STOP illegal distribution of Iranian Music

by Kalvoks

The numbers of Iranian artists are dwindling due to lack of support.

They are doing it for the love of the art and not financial gain. They
really need our support to survive.

The other day while searching for Iranian music, I came across this site:

I must admit, I did download a few songs. Later, I realized it was not right

thing to do.

The site is located in the US. It
distributes copy righted Iranian music freely.

What can we do to make sure our Iranian artists are protected and supported?


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Well I see where you are

by pooneh dokhtareh ashpazkhooneh (not verified) on

Well I see where you are going with this. But what about the consumer?
Here are 2 examples of how I cannot afford to pay for a lot of music that I enjoy:

- There is a Police concert next door to me. The cheapest ticket is 100$ for behind the stage!!!

- Have you even asked about Madonna tickets? Or Barbara Steisand? Or even our good old Bijan Mortazavi? I think the cost is astronomical. I've seen Sinead Oconner, James Brown, Strunz and Farah, Bob Dylan, Foo Fighters and many Iranian acts. But all through very careful financial planning. That doesn't even include movies, theatre and other artistic events I try to attend.

- Sure if you buy one or 2 cds...I get it. But I listen to a lot of music. I had to pay $65 dollars for an Agheelee collection and another $65 for Delkash collection for my mom. Some of the cds stopped working after one or 2 turns. COME ON!!!

- Most of the artist are neither poor nor starving. But that has nothing to do with it. Like I said, in principle you are right. The artists worked to produce something and there is a cost to that. They should at least break even if not...make more. I agree. But if these artists and recording companies had been fair to the consumer, you wouldn't be looking at the disaster of piracy today.

- I do pay money for music. Lots of it. But only if I've tested it and liked it and the music has earned my soul. Otherwise, I hold on to my money. Call me whatever you want.

ladan K

Een Ham Dozdieh!

by ladan K on

Justify it as you want Pooneh (and all who think like her) but stealing is wrong. Period. But to steal music from poor, starving artists that you claim to enjoy is just nothing more than theft and it makes you nothing more than garden variety theives.  Khejalat bekeshin!

 Most Iranian artists do not have a record company. They put up their own hard earned money into producing an album and they hardly ever get their money back!  Thanks to people like Pooneh!  

Think about this next time before you steal from one another. And FORCE your conscience to do the right thing!  It's always easier to take the low road, but it makes you slimey and dirty,

I don't know about you, but my character and conscience are worth more than a $15!



In principle you are right

by pooneh dokhtareh ashpazkhooneh (not verified) on

In principle you are right because dowloading is unfair to the artist. But the consumer's purchasing power has been ignored for decades. And we've had it!
Artists should make a good living but the recording industry has never cared about my pocket book.
So be it! I sleep comfortably at night.
I will pay for music that ends up being a part of my life. Otherwise, please provide more links.