Without You

Without You
by Latina

Like the moth to the flame

Your affection drew me near

Only to be scorched by you

Time and time again

The wounds getting deeper

Why can't I, simply walk away?!

It hurts too much to stay

Yet, when I walk away

My body becomes so numb

You are like the air that I breathe

So difficult to breathe without you

So painful, as I gasp for enough air

Slowly, life begins to drain from me

Nothing matters to me now

No joy, no laughter, no light within

Just a hollow shell remains

Of what used to be........as one



  Copyright © Latina


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by Latina on

Christina Aguilera, Pero Me Acuerdo de ti:  //youtu.be/-hMC8pQkEmk

Demi Lovato, Did you forget?  //youtu.be/oYDDiqhhzbQ

James Morrison, Broken Strings:  //youtu.be/26PAgklYYvo





by Latina on



Thank you very much for your kinds words. :o)





Thank you!


Nice Poem

by Albaloo on

Nice Poem  



by yolanda on

Hi Natalia,

      Very passionate poem! Thank you for sharing! I think poets and poetesses are very romantic and sentimental people! That is why they can come up with powerful and emotive poems!

Welcome back!

Esfand Aashena

Natalie u were the1 who introduced us2 a bucket o whipped cream!

by Esfand Aashena on


Everything is sacred



by Latina on

Mohammad Ala,

 Yes, it is true, it has been awhile. Thank you for your Spanish. I hope that all is well with you and your family.

Best Always!




 You always want to solve everything with food. If things in life were only that simple. 


Esfand Aashena

Natalie nice poem! Nothing a bucket of whipped cream cant solve!

by Esfand Aashena on

I think it really is a nice poem.  Perhaps a parody of it can be made where a "bucket of whipped cream" can be worked into the poem at some point! 

Everything is sacred

Mohammad Ala

Poema agradable.

by Mohammad Ala on

Tiempo largo nada poste de usted. ¡Apesadumbrado para mi español pobre!