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Khodadad Rezakhani
by Khodadad Rezakhani

امروز روزی است که کورش کبير منشورش را به عنوان اولين اعلاميه حقوق بشر صادر کرد و به همه فهماند که ايرانی ها از همان زمان باستان با حق و حقوق همه بنی بشری غير از هموطنان خودشان آشنا بوده اند.

امروز روزی است که اشو زرتشت قوانين انسانيش را در مورد اصالت تعقل و اصول تکخدايی به از جانب خداوندگار يگانه به او نازل شده بود به ملت عرضه کرد و به همه نشان داد که ايرانی ها از اول دين تک خدايی داشته اند و از همه قبل تر به اين مرحله پيشرفته دينی رسيده بودند.

امروز روزی است که داريوش کتيبه بيستون را نقش کرد و در آن از دروغ دوری جست و به راستی رو آورد و به همه نشان داد که ايرانی ها از اول هم با دروغ دشمن بوده اند و هميشه راست می گفته اند.

امروز روزی است که خسرو انوشه روان دادگاه معروفش را شکل داد و به همه نشان داد که ايرانی ها قبل از همه به اصول عدالت و دادخواهی اهميت می داده اند.

امروز روزی است که باربد و نکيسا با هم تمام گوشه های موسيقی را اختراع کردند و به همه نشان دادند که ايرانی ها قبل از همه مردم دنيا با دستگاه های موسيقی آشنا بوده اند.

امروز روزی است که روزبه پور بابک به قيام برعليه حکومت منحط و نژادپرست اعراب کثيف بيابان گرد سربرداشت و به همه نشان داد که ايرانيان پاک آريايی هيچگاه به زير يوغ اعراب بی فرهنگ و کثيف در نمی آيند.

(از آنجايی که هرروز مناسبت تازه ای برای نشان دادن گل سرسبد بودن ملت آريايی به ميان می آيد، فکر کردم بد نيست اصلا" هرروز را به اثبات برتری ايرانيان اختصاص دهيم. خودتان را زياد برای دقت و مدرک اذيت نکنيد)


more from Khodadad Rezakhani

The Persians are the custodian of all civilizations

by Irooni (not verified) on

If it wasn't for great Persian civilization none of existing civilizations would be where they are now.
Every advancement in social, science, art, and technology is influenced by Persians. The whole world owes us, the Iranians, a great deal of gratitude.


Iranian Nationality is a priviliage

by Iran and Iranian (not verified) on


Re: So what's your point?

by jamshid on

First of all why are you attacking only the pre-Islamic history of Iran? What about Ali and Hossein or even Mohamad (L)? And the Safavids and Shia?


Second, what is your point? You want to say that NOTHING about our pre-Islamic history is worthy and true? You are wrong. It sounds more like the rubbish that is taught in the "hoozeye jahlieyey ghom"...


Shame on you. I am ashamed to call you an Iranian.


Zartosht, was the Greatest Iranian Teacher and Philosopher

by Zartosht (not verified) on

Khodadad gerami,
Thanks for your article. But remember one important issue here. Zartosht was a greatest Iranian teacher and philosopher. He recognized his God on the basis of his wisdom and never assumed prophethood. He never claimed that he had been designated to bring any message from God to human beings. His philosophy was based on Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds and united ancient Iranians into a way of life that guided them for centuries. He was a great spiritual leader of profound and lasting significance.


History Lessons

by A Persian (not verified) on

Hello Khodadad,

We had a discussion a week or so ago on another subject. Your post is pretty interesting. While I get the message, one has to be careful not to give amunition to some who deny the very exeistence of Iran's history. I do not know if you have heard or seen some of their activities, but they are Iranians who have written books and have set up websites dedicated to denying the whole history of Iran. I do not want to cite the website here because I do not want to give these idiots any publicity...but they are out there...and are very active. Pretty scary!!



by Farbors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

I am afraid the khosro has not done any justice at all. all the myths about the old danky and likewise stories should not have been authentic. But how about the actual history? the history of the present life? may be some like just to acknowlledge the following: Where the devils fear to tread: CIA Director Michael Hayden says: The fact that the CIA destroyed at least two video tapes showing the 2002 interrogation of two prisoners at the Guantanamo Bay is a manifest obstruction of justice by a government widely recognized for its atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan.

[The rest of this message was deleted because of the lack of relevance to the subject of the post.]