacother some more probably.

4) We are not civilized and kill eachother over politics. At least the Zionists are not Killing each other (you idiots). They can resolve their differences democratically. After 2000 years of civilization, we have adopted sharia style justice to serve our societies' best interest.

5) We purchase and copy chineese technology (put made in Iran stamp on it) and call it Iranian technological advancements.

6) We purchase shit from the Russians who will vote to sanction us in the UN for the same shit they are selling us. Are we that dumb? Don't you see the writing on the wall? The Russians were selling shit to the Iraqis also. What happened? They allowed the west to decimate Iraq after the got paid. What the hell do you think will happen to us idiots?

7) Our idiot president can only bull shit about how great the Iranian nation is, make idiotic comments about Israel, ruin the Iranian economy by creating more subsidies and increasing inflation, invite the likes of David Duke to Anti Holocaust conferences and falsely claim that Iran has won the nuclear standoff issue against the west and the UN. Yeah right!

I can go on and on.....Oil is our worst enemy because it is subsidizing this regime and there is no end in sight to its brutality and there is no one to replace it who would be more enlightened! Oil is out worst enemy!

Dorough Cherah? Ta Ghabr, Auh, Auh, Auh, Auh,



by Jesus (not verified) on

I am certainly against people protesting in a way that interrupts others'speech. NIAC has every right to conduct its business, and express its views in a seminar. The protest could have been held in a more civilized way.
Having said that, I find many of NIAC's policies, and their advocacy troubling, and very much inline with the regime in Iran. These are all speculation, and we don't have hard evidence, but many of its founders, and organizers also have scatchy background.
I did ask them once to provide me with their balance sheet, and accouting records, and they refused to do so. Every non-profit is obliged to provide the public with their balance sheet, and income statements, as corporations do in their 10K. I like to find out how they are financing their operations.