Jane Harman's Suggestion!

Maryam Hojjat
by Maryam Hojjat

Mrs. Jane Harman congresswoman from CA has suggested irresponsibly recently in the AIPC that IRAN must be broken down to the several ethnic sections as it is composed of different ethnic backgrounds in order to solve IRAN's problem for the west.

Congresswoman Harman's irresponsible remark has caused Iranians angry. She could suggest that IRI must be toppled and a free IRAN be created.

We IRANIANS must remember that it is a free IRAN which is source of stability in the ME.

I am requesting of all IRANIANS who care about our motherland & our fellow Hamvatans to send e-mail to this congresswoman & ask her to apologize from IRANIANs publicity.


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مهرناز خانم
واقعا جای شرم و بی ادبی مطلق است که اینگونه در مورد یک بانوی دیگر که تنها اختلافی که شما با ایشون دارید تفاوت عقیده است و بس صحبت کنید.
شعور و فرهنک بسیار محدودی ادم باید داشته باشه که اینطور با یک انسان دیگه برخورد کنه
متلسفم واقعا



Maryam jaan

by SamSamIIII on


I believe your concerne is genuine & patriotic and I commend that .  Yet , I beg your pardon & ask you not to share your voice with Ommaties & seeds of Qadesiyeh bent on destrying true Iran .  As always ;

Cheers & best wishes !!!

I see a certain Arabo-Ommati khaleh sooskeh  has gotten too excited & ahead of herself and fallen into the toilette sink . Don,t spray it , khodesh khoshk misheh miofteh ;) 




Dear Anonymous23423

by Passing Through (not verified) on

Thanks for sharing the clip. I am totally flabbergasted by her ignorance on such an important issue.

By making statements such as this, all that she is essentially doing, is strengthening the hands of the Mullahs.

There may be a great many Iranians who dislike the Mullahs, nevertheless, they will indeed "ACT AS ONE" in defending Iran, if attacked militarily, either from the outside, or from the inside.

Again, Thanks For Sharing The Clip :) - She Is Truly IGNORANT!!

anonymous fish


by anonymous fish on

i just wanted to actually see it or hear it and not take it on face value.  that being said, i think i can now say with some confidence.

what a friggin'  B I T C H!

what she said sounded extremely like segregation.  would she also suggest that the US go back to segregation?

where's the pen...


re:anonymous fish

by Anonymous23423 (not verified) on

anonymous fish

anyone... anyone...

by anonymous fish on

i still haven't been able to find a link as to the speech itself. 

maryam... can you provide anything that would actually show where she said this and what was actually said?


Mehrnaz jan

by Souri on

I always considered you as a very respectful and well articulated member of this site. I understand you are frustrated now. Also, I don't want to derail the main conversation in this blog. Thanks for your nice attention.



سوری جان


من کاملا درک می کنم که کسی از اینکه به کشورش و فرهنکش توهین بشه ناراحت بشه، و این به دفاع از حکومت و دولتی هم ربطی نداره.  ولی درمورد سرکار خانم ماهی، شما اگر زحمت بکشید و نظرات ایشان را در بلاگ ها و خطوط مختلف بخوانید و توهین های بیجایی که بیکباره به اشخاص می کند را ببینید شاید نظراتان عوض شود.  ممکن است این خانم به نظر شما روشنفکر بیاید ولی بسیاری از دوستان که در بحث های جدی سیاسی و فرهنگی با این خانم مواجه شده اند - یا بهتر بگویم این خانم با کفش وسط سفره پریده اند - تجربه و نظر متفاوتی دارند.  سوری جان ، امیدوارم شما بدانید که من توقع ندارم که همه با نظرات من موافق باشند (!) ولی اگر شما حتی مطلبی را که من در این بلاگ فرستاده ام بخوانید، امیدوارم متوجه بشوید که هیچ توهینی به مردم آمریکا در آن نیست و هیچ دروغی هم در باره دولت آمریکا در آن نیست!  ولی این خانم که دائما در مورد شرایط کشور ما اظهار نظر می کند انتقاداتی را که از اعمال دولت آمریکا می شود به حساب توهین شخصی برداشت می کند و جواب توهین آمیز می نویسد.  من متاسفانه نظرم را عوض نمی کنم ولی به شما پیشنهاد می کنم که نظری را که من پایین تر در این بلاگ نوشته ام بخوانید و جواب بی ربط این خانم را ببینید.  علت این که من به فارسی نظرم را نوشتم تجربه شخصی بود که این بلاگ گروگان گرفته نشود و بحث ادامه پیدا کند!   



by Majid on

Just wanted to use your own vocabulary cause that's the only language that all you "Zeinabs and Roghiehs" understand.


سرکار علیه رقیه کماندو ی پاچه گیر....




شما هم که چادر رو زدی پس کمر  و بیاد  حیاط منزل  سابق (قمر خانوم) اظهار فضولات چارواداری فرمودین!

من نمیدونم چرا این سربازهای گمنام امام زمان نمیرن خیر سرشون تو اون منجلاب موعود شکوفا بشن؟

مثل اینکه حیا خوردن و شرف دفع کردن با حلول نا مبارک این «ان قلّاب» رفته تو سرشتتون!

من میگم سرکار هم بنا بر عادت منحوس اسلام ناب محمدی و به تبعیت از حضرت امام گور به گور شده تون علناً تو دهنی بزنین!

anonymous fish


by anonymous fish on

i hear ya.  i'm not really disputing anything you say.  the south has much to be ashamed of.  i'll be the first one to tell you that.  and i've said it here time and time again so it's not a matter of not being man (although in my case, it's "woman") enough to admit.  but we have progressed.  and i point out, again, that for all our faults and misdeeds, our progression has occured in a relatively short period of time.  a couple hundred years versus thousands of years.  i think it is safe to say that (for the most part), america has progressed, not regressed.  we do have an african-american president... and nearly had a woman president.  i think that alone speaks for itself... :-)  but i also admit we have a long way to go to repair and restore our image.  we aren't ALL bad, you know.

and i hate like hell that anything bush said or did is held to be typical of america or americans.  he is a disgrace to both.  i can only ask that you consider the source... much the same as americans do when considering iran and NOT the regime in power. 

btw... why is it considered "lecturing" when it comes from me?  that particular shoe fits the other foot as well.  i feel the heat of lecture and condescending attitude from quite a few of you as well.  :-)) 



by Souri on

میخواستم فقط نظر شخصیم رو اینجا بیان کنم، که در مورد این
خانم، من کاملا درک می‌کنم که ایشون در یک سایت ایرانی، بیاد از کشور خودش
دفاع بکنه و احساسات ناسیونالیستی خودش رو بیان کنه.

صرف نظر از اینکه آیا ایشون راست میگه یا شما راست میگین، فقط خواستم
مطرح کنم که این خانوم اصلا به عنوان یک شخص بیسواد و نفهم اینجا هرگز
معرفی‌ نشده. خواهش می‌کنم که در بیان نظرت، تجدید نظر کنی‌. من فکر
می‌کنم که حتا از آداب و رسوم ملی‌ ما هم بدور باشه که با خارجی‌‌ها
اینطور رفتار کنیم. همونطور که اون‌ها هم ما رو در کشور خودشون پذیرفتند و
با ما خشونت نکردند.


Please sign this petition to

by Amin Teimourian (not verified) on

Please sign this petition to protest Harman's comments:


Kaveh Nouraee

The best response?

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Vote her out of office in the next election. That will send a message that's loud and clear.


مریم و مزدک


باز که این  شخص بی سواد و متعصب و نفهم اومد که با حرفهای چرت و پرتش این بلاگ رو قبضه کنه!!!  این اصلا درک نمی کنه شما چی می گید، فقط میاد که پاچه بگیره! 


Video and petition:

by Anonymous2222 (not verified) on

Bahram Moshiri - Jane Harman at AIPAC - Balkanization of Iran


Petition: //www.petitiononline.com/iran200/petition.htm...

anonymous fish

then i suggest that it's a matter of semantics

by anonymous fish on

i personally don't think the government is the enemy of iran either.  i think that certain individuals have served both iran AND the US for their own evil intentions (read bush and cheney) but i personally believe that the government does seek peaceful relations.  especially now with obama.  and would you not agree that it's dangerous to use those kinds of inflammatory words?  do you want americans to consider iran their enemy?  do you want americans to call iranians monsters?  i surely do not!  neither iran nor iranians.  i just think it would behoove everyone to remember that this road runs both ways.  if you want the US and americans to consider iranians in a positive light, you must also give her the same consideration.  and it is my assumption that you mean what you say when you say you love america too.  i'll be the first one to admit she's not perfect.  i don't know anyone or any country that is. 

peace out.


Anonymous Fish

by Mazdak (not verified) on

Thanks for correcting the spelling of Mason-Dixon. Such are the perils of quickie notes. The essence of my note stands. I just wanted to put the shoe on the other foot. The footprint that Americans leave on the planet is massive. Next time you happen to be in New York, go to Time Square at night and see what I mean. Yes, it's spectacular but all that electricity is so wasteful. The “American way of life” is killing the planet, especially now that the Chinese and Indians want to emulate it. The US government has a finger in every pie in the world, interferes in everyone's affair. It's arrogance, pure and simple. Could you imagine if the president of Ukraine would come out back in 2000 US presidential election and say that if a fair resolution wasn’t reached to the crisis there would be consequences? And yet, that’s what Bush said about the election in Ukraine. Can you tell me if even the morons in power in Tehran have ever declared their goal towards the US as regime change? Are there any Iranian troops parked in Tijuana, or an Iranian armada in the Gulf of Mexico, ready to pounce on the US? Is the Iranian intelligence funding gangsters trying to start secessionist movements in say Alaska or Texas? As to your Southern heritage, it's nice to be proud of it, but remember that slavery and lynch mobs and Jim Crow laws were part of your heritage too. Are you man enough to own up to it, instead of coming on a site like this and lecturing us? It’s really ironic to hear the rhetoric of hurt from you. Poor Americans. They just can’t get any respect.

Maryam Hojjat

TO: Anonymous fish

by Maryam Hojjat on

I would like to clarify that I love America as my second country.  I love Americans as well, but if I consider American Govenment an  enemy of IRAN for sure because he is not a friend of IRAN.  Through history and particularly in past 30 years American Government has not done anything to help IRAN or IRANIANS who are hostages in the hands of mullahs in their own country.  In reality if you are aware it was American Govenment (Carter Admin) And Brit who brought Khomeini and other Akhoonds to power. Why? because of their own interests!

Down with IRI

anonymous fish

maryam... and others

by anonymous fish on

i sure am sorry to hear you say things like that.  i'm sorry you consider the US the "enemy".   and to think i was actually starting to buy into the "iranians love americans".  i guess "death to america" really isn't propaganda at all... is it.

clandestine operations against ANYONE aren't new.  it's not like iran has been cherry picked to spy on.  iran doesn't have spies anywhere?  tell me you don't believe that's true.

mazdak.  at least spell it right... mason-dixon.  :-).  and since iranians are so sensitive to insult themselves and never fail to point it out, then i'd like to register my complaint against the use of the word "redneck".  i'm a proud southerner and i resent the insult.

having said that.  i repeat that i think this whole thing is offensive to iran.  i still haven't had a chance to look it up and read the actual statement so i don't want to totally rely on second hand news though.


Mazdak,  brilliant idea!

by desi on

Mazdak,  brilliant idea!  I'll start the petition.  Those states are also the largest leaches on our economy.  That should be Harman's litmus test.  If it works then she can fozooli on Iranian affairs.


I think the US

by Mazdak (not verified) on

should be broken down along its many ethnic groups, at least along the Mason-Dickson line (the old redneck divide) to rid the world of its overbearing arrogance, its genocidal intents and its tremendous footprint on the planet's resources. While we're add it, we should also decide how to break up Jane Harman into pieces and preferably shove her head up her anus.


Jane Harman

by Annonymous (not verified) on

Before Jane Harman decides to bend over and grab her ankles in front of AIPAC she ought to do something about state of economy in her home state. What a mess!! I have always thought of California/ Californians as a bit weird! Folks who live their lives so carelessly. Folks who don't have a clue as to what is transpiring elsewhere in this world nor care to know. Last but not least, if I ever meet this whore I will tell her one thing....SHUT THE FUCK UP AND KISS MY HAIRY IRANIAN ASS!

Maryam Hojjat


by Maryam Hojjat on

Thanks for pointing out to this article. It helps Iranians to be aware of enemies' plan for us.  May GOD protect Iran from these monsters.

Payandeh IRAN & Iranians

Down with IRI

Maryam Hojjat

Dear Masood from America!

by Maryam Hojjat on

Thanks for your comments.  I enjoyed the Iranians National Unity Poem.  It is beautiful & meaningful.

Payandeh IRAN & Iranians

Down with IRI


Secret Funding by the US Congress


Dear Maryam, thanks for bringing this to attention and she should certainly be asked to clarify further!!!  As a matter of fact, as someone else says on this thread, she has only spoken the truth.  Disintegration of Iran, as part of the destabilisation plans and regime overthrow, has been on the US agenda for quite some time.  

Seymour Hersch, veteran US journalist, exposed the secret funding by the Bush administration which was approved secretly by the Congress to carry out this campaign of destabilisation which included training, funding, arming dissident groups including ethnic minorities and separatist movements to create an atmosphere of terror in Iran which would lead to regime overthrow and disintegration.  There is no doubt tiny rat republics are much more easily manageable than that beautiful proud large cat of ours.  

Here is the link to Semour Hersh's July 08 article in the New Yorker


He says:

"Clandestine operations against Iran are not new. United States Special Operations Forces have been conducting cross-border operations from southern Iraq, with Presidential authorization, since last year". ...  

"The covert activities involve support of the minority Ahwazi Arab and Baluchi groups [Jundollah] and other dissident organizations. They also include gathering intelligence about Iran’s suspected nuclear-weapons program".  

These include Azari groups as well as,

"The Kurdish party, PJAK, which has also been reported to be covertly supported by the United States, has been operating against Iran from bases in northern Iraq for at least three years. (Iran, like Iraq and Turkey, has a Kurdish minority, and PJAK and other groups have sought self-rule in territory that is now part of each of those countries.)".  PJAK is also armed and trained by Israel.  

Please read the whole article if you have not previously, it is extremely informative.  There is no indication that under the current Obama administration, the US funding of 400 million dollars approved by the Congress for destabilisation, regime change and disintegration has been withdrawn!!      This is Hersh's interview with Amy Goodman in Alternet:  //www.alternet.org/audits/89963/ 

 "The plan allowed up to $400 million in covert spending for activities ranging from supporting dissident groups to spying on Iran's nuclear program".

Some food for thought ...

مسعود از امریکا

مریم جان

مسعود از امریکا

بعد از خواندن این بلاگت دیروز صبح، به قدری از این موضوع عصبانی شدم، که این قطعه کوتاه را نوشتم برای تمام دشمنان ایران، من جمله خانم جین هارمون، و AIPAC :

تجـزیه ایـران عزیز - پیغـام به دشمنـان ایـران

متاسفانه، بضی از این دوستان یهودی ما، فراموش کرده اند که در عرض تاریخ، چه قدر ملت ایران، و رهبرانش چون کوروش و داریوش کبیر، انها را کمک کرده، و از نیست شدن نجات داده اند! خوب، درست است که این رژیم کنونی ایران، با اسراییل مخالفت دارد - ما هم با این رژیم کنونی ایران مخالفیم - ولی، این دلیل نمی شود که ایران عزیز را تجزیه کنیم ... وافعا این نطق ایشان، و نظری که عرضه کرده اند  را، باعث شرمندگی و تاسف می بینم ... امیدوارم که دوستان یهودی جلو امده، و ان را به طور کامل محکوم کنند - دوباره ممنونم!




You must be joking!!

by Kurush (not verified) on

Jane Harman is only being blunt and upfront about the real American intentions, good for her, at least she is being honest. Yet many Iranians, posting at this website, those who ask for the return of the Pahlavis, demise of the Islamic Republic, or even for so-called democracy in Iran are asking for precisely what Jane Harman asked for- for do you think that the restoration of the Pahlavis would come about without a civil war in Iran which would put an end to IRAN as we know it; or, what about those who want regime change, end of the IRI, what if they do get their wish, would you not think that the power struggle the would follow the end IRI would not throw Iran into a downward spiral; or even a so-called democracy would condemn Iran to years and years of factionalism, foreign powers' interventions, and end of Iran as we know it. Yet 90% of those who post at this website are asking for what Jane Harman had the temerity to express outright. At least she was not being devious. that is why I support IRI, it is the best thing that has happened to the Iranians given the armies of chaos & disintegration awaiting the opportune moment. If you think Iraq & Afghanistan are bad, wait till you get your wish with the Pahlavis ruling a bloody, torn Iran, political factions using terror to dominate the ballot box, famine, mayhem, burnt cities, starving Iranians selling their children to the highest bidder. Next time you ask for the return of Pahlavis, regime change, more democracy, just think through the consequences of your obsessions.


Huh?  What does she mean by

by desi on

Huh?  What does she mean by break down?  Like provinces secede?  Like Gilan being it's own ethnic group and Sistan Baluchestan be its own?  She needs to buy cliff notes on Iran and take a crash course on geopolitics.  She also needs to jump ship already and register as a Republican.  Che Mozaghrafati.


Jane Harman an AIPAC supporter

by For Greater Iran (not verified) on

She is a strong supporter of AIPAC and her vote is always against Iran and Iranian people. She should be voted out of office by the people of her district. Currently she is being investigated for the wire tapping.