The right to be


Jahanshah Javid
by Jahanshah Javid

Writing is hard for me. Expressing anything is potentially (usually) problematic. Expressing something requires thinking and I'm not good at that. Or maybe it's just that I can't make up my mind and come to a clear conclusion. Should I oppose Bush more than Ahmadinejad or the other way around? Should I condemn human rights violations when Iran is under immense international pressure? Would that undermine Iran's right to nuclear technology for peaceful purposes -- including enrichment? Shish... man cheh midoonam!

If I'm going to say something in public I better make sure I have something half-intelligent to say. But that may be the biggest problem. Every time I want to write something I remind myself that for too many years, I was a Khomeini supporter. It's almost as bad as being a Bush supporter, but not quite :o)))

In fact, I may have to mention my years as a young, dumb supporter of the Islamic Republic every time I publish something -- just to make sure nobody takes me seriously. I want readers to say, Sheesh... what does this Hezbollahi ass-kisser have to say? And it makes me feel even better knowing that another segment of readers think that I'm a neo-con or Shahi or British, Israeli or American spy. (Personally I would prefer to be a Dutch spy. I love everything about Holland.)

So I'm thoroughly aware of my lack of qualification to express anything half-intelligent in half-decent English. (Have I crushed myself enough? The self-punishment never stops :o)... Hey boys and girls: If you get involved in a political or religious cause, do not surrender yourself completely to anyone, any group or any idea. Keep an open mind. No leader, government or religion is perfect. There's never ever ever ever any justification for defending, accepting or ignoring violence against a human being for political or religious reasons at any time, EVEN IN A TIME OF WAR. If you do, you will turn into me. You don't want to have a guilty-conscience for the rest of your life, do you?)

(The ground has been shaking for minutes in my Albany, California, apartment across San Francisco Bay. Is it another earthquake? I have felt at least five in as many months, including one just last Tuesday. I bet we're going to be hit with a giant earthquake soon. They say big quakes happen after a series of smaller ones. They said so on the Discovery channel the other night. But now I realize that the shaking is not from the ground, rather it's my knees rattling as a result of the two caffeine pills I took to stay awake to finish this blog. Such dedication!)


I started this blog to ask this: Have you noticed we have no respect for our opponents? We don't recognize the legitimacy of their existence only because they have a different opinion than mine and yours. Just look at the way we tear our best and brightest to pieces. It's an epidemic. Ideological opponents dismiss rivals in absolutist terms.

I sense the venom in attacks against a wide range of distinguished Iranians such as Abbas Milani, Nasser Zarafshan, Hamid Dabashi, Azar Naficy, Shirin Ebadi, Mehrangiz Kar, Shahrnush Parsipur, Ebrahim Nabavi, Hossein Derakhshan, Mehdi Khalaji, even Anooshe Ansari -- and it drives me crazy when this much energy is put into destroying them with vicious, sweeping stabs. Don't you see the anger in your voice and the hate in your heart? Chetooneh?

Have you ever considered that maybe Reza Pahlavi and Abdolkarim Soroush are very different but equally legitimate? Or the Mojahedin, Tudeh, Fadaian, Nehzat Azadi, Jebhe Melli... It's the same story with political groups, only worse. They can't even shake hands, compromise or form simple alliances.

We must have a particular gene that tells us our fellow Iranian opponents are entirely wrong, vile, stupid, ugly and treacherous, which "proves" they are indeed beasts, unworthy of basic respect and life. We are unable to separate the basic integrity of every person from their particular politics or religion.

Am I talking nonsense?

The bottom line is I hate fights.


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Ben Madadi


by Ben Madadi on

Yes, you are bad, but not worse than me! You are polite though ;)


What about the corpse?

by Ardeshir Keyvan (not verified) on

So basically you are saying we should recognize and respect every point of view and insight which it can be anything and of course nazism, facism,...

I think part of the reason of existence of these hatred comments in your website is Islamic revolution in Iran which created a sea of blood in between of Iranians.

In the begining they (all the revolutionary people) started to massacare any single individual who was related to the ex-regime regardless of the role, later Khomeini started to kill his allies and Mojahedin started to do the same as well...

So dear Jahanshah you see the situation is not that simple. It's not just different opinions. It is about piles of dead bodies.


Individual's dignity is sacrosanct

by sz (not verified) on

On that score we are in full agreement, the dignity of individual is sacrosanct, it is the automatic insurance that some infer from that dignity to cover other aspects of life that I was referring to. BTW you misunderstood my point; I did not read your post as anything but as you stated it. I assure you that people of our generation have enough guilt to go around; sometimes I feel we are collectively prequalified to become Catholics.

Jahanshah Javid

Separation of ideas & individuals

by Jahanshah Javid on

Thanks SZ, "Broad stroke of forgiving brush"
I guess the two sections of the blog can imply that I am personally asking for forgiveness. That was not my intention. I will always feel guilty, don't you worry. And I deserve everything I get. But what I'm trying to say is that we need to separate ideas from people. Criticize all you want, prosecute for any crimes committed... question and expose any idea you like, but we can't question the very basic integrity of individuals because of their point of view. Attack the message.

Jahanshah Javid

fallible human brain

by Jahanshah Javid on

Thanks Daryush,
There is no definite and absolute right or wrong in politics or anything else. Everything in politics and religion is objective -- the product of the fallible human brain. We take political sides against this issue or in support of that leader, but denying the legitimacy and basic right of your opponent to exsist, organize and speak freely is fundamental.


Broad stroke of forgiving brush

by sz (not verified) on

Yes in my opinion you are. You start well and then go on tangent and mix apples and oranges. It is one thing to be admiringly brave to face up to the past misdeeds, publicly at that, assuming that is what you think of your past, and quite another to paint all with a broad stroke of forgiving brush. In your list of luminaries there are those who not only avoid facing up to theirs by now well known missteps, they just simply deny it ever happened. Case in point is Mr. Soroush and his active and very public participation in Cultural Revolution, the closure of universities and summary dismissal of hundreds of lecturers solely based on their perceived suspect ideological leanings. If one were to perpetually forget the unrectified past, or at least the admittance to such misdeeds, wouldn’t the repetition of them be an almost guaranteed occurrence? Haven’t we through ages done enough of that in Iran?


I could see your point

by Daryush on

Unfortunately in politics there is a definite right and
wrong. It's the lesser of two evils most of the time that one must choose. Now
in philosophy the rules are different. Most of the discussion on this site is
political so the people must become more informed that they make a right
decision for the lesser of the evils.


what the fuck

by gooloo (not verified) on

write a fucking book, asshole


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